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Star Wars – The Force Is With You In Morocco with the Jelubbah

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Star Wars – The Force With The Jelubbah

‘Come to the dark side Luke’. This is one for the Star Wars buffs!

Star Wars - The Force Is With You In Morocco With The Jelubbah

The cities of Fez and Marrakech in Morocco are often crowded with the constantly moving figures of men enclosed within their Jellubbahs, a Grim Reaper-like gown that is available in a wide variety of navy blue that transformed the chaotic cobbled lanes into a surreal set from a Star Wars movie.

I went there a few years ago, and enjoyed the complete change of scenery to what I was used to in the Western World.

‘Very exotic, this is,’ I thought to myself in a Master Yoda voice. ‘The Force Is With me!’

Star Wars Clothes – Trying Them On!

Adopting the ‘When in Rome’ attitude, I tried a Jellubah, in the flattering navy blue colour.

I had been instantly transformed into a Jedi Knight from a Star Wars Movie without my trusty green light saber. Just like barely-pubescent retail girls back in Australian trendy clothes shops, the Moroccan storekeeper remarked ‘You look very good in this Jellubah, you should buy it to take back home with you.’

It was at this moment that I knew how women felt patronised by size six fashion store attendants!

Somehow, even though I think he may have been pissing in my pocket (this is slang for making fun of me!), albeit a Jellubah one, I found the novelty of dressing-up in Moroccan attire an amusing one, considering that my attention-span for clothes shopping is usually less than one millisecond.

But if you’re after some cool original clothing, than the Jellubah might be your thing!

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More Star Wars – The Force Is With You Stuff

For the geeks out there who are right into Star Wars, check out Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI).

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