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Spring Chickens – The Cambodian Food Option…

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Chicken is probably the world’s most consumed meat – especially young, fresh Spring Chickens!

That’s because it’s pretty cheap, and easy to ‘farm’. You’ll see them as a staple food source from all over the world.

From the free range village variety to the mass produced western version, chickens definitely make the world go round when it comes to feeding it’s ever expanding population.

Actually, chickens, in one form or another have made a lot of appearances on this silly travel blog that just takes up that annoying little bit of space on the internet.

Such as:

Chickens For Sale


Kentucky Fried Chicken

Chicken Curry Funny - Bunny Chow

Canned Whole Chicken

But today isn’t about some weird chicken dish that I’ve been silly enough to try because I have a fetish for the unusual.

It’s about how those spring chickens are transported to your plate!

It’s the Cambodian version livestock transport.

Spring Chickens – By The Bike Load!

This is pretty full on! And impressive at the same time!

Spring Chickens - Cambodian Food

Yes, this sight is pretty common in places like Cambodia and other parts of Asia.

One of my mates recently did a jaunt through south east Asia and he saw this amazing sight of animal transport!

I’ve added this one to my series of Masters of Transport and Logistics.

This is where a cargo of any description is way to much for the engineering capacity of the vehicle moving it around!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Motorbike Transport Services - Vietnamese Pig Courier from Da Nang to Nha Trang

But like I’ve said before, I admire these people because they’re just trying to make a living and this is the way they have to do it – even though it might clash with your values on how animals should be treated.

I mean, if your employment prospects were very, very limited, you’ll resort to almost anything to make a quid or dollar.

So if you’re having a tasty chicken curry or some other mouth licking dish during your south east Asian backpacking trip, appreciate how the ingredients made their way to your plate.

But maybe not too hard…

Anyway, whilst this has nothing to do with this post, check out Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (or Die Trying)..

More Weird Stuff From Cambodia:

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