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The Man In The High Castle… Literally!

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This post is about The Man In The High Castle – and no, I’m not talking about the television series:

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Ever cruised around a town or a city, and spotted a piece of bizarre architecture and thought to yourself ‘What The $*%& is That?’

You know, coming across a building where you thought the architect must have been puffing on a few joints to come up with such an outlandish idea?

Well, I had one of those moments in a small sugarcane town in Far North Queensland called Silkwood.

There’s not that much there. Like many towns in the region, it’s there because of the sugar industry which has been around for a long time and it’s home to those who are involved in sugar, or services peripheral to it.

Sugar Cane Town - Far North Queensland Locomotive Sign

However, I came across one of the most bizarre houses I’ve ever laid my eyes on when I drove through the place.

Actually, it’s not a house – it’s a self proclaimed castle!

Now, take into account the context of the other lowset houses – this is the sight you can see from nearby roads.

Castle Homes

Then you get a little bit closer…

Unusual Houses

But it’s not until you get real close and you see the full extent of this bizarre house.

So Where’s The Man In The High Castle?

Bizarre Homes

It’s only been around since 1990 – but I have no idea how or why the local council approved the plans for this beast! It’s just so weird!

Silkwood Castle

This is not a hotel, a tourist attraction or a fortress – this is a ‘normal’ house that any of us could live in.

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I’ve got a feeling that the owner will in this place until the day they die, because I can’t see this place appealing to a broad market!

The Man In The High Castle

So there you go, if you’re ever Silkwood, check out the Silkwood Castle.

You can’t miss it!

What other bizarre buildings have you spotted in your travels? Let me know!

For real old castles, check out Castles of Ireland.

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5 thoughts on “The Man In The High Castle… Literally!”

  1. Avatar Of Lauren

    We literally just drove past Silkwood Castle 5 mins ago on our family travels and the man who owns this bizzare home was outside! So we stopped and had a chat. He is now 82 years old and a lovely fellow. We asked why he built the castle and his response was “to fill in his time. It just came to his head” It has 7 bedrooms but only 5 are used as he has 4 children. He explained he was from Sydney then moved to cairns but Cairns was to much like Sydney so he moved to silkwood for a quieter life.

  2. Avatar Of Faith Baillie

    John Nielsen , the man that built this castle with hard work and love , is very sick prostrate cancer .

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