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Trips and Tours In Japan – The G Adventures Option and Review

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Some Japanese Trip and Tour Stuff!

I’ve just come back from my first official gig as a Wanderer in Residence for G Adventures.  What this means is that they have a partnership with a number of travel bloggers who will go on a number of their trips around the world and write about it. The travel bloggers have a great time, and G Adventures gets some exposure for it.

So it’s a Win:Win Situation!

Anyway, I had to go on one before the end of the year, and I decided to go to a place that was relatively close to Australia, where I hadn’t been before, and a trip that was short-ish. So I decided to check out a Trip to Japan for a change. This was also my first ever trip with G Adventures, so I was keen to find out what they were all about. It wasn’t kind of like a blind date where you wonder if the other party is a psychopath and going to kill you, but this was new territory for both of us!

Now, I don’t know that much about Japan. I know a lot of my household gadgets are made there. My car was made there.  They’re well known for their funny Engrish and crazy television shows. But to actually go there and see the place and what was all about is another thing altogether – and I love soaking up whatever the culture likes to throw at me. I like to get behind the psychology of the place to see what makes it tick.

I’m sure Japan has been suffering economically and emotionally since the earthquake and tsunami. It’s probably not the biggest hot spot for many travellers at the moment. But 120 million people have to live here, and they’re doing great!

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Tokyo Tourist Attractions

In terms of travelling to Japan – I could have easily done this myself. It’s one of the safest places I’ve ever been to in the world. No need to wear a money belt here. Everyone is extremely friendly and courteous, and it’s one of the best examples of social harmony I’ve come across in my travels – ever. Their public transport system is the best I’ve experienced in the world. If the train says it is leaving at 10.27 am, it leaves at 10.27 am and zero seconds. It will take to where you want to go, where another train or subway will be there waiting for you at the platform. The food is sensational, and it’s easy to order because all you have to do is to point to a plastic model of it and you can be reasonably comfortable it will be not just edible, but delicious. And the beer is pretty good too.

So if it’s easy to travel in Japan, why bother going on a G Adventures Trip there?

Well, I found out there are a number of distinct advantages when travelling in a semi-organised trip. When I mean semi-organised, I mean that many things were optional, and the CEO (Chief Experience Officer) would provide some tips and guidance and the rest is up to you!

G Adventures Tours And Trips - Japan

Advantages of a G Adventures Trip to Japan

This is what I liked about the type of trip I went on (called a YOLO style – You Only Live Once):

  • Flexibility. I’m not a fan of being like a sheep and herded around in a bus all day – that’s my worst travel nightmare. We only used public transport – what the locals use;
  • Options – there were times where the CEO took our small group (9 of us) around to see some of the highlights and off the beaten path places of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, but then there was free time to do your own thing, whatever that wanted to be;
  • Beating the Language Barrier – I’m terrible because I speak no Japanese, and the locals don’t speak much English. Having a bi-lingual guide cuts through this often frustrating barrier and this leads to some great experiences, like finding some cool out of the way bars and pubs;
  • Local Tips – things like what to drink, what to eat, and to do things like the Japanese do. I don’t travel to another country to try and see more of my own; and
  • Time Efficiency – I could have done this trip in Japan no problems, however it would have taken me longer because I was provided with some great tips that saved me time and effort – instead of fart arsing around with guide books and maps to work out what the hell I was doing.
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What’s also good about this? Well you get to eat out at the local places where the locals go. I didn’t see any other foreigners (or gaijin in Japanese) in the places we ate out at.

Tours In Japan - Tokyo Asakusa Area

Anyway, here is an interview with Alain, the CEO who was involved on our trip from G Adventures about visiting Japan.

I had a great time on my Japanese trip – and I’m looking forward to continuing the relationship with G Adventures for the long term!
Kom pay! (Japanese for cheers!).

More Japan Trip and Tour Stuff

Anyway, I have a tonne of funny travel photos from my Trip and Tour to Japan that I’ll drip feed out on the site over the next couple of months, and there is some gold there – stay tuned!

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10 thoughts on “Trips and Tours In Japan – The G Adventures Option and Review”

  1. Avatar Of Nikki

    I first went on a group tour when I went to Israel and I loved it. We got into most places quicker than solo travellers and even got to less know places, such as a garden on the mount of Olives that we had to ourselves. The other bonus was having an amazing group of people to travel with. We sang together in an old church, had fun on the bus, and had group discussions in the evening that were informative and fun.,
    I usually get around by house sitting so I spend up to two months in one place and have plenty of time to explore. For shorter trips, especially when I have paid a lot to travel there, I prefer a group tour.
    Now that I have read this, I might consider a tour to Japan. Thanks

    1. Avatar Of Anthony The Travel Tart

      No worries! I must admit, it does save a lot of time when you are pointed in the right direction. But it’s horses for courses – it’s not for everyone, but I did like the flexibility of this trip which did avoid the cattle herd form of travel! Thanks for the comment.

  2. Avatar Of Cheap Flights To Kuala Lumpur
    Cheap Flights to kuala lumpur

    For the born traveller, travelling is a besetting vice. Like other vices, it is imperious, demanding its victim’s time, money, energy and the sacrifice of comfort.

  3. Avatar Of Adventure Tours India
    adventure tours india

    Japan is a good country for enjoy a adventure tours if any one want to enjoy a group adventure then japan is the best.

  4. Avatar Of Sunny

    Ihave had a few stopovers by myself in Japan and got to visit downtown Tokyo. Every time I was there,however, I would get lost or confused with the public transportation system, thus I would end up doing less than what I had plan to do in a short amount of time. Next time I visit Tokyo again, I will definitely consider taking this tour! Thanks for sharing the review!

      1. Avatar Of Sunny

        And, what other cities would you recommend besides Tokyo if you have visited any other cities?

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