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Smoking Cessation – Funny Stop Smoking Sign! You’ll Quit Smoking In No Time!

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I’m a non smoker. I’ve never touched tobacco in my entire life. There are a couple of good reasons for this. I used to be asthmatic when I was a kid, and when I was twenty one, I was diagnosed with a rare cancer that meant I needed three months of high dose chemotherapy that left me extremely sick. In fact, I was so sick, I didn’t even want to drink beer! Hence, the notion of Smoking Cessation has never been an issue for me. I don’t want to get cancer twice – the first time was bad enough!

However, I’ve talked to smokers who are trying to quit and they say it’s pretty hard to stop smoking once you’re addicted. Some try using nicotene patches, others try going cold turkey (i.e. Australian slang for complete abstinence straight away), and others might get there after trying multiple times. Some smokers say that it’s harder to give up smoking than it is to stop taking hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.

Smoking Cessation – It’s Bigger Than You Think!

But I’m sure there hasn’t been a No Smoking Sign they have seen that compares to this one:

Smoking Cessation - Funny Stop Smoking Sign. Quit Smoking Now.

This photo was taken by Neil Skywalker in Nagasaki in Japan. Neil is also the author of “Around The World In 80 Girls” and he has previously sent me funny travel photos of the rather humourous/disturbing guest hanging area in China and Dr Bong from South Korea.

I think what the Japanese health authorities are trying to say is that second hand smoke tends to penetrate the air space of those around you, including any small children that may be in your presence when you’re puffing away on your cancer sticks! But I like the graphic way the health hazards of smoking are shown! Only in the Japanese Engrish way!

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More Smoking Cessation Stuff

This Stop Smoking sign is almost as funny as the title of this book – Can’t Quit? Bullsh*t! You Can Stop Smoking!

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2 thoughts on “Smoking Cessation – Funny Stop Smoking Sign! You’ll Quit Smoking In No Time!”

  1. Avatar Of Non Smoker

    Ha ha, that’s funny. Nice way of portaying the health impacts of smoking. That’s bizarre!

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