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Twitter Travel – Travel Advice In Real Time!

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Twitter Travel – Travel Advice Online!

Recently, I did a bit of a junket to the Coffs Harbour region, in the mid North Coast of New South Wales Australia for Tourism NSW and really enjoyed it (see more at Dune Buggy Tours and Segway Rides). The aim of this trip was to be guided around various things to do around the Coffs Harbour region via Twitter by @MatildaBrown, Tourism NSW Ambassador. In other words, Twitter Travel!

The aim of this program was to promote regional New South Wales to the 18-30 year old market who can follow the Twitter hashtag, #NSW Tips. Yes, there is more to New South Wales (and for that matter, Australia), than Sydney!

Anyway, the Twitter Travel journey brought me to a number of experiences – such as:

This is an example of the Twitter Travel Feed that came out from the trip.

Twitter Travel - Travel Advice

Twitter Travel Video

As part of this Twitter Travel experience, a film crew followed me around all day and this is the end result.

Bear in mind, I’ve never had media training and still feel a tad uncomfortable in front of the camera, but the camera and edit crew did an awesome job of piecing together some of my nonsense dribble into something not too bad!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Travel Alerts - Warnings We'd Love To See!

I might be challenging Asha Gill for her Travel TV Presenting job… not!

Try not to laugh at the overacting.

Just remember, there were a lot of stuff ups that were edited out!


I can see the TV networks scrambling to contact me now… ;P

In fact, I really enjoyed this experience because it was totally new for me!

For More Twitter Travel stuff, check out Twitter for Travelers and Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets.


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2 thoughts on “Twitter Travel – Travel Advice In Real Time!”

  1. Avatar Of Twitter Tragic
    Twitter Tragic

    This is happening more and more where people check out twitter for inspiration and tips! This looked like a whole lot of fun! And you were sent on this trip! Awesome!

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