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The Birds Nest Stadium, Beijing, China – Funny Keep Off The Grass Sign

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The Birds Nest Stadium – The Olympic Gold Medal for Engrish Goes To..

Most people would remember The Birds Nest Stadium in Beijing, China as the centrepiece of the 2008 Olympic Summer Games. Like most Olympic Games, there was an extravagant opening and closing ceremony that probably devoured a large chunk of the Chinese Gross Domestic Product.

There was also in between these two glittering events about two weeks of competition that involved champion athletes from all around the world competing in television ratings bonanzas like the athletics, swimming and greco-roman wrestling… The Chinese even shut down the Beijing factories for a couple of weeks before the games to make sure that the trademark smog wouldn’t block out all of the landmarks that were there to promote the local landmarks.

However, Sasha from On Ur Way Travel spotted this Funny Travel Photo on a recent trip there to The Birds Nest Stadium which obviously didn’t make the Beijing 2008 Olympics highlights collection. I don’t think this would have been officially sanctioned by either the Chinese Government or the Olympic Movement either!

No, this funny sign should have made the best of Engrish! Check it out below and try not to laugh!

The Birds Nest Stadium Funny Photo!

Here it is. One of the funniest keep off the grass signs I’ve ever seen.

The Birds Nest Stadium Beijing Olympic Games 2008

If you are having trouble reading this photo, it says ‘The Grass Is Smiling At You – Please Detour!’ Holy crap, China must have some of the happiest grass in the world – and it’s not marijuana! It’s just your normal run of the mill couch variety!

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So if you are in Beijing on holiday, why not check out the Happy Grass sign at The Bird’s Nest Stadium! You will have a grin from ear to ear.

Personally, I think that this sign is just one of The Joys of Engrish.

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2 thoughts on “The Birds Nest Stadium, Beijing, China – Funny Keep Off The Grass Sign”

  1. Avatar Of Belly Jackson

    I love it! Thing is, I am sure if there were more signs like that people would actually behave better. Most signs are so aggressive – “keep out”, “do not park” etc. etc. That sign is almost poetic.

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      Ironically, seeing something like ‘The grass is smiling at you’ makes me wonder about what kind of grass this is!

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