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What Business is This? Find Out From The Mural On The Outside!

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I love this about Africa. There’s no need for signs or writing. Loud and colourful paintings will do! Check out the photo below of the following Business I spotted near Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

Now it’s time to play What Business Is This? It should be fairly easy to work out just by looking at the facade.

What Business Is Shown In this Picture?

What Business Is This? Hair And Beauty Dar Es Salaam Tanzania Africa

Instead of simply painting a sign that says ‘Hair and Beauty for Ladies‘, this building was covered in murals depicting what business this was instead! Almost as innovative as the photo and printer guy in Indonesia.

This awesome piece of business decoration was spotted on the outskirts of Dar es Salaam, in Tanzania.  In the western world, boring council by-laws prevents this kind of creativity from being unleashed! But in Africa, anything goes, and local business owners see the opportunities and innovation in expressing themselves for all to see.

I’m guessing that this front mural is a product of the environment. Literacy rates in Africa are pretty dismal, hence pictures depicting things on the side of the road make no mistake for potential customers that walk past the shop.

Note that there is no actual written sign either on the store front! This is gold!

Take note of the detail here – a woman who is looking pretty flash after donning a heap of make up, plus a heap of beauty products on the left hand side that includes lipstick, make up, and other unidentified objects that tend to fill up the hand bags of women all around the world! Plus a large painting of some lotion on the front door just to be absolutely certain.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  African Animals and Landscapes - Photos That Make You Want To Ditch Your Fluorescent Prison Called The Office!

Africa is a great source of offbeat signs and paintings. If you are after more cool signs, check out the very funny Signspotting!

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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1 thought on “What Business is This? Find Out From The Mural On The Outside!”

  1. Avatar Of Jessi

    These are all fantastic! Great quality too.

    I stumbled upon your site looking for funny things in and around Tanzania for a video I am doing for a group of friends moving there. These are perfect.

    I wanted to get your permission, of course, if I could us the pictures in this video.

    The video will not be sold, and will be viewed mainly by my friends who know the people moving there, but I will gladly credit you and your site at the end so they know more about the location and can venture online to your page as well.

    If you have any questions, let me know! Thanks!

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