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Windiest Road in Australia – The Gilles Highway

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Feel like making someone you don’t like a bit car sick? First, tell them that you’re going to drive them on this road..

Atlas Mountains - Road Near Marrakech, Not Windiest Road In Australia!
This isn’t Australia’s windiest road – this one is from Morocco!

Say you’re just joking, and then take them up or down the windiest road in Australia! Along with a few spew bags!

If you’re wondering where this road is – it’s the called Gilles Highway, which runs from the town of Gordonvale which is just south of Cairns (and famous for Cane Toad World and the Nibble Nobby’s Nuts sign) and runs up the Gilles Range to the towns of Yungaburra and Atherton.

This road travels through a number of summits and has an insane 263 turns in only 19 kilometres of road (11 miles) over an elevation change of 800 m over the same distance. That’s one turn on average every 72 metres! Some are much more shorter than the others!

This means that the entire journey is just a series of twists and turns which sounds like a good excuse for a silly Top Gear Challenge.

Anyway, if you can’t take your car sick prone friend to Australia for the trip, find the nearest IMAX theatre to you and get them to play this video clip:

The Gilles Highway Road Trip – The Windiest Road in Australia

There you go – some more useless trivia from The Travel Tart that you’ll probably never use!

Make sure your car has good brakes otherwise it might go off the edge like many have on The World’s Most Dangerous Road in Bolivia!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Lava Tubes in Australia - Undara Volcanic National Park Experience

Hope you don’t have to clean your computer screen after viewing this!

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

8 thoughts on “Windiest Road in Australia – The Gilles Highway”

  1. Avatar Of Rebecca

    haha great article! Have never even heard of this road and yet I have lived here in oz most of my life!

  2. Avatar Of Gaz

    I live near the Gillies Range, & it makes me spew! I actually just call it the ‘Vomitron Range’ now. If we ‘must’ drive down it, I either have to be behind the wheel of the car, or I have to put my seat right back (so I’m as reclined as possible) I brace both my feet flat against the floor of the car (so I can absorb any swaying) and I close my eyes as tight as possible… it works for me!

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