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Warning Signs That Are Useless – Do Not Cross at The Grand Canyon

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Today’s WTF Travel Photo is of the Warning Signs at the Grand Canyon – probably one of the most useless advisory messages I’ve ever come across!

Warning signs, like to Do Not Mountain Bike Down The Bobsled one in Vancouver, are usually there for a reason! That’s because there’s an immediate danger if you deviate from the warning, or because someone has been silly enough to challenge for a Darwin Award beforehand!

Check it out!

Warning Signs – What The?

Warning Signs Useless Do Not Cross Grand Canyon

See those people right on the edge of the Grand Canyon? Well there’s about a couple hundred metres of air between the ledge and certain death! They’ve probably just finished their lunch at the Guano Cafe.

Unfortunately, that single piece of rope isn’t quite enough of a deterrent to stop death defying tourists from crossing over the line!

I think these people were trying to avoid the cover charge to try the Grand Canyon Skywalk and thought the more riskier option of having no safety barricades might save a few bucks!

This is surprising, considering the litigious environment that exists in the United States!

Oh well!

More Warning Signs Stuff

For more Warning Signs that could have been useful, maybe they should have used the following sign: NO TRESPASSING: Violators Will Be Shot!

And also the Fire Danger Rating and Fatigue Zone Trivia, and the Best Road Safety Sign ever.

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9 thoughts on “Warning Signs That Are Useless – Do Not Cross at The Grand Canyon”

  1. Avatar Of Marina K. Villatoro

    US is known for their useless warning signs. I live in Guatemala and my hubby is Guatemalan. We visited Palm beach and I took a photo of the warning signs and don’t do signs. It literally took up 2 huge polls.

    We went from zero warnings – do whatever the f**k you want, to don’t walk on the beach in ripped sneakers:)

  2. Avatar Of Pat Bean

    Have you heard the song “Here’s my sign” for stupidity. Love it, and your blog.

  3. Avatar Of Mike

    It’s crazy but as an owner of a few businesses if you don’t put up the stupid signs then you get stupid lawsuits. It’s a sad fact but either way it’s entertaining to see a few of the more extreme signs out there and I think some businesses may even use it as a marketing technique because they know the sign will get into some photos and people will link to where they saw it.

  4. Avatar Of Turtle

    The Grand Canyon sign is gold!

    I put a stupid warning sign from the NYC subway up on my blog the other day: Sign of the New York times

    “Step over the gap, not in it”, it advises. Lucky the sign was there, or who knows where I would’ve ended up! 🙂

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