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The Tallest Building In The World (for now) – Burj Khalifa in Dubai

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The Tallest Building In The World – an Engineer’s Wet Dream!

At this point in time, December 2012, the Burj Khalifa, located in Dubai, is The Tallest Building In The World (for now). The reason I say “for now” is that there are so many construction projects going on there, that I won’t be surprised if another building will pass the enormous height of 828 metres (or 2722 feet) at some point in the very near future.

I’ve seen some tall buildings in the world during my travels, such as the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, the Empire State Building in New York, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and  possibly the Witches Hat in Brisbane. But the Burj Khalifa is in another league of it’s own.

It’s like someone has gone up to an engineer with a blank cheque book, and has said ‘here you go – have as much money as you need, and build whatever you want to build – as long it’s The Tallest Building In The World and makes the Guinness World Book of Records!’.

But the result is spectacular – this is what happens when you have no limits!

Anyway, here is a photo I took of The World’s Tallest Building:

The Tallest Building In The World - Burj Khalifa In Dubai Uae

The Burj Khalifa is also located next to another world record holder – the Dubai Mall, or the Largest Mall In The World.

I went up the the Atmosphere Bar at night, which is located on the 122nd (yes that’s right) floor and it provides stunning views of all Dubai. It feels like you are up high in an aeroplane, which is probably why it’s located out of the flight path of the Dubai International Airport. In fact, when you go up the elevator, your ears pop because you are going up so fast!

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The Burj Khalifa also looks spectacular at night as it dwarfs the other massive building projects going on in Dubai.

Burj Khalifa Dubai Skyline

No expense is spared either – a water fountain show occurs every half hour on each night to keep both locals and visitors entertained.

More Tallest Building In The World Stuff

You can build your own Burj Khalifa with the LEGO Architecture Burj Khalifa Dubai! Inspire your kid to become an engineer!

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