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Travel Central – 10 Travel Websites I Use Often

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Travel Central Websites

Travel Central is becoming more of a pipe dream by the minute. There are so many Travel Websites out there (for example, just check out my Travel Links And Websites page) that it’s easy to get lost in the quagmire of Travel Information.


But there are a number of sites that I do go to regularly, both when planning a trip and when on the road, which is part of my Travel Central.

Check it out:

Travel Central Website One – XE Currency Converter

XE is a great website for checking how the Australian Dollar fluctuates against other international currencies.  I remember a few years ago how painful it was to watch the Australian dollar be worth a measly 47 US cents.  It used to be known as the ‘Pacific Peso’.

Anyway, this very useful site lists all of the world’s currencies in close to real time, so you can use to work out when to buy something on Ebay, to whether you should withdraw cash from an automatic teller machine now or wait until tomorrow to see if inflation can help you out.

Travel Central Website Two – Skype

I’m using Skype a lot more these days to keep in contact with friends, but also to talk to other Travel Bloggers from around the place to share ideas.  All you need to do is set up an account, and if you and your friends have an internet connection, the calls are free!

Sometimes the video calls seem like you are watching someone do the Robot Dance, but overall, I think it’s pretty good.

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Travel Central Website Three – Internet Banking

I can remember the days of traveller’s cheques – and using them.  Now I can just hop online from anywhere that has a decent connection and transfer money (that is, if I have money) to whatever account I wish.  Very handy, but people now take Internet Banking for granted.

However, try doing Internet Banking in some places in Africa, and you’ll wish that you hauled over many wads of cash instead.

Travel Central Website Four – Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum

The Lonely Planet Thorn Tree Forum can be a bit of a dog’s breakfast (this is Australian slang for ‘a mess’), but I do get some good tips from people on the road, or from others who have been to the next place I’m going.

These tips range from things to do, accommodation, where to meet up with travel buddies, and where to drink beer.  Handy for me when I update the Beer Index!

Travel Central Website Five – Google Alerts

Google Alerts is great not just for travel, but for any keyword you desire.  You can be emailed a summary of every website that has been indexed by Google for any keyword you want.

For example, if you want any site that has the words ‘Drink Beer New York’, you will receive the most up to date information each day.  So it’s not just Travel Central, but anything Central!

Travel Central Website Six – Twitter

It’s crazy what you’ll get when you ask for it.  If you send out a question to the Twitterverse, you’re pretty much guaranteed someone is watching, and you’ll receive a number of helpful answers.  You might even score a free bed if one of your followers lives in the place you are about to travel to!

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Travel Central Website Seven – World Travel Guide

I mainly use this site for Visa Information – check out an example here.  Each country has a neat summary table of nationalities and whether they need a visa or not.

It’s great to see which countries your own have pissed off – usually, the higher the visa/entry fee, the more your country has pissed them off.

Travel Central Website Eight – Embassy World

This independent site has truckloads of links to all sorts of embassies from around the place.  So if you’re planning to really stuff up in a foreign country, check out this site first to see if you can score consular access from your country in a hurry.

Travel Central Website Nine – Wikipedia

Sure, you’re bound to come across some inaccurate information here – even about yourself, but I find Wikipedia is always a good starting point.  A particularly like their list of Low Cost Airlines.

This is useful when you want to find a low cost airline to break up that painful 30 hour train or bus trip within the country you are visiting.

Travel Central Website Ten –

Normally, I’m a fairly chaotic traveller and I usually turn up to a place without booking anything.  I haven’t had to sleep under too many bridges or at too many bus stations using this method.  I like to check out a place and get the feel before I commit my travel weary body to a bed.

But sometimes it’s handy to book ahead, especially if there are some big events in town.  That’s when I use to see what’s available and to check out the reviews.  They have a pretty big database of Hostels which is worth checking out.

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How about you? What Travel Websites make your Travel Central?

Oh, and if you’d like me to link to your website at my Travel Links And Websites, so that The Travel Tart becomes Travel Central (!), go to the Contact Page and let me know!

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5 thoughts on “Travel Central – 10 Travel Websites I Use Often”

  1. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    Excellent list! I can’t travel without the Internet anymore. Wow how times have changed. My first time to Thailand, I didn’t even have an email account. In Guam, I had to use an international phone in a tiny hot booth and hope that someone was home to receive my call:)
    .-= Dave and Deb´s last blog ..The Art of Travel Blogging and Travel =-.

  2. Avatar Of Lori

    Interesting selection of useful websites. I must admit I use some of them on a daily basis. I also visit some website with news on travel 🙂

  3. Avatar Of Nick Parker, Backpacker
    Nick Parker, Backpacker

    To add to the list, is an excellent resource for budget accommodation and hostels, and has unique reviews not found across other syndicated sites.

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