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Things To Do In Palembang

Besides checking out life along Sungai Musi River in Palembang, Indonesia, there’s a lot more you can do there.

Here we go:

1. Visit the Ampera Bridge.

This is the main link between the northern and southern parts of the city.

This bridge is best viewed at night when the neon lights up.  Night is best to walk on the bridge, as the activities range from watching people fish to watching people’s first dates.

Ampera Bridge At Night Palembang, Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

2. See the massive Chinese Pagoda and ‘Tree of Love’ on Kemaro Island.

Just ask a pump boat operator near the Ampera Bridge to take you there.  The pagoda was built by the Chinese community in Palembang.

Chinese Pagoda And Buddha Kemaro Island Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

If you write your name and someone else’s name on the nearby ‘Tree of Love’, you will be happy with them for eternity.

Tree Of Love Kemaro Island Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

3. Visit a Songket Factory

Songket is the south Sumatran fabric.  It takes a person 1 month, working 6 days a week, to produce a piece of Songket fabric.

Each thread is woven into a row of intricate patterns.  Prices start from about 1,000,000 Indonesian Rupiah, or about $US100.

Songket Operator Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The amount of effort that goes into each piece is astounding.  That’s patience I don’t have.

See more at Batik: From the Courts of Java and Sumatra.

Songket Display Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

4. Eat a truckload of great food

Palembang has it’s own unique cuisine, such as the previous post I wrote on the Shaved Ice with Red Beans drink.

I have been subjected to copious amounts of food thanks to the Wongkito Blogging Community.  Palembang Food is very spicy, but it’s not so hot that it detracts from the flavour (well, not for me anyway!).

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Mesjid Besar - The Grand Mosque, Semarang, Indonesia

Here are some of the things you can try:


Durian is either a fruit you love or hate.  It is banned from many places, such as hotel rooms and public transport, because of it’s often pungent odour.  But I don’t mind it now and then.

A hot tip is not to mix Durian with beer, otherwise you will be burping up Durian for hours.

There are Durian stalls around Palembang that you can visit for dessert!

Eating Durian In Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Ikan Brengkes – Fish in a spicy Durian Sauce

Ikan Brengkes Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The sauce is called tempoyak, which is a blend of fermented durian, shrimp paste, lime juice and chilli.  Tastes great!

Model – this is Crab balls in a soupy mix.

Model Crab Ball Soup Palembang Indonesia(1) | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Pindang – a spicy , clear fish soup

Pindang Fish Soup Palembang Indonesia

Sop Buah – Fruit Soup

This is refreshing on a hot day – which are most days in Palembang.

Sop Buah Fruit Soup Palembang Indonesia

Usually, these meals were finished off with a photo with whoever had cooked my meal.

Photo After Pindang In Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The lady in the brown, black and white dress has a baby due soon.  She mentioned that she would like the baby to have my nose and my mouth.  I don’t know why.

I thought it was a bit late for me to have any influence!

5. Visit the local bustling markets

There’s all sorts of things for sale here.  Such as fish:

Fish For Sale At Palembang Market Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog


Gekkos At Palembang Market | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

and crickets to feed the gekkos.

Crickets To Feed Gekkos At Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

6. Walk past the biggest mosque in town, the Mesjid Agung.

Mesjid Agung Mosque Palembang Indonesia | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

7. Take a boat across the river to Kapiten Island to see village life, and traditional houses.

Dsc 7890 | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

8. And check out the Museum Sultan Machmud Badaruddin II for a number of historical displays

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Silly Travel Photo - The Spanner Car Door Handle

Dsc 7968(1) | Airasia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip 2009 | Things To Do In Palembang, Indonesia | Indonesia, Palembang, Pesta Blogger, Sumatra, Things To Do In Palembang | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

If you ever get to Palembang, check these things out. I’m sure the Wongkito Blogging Community would be keen to help out!

Check out more at Footprint Sumatra Handbook: The Travel Guide.

Air Asia can get you to Indonesia and loads of other destinations.  Check out their website for some great airfares.

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9 thoughts on “Things to do in Palembang, Indonesia”

  1. Avatar Of Hanny

    waaaaah you eat and eat and eat! 😀 *envy mode on* am laughing out loud reading that line: “I thought it was a bit late for me to have any influence!” ROFL!

  2. Avatar Of Parfum

    So fascinating, those asian culture, especially the Indonesien culture. Such beautyfull buildings and style. I would love to visit that country once!

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