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Travel TV – Some Funny Travel Television Shows

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Check out my Funny Travel Shows list!

Travel TV seems to be littered with a heap of (lucky) hosts scoring junkets to all ends of the Earth.  Mind you, some of them stay in places that cost the entire Gross Domestic Product of a Pacific Island nation per night, which is totally unrealistic for most backpackers on a tight budget.

But there are a few out Funny Travel TV shows out there that are worth watching for a good chuckle if you can get your hands on the footage.

Here are a few of my favourites:

Some Funny Travel TV Shows

Gerhard Reinke’s Wanderlust

Gerhard is a piss your pants funny ‘German’ with a great sense of humour and irony.  Wanderlust is a fictional TV show, and Gerhard travels around the world and makes fun of himself, and many of the places he visits.

Travel Tv - Funny Travel Television Shows

This show was produced for Comedy Central and became a cult classic.  Check out some Gerhard’s his travel tips!

Race Around The World

This was a series aired in Australia in the late 1990s.  Contestants were selected to travel around the world to video their journeys, and then they would send their videos home to be edited and aired on the show.  The main reason this show was funny was for one person – John Safran.  John has done a number of Funny Television TV shows since, such as John Safran vs God (imagine this: him knocking on the door of Mormons in Utah telling people how good Atheism is..).

He is as mad as a cut snake but made his name in this series.  He’s placed curses on his ex-girlfriend in Africa, been baptized in a river full of bilharzia, and in this video, he goes to Israel and tries to help is football team win by inserting prayers into the wailing wall.  He then tries to retrieve a football he’s kicked into Lebanon, and does a nude run down in Jerusalem.  That’s what made the show!

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The Amazing Race

Sorry, I can’t take The Amazing Race seriously (check out a previous post I did about The Amazing Race – If Everyone Travelled Like Their Contestants).

Man vs Wild

Man vs Wild seems to be a fusion of an insane person (Bear Grylls) taking Adventure Travel to a whole new level.  Some of the things he does for survival include eating raw insects, sleeping inside a camel carcass to escape a sand storm, and ingesting carcass maggots.  Hilarious.

Check out some footage of him eating some larvae.

Francescos Mediterranean Voyage

Many of the shots are of him in this series getting pissed with the locals, followed by the following morning’s hungover footage.  Actually, Francesco is an affable character and he gets stuck into doing anything as a cultural excuse, such as Turkish Wrestling whilst being covered in olive oil.

Anyway, if you like your Wandlerlust with a Laugh, check out some of these Funny Travel TV Shows!

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12 thoughts on “Travel TV – Some Funny Travel Television Shows”

  1. Avatar Of Sasha

    Oh no Getaway!!! Quality show that is!!! 😛

    I’ve gotta say Bear Grylls what a champ i love that guy!!! Even though i know every episode is the same but just eating a bug in a different location i still would religiously watch it!!! Oh if only i could watch it in China so sad 🙁

  2. Avatar Of Thomas

    Bear Grylls really is as crazy as his name suggests. In one episode he bit into the raw carcass of a Deer like a wild animal. I’m not sure I could sleep inside a dead Camel if my life depended on it!
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..What Are the Benefits of Running Barefoot? =-.

  3. Avatar Of Marta

    that are so funny. man vs wild is my fav altough sometimes it’s hard to
    watch him swallow funny things and i have been follow francesco adventures too. i know another hilarious travel show but that’s in italian sorry but in case you want to check it out it’s turistipercaso

  4. Avatar Of Ashlee Carrales
    Ashlee Carrales

    You just boosted my confidence. I had almost dropped the idea of my new project which is very similar. Nice to see that others see it the same way.

  5. Avatar Of Eurobeeno

    Gerhard Reinke – where can I see more of those insightful tips – funny blooming hilarious. If it don’t fit in the pack – – put it back – invaluable.
    .-= EuroBeeno´s last blog ..Bangkok, Thailand =-.

  6. Avatar Of Jonathan White
    Jonathan White

    Race around the world was entertaining for one series. It was won of the first almost reality television shows. Some of the episodes were very funny, though some were just silly.
    .-= Jonathan White´s last blog ..Explore The Heart Of New Mexico =-.

  7. Avatar Of Alicia True Blood
    Alicia True Blood

    I envy Justine Shapiro of Globe Trekker. She gets to travel so many places on earth. And the hosts of the luxury lifestyle travel shows live the life and travel the way we can only dream of. sigh…

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