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Squat Toilets in Asia – Funny Graphic Sign!

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Today I have a funny travel photo from @NicoleMProm from Malaysia. It’s another piece of toilet humour gold that I am glad to add to this silly website, specifically in relation to Squat Toilets!

Probably one of the funniest travel signs I spot when cruising around are by far the toilet ones, and their interpretations of this necessary bodily function that we all must do to expel the waste from our bodies!

Some of the funny toilet signs normally consist of amusing translations, hilarious graphics, and just plain old good banter and plays on words.

Previous incarnations of funny toilet pictures that have appeared on this website include the following:

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Potty Training Toilet Tips - How To Do It In China

There’s no mistaking what this sign is trying to convey!

Funny Squat Toilets Sign!

Squat Toilets Asia Funny Sign


If I ever need to do a number two, I know exactly where to go! Just one thing, I love how the excrement is disproportionately larger than the human body squatting down! Sounds like this guy won a international hot dog eating competition and this is the end result!

Anyway, enough of ‘taking the piss’ for today! You can now go back to work and try and do something productive!

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