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Tribal Textiles in Zambia – An African Art Economic Success Story

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Tribal Textiles is located near South Luwangwa National Park, in eastern Zambia. Many people stop by here on the way or to this great national park, but it is definitely worth checking out in terms of a business that is making a difference to the life of many Zambians.

The business was established in 1991, and specialises in traditional products and provides jobs for over 150 people.  These kind of products include clothes, paintings, sheets, bed covers, and almost anything else you can make from a piece of fabric. Even though it’s located in a pretty isolated part of southern Africa, products are exported world wide, and funds are directly channelled back into the local community. Travellers can buy goods directly from the factory if they stop by and visit, which you are most welcome to do.

Tribal Textiles – African Good News Story

I visited Tribal Textiles in 2008, and they look pretty well set up and organised.  It was great to see something so positive in one of the poorest parts of Africa.

You can see more information on what they do at their website.

Here are some photos from the Tribal Textiles Factory that I took when wandering around.

For example, checking out works in progress.

Tribal Textiles In Zambia Africa

Lots of colourful products that would make a nice addition to a kid’s bedroom.

African Animals Kids Blanket

Finishing off with the end product.

African Economic Success Story - Tribal Art And Patterns.

Tribal Textiles – an attraction in it’s own right.

If you are ever around South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, it’s definitely worth visiting Tribal Textiles. This is a great example of how such a simple concept can help locals earn enough money to put food on the table.

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It’s almost as entrepreneurial as Growing Hemp For Profit!

Also, if you’re interested in the region, check out Zambia Safari – The Luangwa Valley & Kafue Flats.

Other things from Zambia:

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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10 thoughts on “Tribal Textiles in Zambia – An African Art Economic Success Story”

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      It was great to see something so positive in Africa, instead of the endless poverty. Just shows the continent has so much potential!

  1. Avatar Of Andy

    Yeah..indeed very true. Though some parts of Africa is known for poverty, it’s really great to know that they have something to be proud of and not just on poverty. Like shown above, Tribal Textiles are I think world class quality. It’s beautiful! Great piece of art.

  2. Avatar Of Safari Tanzania
    Safari Tanzania

    Great blog post, I saw a similar handmade art and craft place in Arusha which employed mainly disabled people who didn’t have much opportunity for employment nor could claim any benefits. I was amazed at some of the great things they were making from recycled items such as glass bottles.

    You are correct Anthony, Africa has SO much potential!

  3. Avatar Of Gorilla Trekking
    Gorilla Trekking

    When it comes to art and craft,Africa is a well known continent.Its art piece speak louder than words.Each picture has its own meaning attached to its culture.Thanks for the information.gorilla trekking

  4. Avatar Of Tana Khaki

    Women in Africa are well known to do this activity perfectly well.The pictures are so wonderful.safari clothing

  5. Avatar Of Bret @ Green Global Travel

    I swear I could look at African arts and crafts all day. When I went to South Africa, even stuff was fairly inexpensive, I ended up buying over $500 worth of masks, baskets, wood cravings, swords, etc and having them shipped back home. Can’t imagine how much I’ll spend when I finally make it back, now that I actually have some money…

  6. Avatar Of Tanzania Safari
    Tanzania safari

    Wow, what an amazing textile workshop! Theres a similar one in Arusha, Tanzania for glass work.

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