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Travel Clickbait Headlines – What We’d Like to See!

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Ahhh, Clickbait!

You know, those ‘eye catching’ headlines that you see on all sorts websites around the place that tempt you to waste way more time than you normally do already.

Clickbait usually starts with phrases ‘you won’t believe’, ‘7 shocking facts’, or ‘find out why’ and end with ‘blow your mind’.

The aim is the arouse your curiosity so that you click on on the headline to view some content that you already new the answer too…

You know how there stuff you see on television that’s so bad that is actually good? Well sometimes, clickbait doesn’t even reach these heights.

And the travel content that’s out there promoted by all sorts of corporations suffers the same fate.

Travel Clickbait Headlines
No, please don’t click here! It won’t take you anywhere useful!

There’s usually the cliched dream travel destinations such as tropical beaches that entice you to move your mouse to click on them to find out more!

So to pay tribute to this form of English bastardisation, I’ve created my own list of clickbait headlines for my own silly blog posts.

Check it out!

Some Travel Tart Click Bait Headlines!

Click away people to lose some time that you’ll never get back!

When you eat these bizarre foods, you’ll never want to eat normal food again. See why they are just so much better for you!

Bizarre Food - Sea Slug Soup

You won’t believe how big your penis will be after applying this African enlargement cream.

Penis Enlargement Cream

Sehen Sie, warum diese deutschen Kraftausdrücke verursacht jemand Sie im Kopf zu schlagen , wenn Sie sie verwenden (See why these German Swear Words will cause someone to punch you in the head if you use them)

German Swear Words, Slang And Expletives

Something amazing happened when someone on the Amazing Race didn’t say ‘faster’ to a taxi driver!

The Amazing Race

It’s amazing how many travel bloggers don’t share useless infographics from companies when they didn’t ask, need, or want them!

Best Infographic - Travel

When you find out what this guy is jumping into, your jaw will drop

Gorge Swing - World's Highest Biggest Oribi Gorge South Africa

He found this, but when he opened it up, he was left speechless


You’ll feel like a dick if you don’t click on this link about pricks! Check it out here!

Things To Do In Reykjavik

You won’t believe the superpowers that this passport photo possesses!

It’s crazy that you can lose a limb just by feeding these savage pigeons

Feed The Pigeons

It’s amazing just how normal these travel fashion shots look like the clothes normal people wear.

Travel Fashion

This isn’t a joke. It’s quite horrifying...

Short Jokes - Travel Industry

It’s amazing how these people got through these crazy border crossing rituals. Find out more!

Us Border Patrol 04

When this travel addict decided to break into this large corporation’s computer system, he created a brilliant life hack.

Ethical Computer Hacking India

He didn’t need a truck to transport all of these brushes.  Why? It’s pure genius!

Adventure Motorcycles

Think this a normal hostel? Just wait to you look inside.

No Bullshit - Youth Hostel Funny Slogan

You won’t believe how many chickens just one scooter can transport around Cambodia!

Spring Chickens - Cambodian Food

This guy travelled to a cold place – and what he he found was chilling….


This guy said something to score a threesome – and this happened!

How To Ask Women For A Threesome Not - One Milk, One Chocolate!

You won’t understand the reasons why these movies will make you stop travelling.

Snakes On A Plane

This drink is literally taking the piss. Find out why it’s so popular.

Gomutra Cow Urine

It’s crazy what animal body parts are used canned food.

Canned Wtf

New amazing article shows why people do crazy s&%* overseas when compared to home!

Restaurant - Health, Safety And Hygeine

Something amazing happened when this narcissist stopped taking his travel selfies.

Selfies And Travel

There you go!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Zip Lining Adventures and Tours in the Fiji Rainforest- An Awesome Flying Fox!

I’m sure you’ve come across countless examples of bad travel clickbait headlines which are probably way worse than the ones I’ve just dreamt of here!

Let us know what they are (and how bad they can be) by leaving a comment below!

You just won’t believe how amazing it will feel when you do… 🙂

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