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Weird Transportation in The Philippines!

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It’s time for more Transport and Logistics! And this time, it’s about the really, really unusual methods of Transportation In The Philippines!

I’ve already featured a couple of examples from my mate who has travelled around this Asian archipelago, including the cow in the Philippines Tricycle, the entire family on a motorbike, the weird new female drivers sign and the slow paced buffalo cart.

Anyone who has been there has probably at least seen, or maybe taken a ride in a Jeepney. This is a jeep/bus hybrid which draws inspiration from the American Jeeps that cruised around these islands in World War 2.

Like so:

Jeepney Philippines Public Transport

Jeepney’s are colourful pieces of metal which are intricately decorated with all sorts of religious paraphernalia and I really like them just because they’re different. Which is why travel is good fun – you like new places because of the differences, not despite of them.

But right now, I’ve got a couple of rippers (that’s Australian Slang for awesome) that are quite jaw dropping examples of how people get around in the Philippines.

Here we go!

Unusual Methods of Transportation In The Philippines

Check this out.

Stringing up a hammock on the back of a truck, while the truck is in transit! Talk about sleeping between jobs!

Inventive and impressive at the same time!

Transportation In The Philippines | Philippines Travel Blog | Weird Transportation In The Philippines! | Philippines Jeepney, Transport In The Philippines, Tricycle Philippines | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

I’m not sure exactly how you’d score some ZZZZZZ’s this way, but obviously this guy is exhausted enough to score a siesta in his Hino Hammock! He probably works his arse off in between jobs.

I quite like the juxtaposition of this show where the guy in the truck is resting with a heap of other blokes working hard, digging and spreading gravel on the side of the road.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Siargao Surfing in the Philippines - Very Good Nice!

Here’s another weird example my mate captured with his camera – some weird wooden contraption being towed behind a truck.

And someone is going along for the ride!

Huh? What the hell is this?

Philippines Transport | Philippines Travel Blog | Weird Transportation In The Philippines! | Philippines Jeepney, Transport In The Philippines, Tricycle Philippines | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Doesn’t look terribly safe to me! Looks like a glorified billy cart made out of wooden pallets which looks like a road safety campaign waiting to happen!

So if you’re moaning about your First World Problems, think of what these guys do for a living and count yourself very, very lucky!

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4 thoughts on “Weird Transportation in The Philippines!”

  1. Avatar Of Miss Footloose

    Great fun! In Ghana, West Africa, a friend of mine took a picture of a guy on a bicycle with a goat tied on his back — a piggybacking goat. Wish I could find the picture! In Ghana I saw all kinds of fun transportation, but your guy in the hammock on the truck should get an award for creativity!

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