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South Africa News Humour – Cartoon Satire Telling It Like it Is!

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Here is an article about satire which relates to a very funny cartoonist who has a sharp wit for telling things as they really are.

I love satirical cartoonists. In Australia, we take it for granted that we have creative individuals who are allowed to take the piss out of our politicians without the fear of being imprisoned, or sued that much!

But if you think about it, the funnier something is, the closer that send up is to the real story. That’s the way humour works.

How many times have you almost pissed your pants at something funny, thinking ‘yes, that’s so true!’

Anyway, what I find remarkable is that there is a great South African cartoonist called Zapiro who produces a lot of popular satire about his homeland. Check out some publications about him below:

Q? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=143142255X&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | South Africa Travel Blog | South Africa News Humour - Cartoon Satire Telling It Like It Is! | Cartoonist, Funny Cartoons, Life In South Africa, Politics, South Africa Humour, South Africa News, Travel Satire, Zapiro | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=143142255X | South Africa Travel Blog | South Africa News Humour - Cartoon Satire Telling It Like It Is! | Cartoonist, Funny Cartoons, Life In South Africa, Politics, South Africa Humour, South Africa News, Travel Satire, Zapiro | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogQ? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=0987043722&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | South Africa Travel Blog | South Africa News Humour - Cartoon Satire Telling It Like It Is! | Cartoonist, Funny Cartoons, Life In South Africa, Politics, South Africa Humour, South Africa News, Travel Satire, Zapiro | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=0987043722 | South Africa Travel Blog | South Africa News Humour - Cartoon Satire Telling It Like It Is! | Cartoonist, Funny Cartoons, Life In South Africa, Politics, South Africa Humour, South Africa News, Travel Satire, Zapiro | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogQ? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=1431420999&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | South Africa Travel Blog | South Africa News Humour - Cartoon Satire Telling It Like It Is! | Cartoonist, Funny Cartoons, Life In South Africa, Politics, South Africa Humour, South Africa News, Travel Satire, Zapiro | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=1431420999 | South Africa Travel Blog | South Africa News Humour - Cartoon Satire Telling It Like It Is! | Cartoonist, Funny Cartoons, Life In South Africa, Politics, South Africa Humour, South Africa News, Travel Satire, Zapiro | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

And if you think about it, it’s an impressive transformation for South Africa from the apartheid years (only just over 20 years ago) that he can do this as his job without being thrown in jail!

But I know he’s straddled the line before!

This is what I really like about South Africa because it doesn’t think too much about political correctness, which drives me a bit batty sometimes in some aspects of ‘nanny-state’ places! For most of the time, they just do things like have a massive street party with beer and meat for the hell of it and everyone just has a great time!

Anyway, here is a selection of some of his very funny cartoons about South African life that I’ve seen and have featured here!

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Images are credited to

South African News – With A Dash of Very Close To The Bone Humour!

Zapiro covers a lot of topics, some of which I’ve listed here:


South Africa News Humour - Government In South Africa

Mini Bus Taxis

Minibus Taxi South Africa

Yes, this one is so true, mini-bus taxis ended up on my list of worst drivers in the world!

Violent Crime

South African Schools

There’s an element of truth here in regards to the crime rate – however, South Africa is a great place to visit, and as long as you don’t do anything silly, you’ll be fine here and have the time of your life. I’ve been there 5 times and have had a blast on every single one!


South African Sport

South Africans love their sport. Hey, they’ve at least won the Rugby World Cup previously, twice (see the great movie Invictus about the 1995 triumph)!

Taxis Again!

Taxi Spare Parts

I’ve heard stories about broken steering wheels on mini bus taxis being replaced by two wrenches on the steering column.


Trains In South Africa

I’m sure Zapiro has given thousands of South Africans and people from around the world a good belly laugh with his sharp wit and satirical point of view.

Even if he has been sued by South African President Jacob Zuma – twice! (both lawsuits were eventually dropped though!).

Just remember again, the funnier something is, the closer you are to the truth!

That’s why the world needs satirical cartoonists to cut through all of the crap and get to the truth!

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