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Travel Podcast From The Travel Tart – My First Go!

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Travel Podcast Time – new for me!

Hmm, a Travel Podcast from The Travel Tart. It’s about time I did something a little bit different for a change.

I’ve been feeling a bit one dimensional with my website, as it mainly focuses on Travel Writing and still photographs.  I’ve referred to the odd video of someone else before. But I haven’t really thought much of dabbling into a Travel Podcast or video myself.

The Travel Tart Rss

My friend Mr Brown from Singapore (@mrbrown on Twitter, website suggested that I give it a go.

Actually, this first Travel Podcast is easy.  This was an interview I had with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation show, Radio Australia as part of my trip to Indonesia last year as part of Pesta Blogger 2009 (Pesta Blogger means ‘Blogger Party’).

This is where I went through Sumatra and Java, and stayed with the locals.  I had a blast, and got to experience so many things that would have been impossible as a solo traveller just following what was in the guidebook, or even talking with other travellers.

The ABC said I could use this on my site – so thanks for that!

Hopefully this post doesn’t crash! Surely, it can’t be that much in demand! 😉

You should see a button near the bottom of this post where you can download or listen to this Travel Podcast if you feel like you suffer from insomnia and wish to listen to me crap on until you fall asleep.

No actually, this interview is about living with Blogging Communities throughout Indonesia and experiencing their world.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Things To Do In Surabaya Indonesia

So anyhow, listen away!

The Travel Tart talks to the ABC about travelling Indonesia – Right Click and save to download!

More Travel Podcast Stuff

Maybe I need Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Audio and Video Podcasting, Second Edition.

Hope you enjoy this Travel Podcast!

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9 thoughts on “Travel Podcast From The Travel Tart – My First Go!”

  1. Avatar Of Didut

    dude, can we post your interview on our blog also or need permition?
    .-= didut´s last blog ..Soto, Ordinary Indonesia Dish =-.

  2. Avatar Of Didut

    agree with @hanny !!! :))
    .-= didut´s last blog ..Soto, Ordinary Indonesia Dish =-.

  3. Avatar Of Moonbadger

    Nice idea, diversifying your content is a good idea, always try and stick a few different types of media on mine – keeps things a bit more interesting.

  4. Avatar Of Traveladdict

    sounds interesting..hope I can visit Indonesia soon…
    .-= traveladdict´s last blog ..Pick up a Lonely Planet Guidebook Pack and save up to 30%! =-.

  5. Avatar Of Devin

    Videos and podcasts can be a lot of fun. I have done a number of the years and while there is a learning curve, it gets easier. As a working travel writer, I get access to a lot of people and places my readers don’t. It’s nice to be able to offer a little extra service.
    .-= Devin´s last blog ..In Video: Nepal =-.

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