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Sandcastles on the Beach – The African Safari Version!

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Making Sandcastles on the Beach is something pretty much everyone who has lived near one, or has holidayed on one, has done as a kid, or maybe as a big kid!

You know, something basic like a castle made from a simple plastic bucket, or just using your bare hands to create something from nothing, for it to then fall apart back into sand!

But sometimes, some people take this passion even further and they make all sorts of intricate and unusual sculptures that involve an amazing level of an attention to detail.

One example of this is the guy I saw in Uruguay who had literally constructed members of all of South America’s football teams being in the sand at Colonia del Sacramento.

However I came across a sand artist who I think trumps this amazing effort – it’s the guy who creates African animals out of the beach in Durban!

Check it out!

The Crazy Animal Sandcastles On The Beach in Durban!

There is an amazing amount of detail with these sand sculptures! This guy wets them down regularly to make sure they are formed correctly.

Sand Sculptures - Durban Beaches South Africa

He also makes a living from these creations. It’s like watching buskers playing music in high traffic areas in cities all around the world. He has a container where people can throw in their loose Rand so he can probably feed his family. You find all sorts of inventive entrepreneurs where job opportunities are limited, so good on him for having a go I say!

Sandcastles On The Beach

Durban is a place where you can literally surf off the city’s beach and have a meal next to some large ocean-worthy predators after bungy jumping inside a world cup stadium.

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Q? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=B083R76Fbw&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | South Africa Travel Blog | Sandcastles On The Beach - The African Safari Version! | Durban, Durban Beaches, Golden Mile, Sand, Sandcastles In The Sand, Sandcastles On The Beach, Sculptures, South Africa | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=B083R76Fbw | South Africa Travel Blog | Sandcastles On The Beach - The African Safari Version! | Durban, Durban Beaches, Golden Mile, Sand, Sandcastles In The Sand, Sandcastles On The Beach, Sculptures, South Africa | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogQ? Encoding=Utf8&Marketplace=Us&Asin=1786571803&Serviceversion=20070822&Id=Asinimage&Ws=1&Format= Sl250 &Tag=Thetratar 20 | South Africa Travel Blog | Sandcastles On The Beach - The African Safari Version! | Durban, Durban Beaches, Golden Mile, Sand, Sandcastles In The Sand, Sandcastles On The Beach, Sculptures, South Africa | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&L=Am2&O=1&A=1786571803 | South Africa Travel Blog | Sandcastles On The Beach - The African Safari Version! | Durban, Durban Beaches, Golden Mile, Sand, Sandcastles In The Sand, Sandcastles On The Beach, Sculptures, South Africa | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

It’s not on everyone’s list like one of my favourite cities, Cape Town, but it’s worth a look because there is a lot of stuff to do there you won’t find in other parts of South Africa. Such as eating the unusual curry called bunny chow at the excellent House of curries, and sampling the ‘Mother in law chilli’ that makes the world’s hottest curry.

Just go there and have a bit of fun! Check out more at Tourism South Africa.

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