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The Worlds Steepest Street is Baldwin Street, in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Because the sign says so! I photographed it when I went there! Here’s the proof.

The Worlds Steepest Street, Dunedin, New Zealand

Like any good local council wanting to promote their city to the rest of the globe, the Dunedin City Council proudly states that this street is officially the ‘Steepest in the World’, and is in the Guinness Book of Records.

Well, Baldwin Street is a bit steep! 🙂 Almost as much as The World’s Most Dangerous Road!

The Worlds Steepest Street – The Numbers

The average grade of Baldwin Street is 1 in 3.41, with the steepest grade being 1 in 2.86. Check out these photos showing the gradient.

Gradient Of The World's Steepest Street

It does take a bit of lung power and leg muscle exertion to walk up Baldwin Street. Some people might need an oxygen mask at the end to feel a bit better.

You’d want to make sure your car has a great handbrake!

Steepest Street On Earth

I pity the poor learner drivers in Dunedin, as I’m sure there are a lot of ruthless driving instructors that would receive a perverse kick of taking young pimply face kids here so they could attempt their first ever hill start. Sounds masochistic, but fun!

If you really want to, you can also claim some a certificate at the bottom of the street that has been set up by an entrepreneurial resident – saying that you’ve walked up and down The Worlds Steepest Street.

Baldwin Street Certificate - World's Steepest Street

If you’re ever at this country at the other side of the world, you may as well make a trip down to the other side of this country!

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There’s a lot more to check out in the Central Otago region, such as the rather odd Shoe Fence!

To check out more famous World Streets, see Street World: Urban Culture and Art from Five Continents.

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9 thoughts on “The World’s Steepest Street”

  1. Avatar Of 1002Things

    This is totally on my life list! How crazy!

    1002things’s last blog post..Monday’s Picture of the Week

  2. Avatar Of Dac

    Too bad this is not the Steepest Street in the World. That title should belong to Canton Ave in Pittsburgh, Pa.
    Baldwin Str = 35%
    Canton Ave = 37%

  3. Avatar Of Pittsburgh Wedding Photography
    pittsburgh wedding photography

    It May not be that steep as the in Canton Ave in Pittsburgh, but tourists can actually try to pass by this street, get certificate and have their pictures taken. It’ll be a wonderful experience.

  4. Avatar Of Robert

    Back in June did a post on this – didn’t know about Canton AVe Pittsburgh though and neither do Guiness World Records or Wikipedia by the looks of it.

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