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244 Russian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Slang, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives! How To Speak Russian!

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Yay! This silly post is your definitive guide on a massive 244 Russian Swear Words, Slang, Phrases, Insults and Expletives, or How To Swear In Russian

Yes, profanities from languages around the world is subject matter that appears a lot in this silly travel blog!

As an introduction… here are my Top 10 Russian Swear Words! Let’s just say that they’re very expressive!

What The Best and Funniest Russian Swear Words, Curses and Phrases?

Russian Swear Words Phrases Curses Slang Expletives | Russia Travel Blog | 244 Russian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Slang, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak Russian! | Bad Russian Words, Bad Words In Russian, Blyat, Common Russian Phrases, How To Pronounce Russian Swear Words, How To Swear In Russian, Hui, Idi Nahui, Language Guides, Learning Russian, Pidoras, Pizda, Pizdec, Pudor, Russia, Russian Curse Words, Russian Cuss Words, Russian Dirty Words, Russian Expletives, Russian Insults, Russian Language, Russian Profanities, Russian Slang, Russian Swear Words, Russian To English Translation, Russian Translations, Shut Up In Russian, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Srat’ tebe v rot – To crap in your mouth
Perhot’ podzalupnaya – Pee hole dandruff (which makes me wonder how the dandruff got there in the first place!)
Razvaluha – Car that’s falling apart as it goes
Shluha vokzal’naja – Train station whore
Shob tebe deti v sup srali – I wish that your children will crap in your soup
U tya sho zhopa sho rozha: vse prigozhe – Your ass is the same as your face: all beautiful
Nochnaja babochka – Hooker (literally: night butterfly)
Zalupa konskaya – Horse pee hole! (to a person)
Hooy morzhovy – Walrus penis (to a person)
Zhopu porvu margala vikoliu – I’ll rip your ass and poke out your eyes

I have a feeling that none of these new phrases you’re about to learn today are ever going to appear in Living Language – Russian anytime soon!

One of the things that I try to learn whenever I go to a new place where English is not the main language, I make sure that I memorise at least five words – hello, goodbye, please, thank you and beer. And then I use combinations of those to make a two word sentence!

244 Russian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Slang, Insults, Colloquialisms And Expletives! How To Speak Russian!
I wonder how many Russian Swear Words Vladimir Putin uses behind closed doors?

I know sod all Russian and I can’t read it because it’s in another script (Cyrillic) which just looks like a jumble of scribble to me that I’ll never understand.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  British Slang Words, Swear Words, Curses, Phrases, Insults, Expressions, Colloquialisms & Expletives! Some Funny Pommy Vernacular!

When I visited Kazakhstan, where Russian is an official language, I think I managed to learn about ten Russian words in total, but then everyone else wanted to practice speaking English with me anyway. And I’m not sure why, because I only talk in a series of silly expressions (see my silly list of Australian Slang Words, Expressions, and Expletives!) so no one would have understood me anyway.

Which brings me to…

My Definitive List And Guide Of Really Bad Russian Swear Words, Insults, Curses, Expletives and Phrases! How To Learn the Russian Language!

I received this list of Russian swear words from someone who speaks both Russian and English, and thought they were pretty funny. That is, the ones that I left in this list. I had to cut some out because some of them were pretty bad!

Yes, many of these rather rude Russian swear words, expletives and phrases are downright offensive, abusive and insulting. If you really want to work through this list with a native Russian speaker, you probably won’t be alive at the end of it!

Let me know if you’re silly enough to give that a go! Note, the Russian swear words below are written the way they sound. Either way if you’re a native Russian speaker, or just want to learn a bit of of really bad Russian, I’m sure you’ll find this funny!

Here we go!

WARNING: If you are easily offended, stop reading this list of offensive and downright rude Russian swear words and expressions now! You can’t say that I didn’t tell you!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions & Expletives!
Russian Federation Flag

You’re not going to see many of these in a Russian to English translation guide any time soon!

Russian Swear Word (Latin pronunciation) and their Hilarious English Translations!

Russian Swear Word (Latin)

English Translation

Hooy tebe v zhopu!

 Prick up your ass! (refusal to a person)

Hooy na ny!

 Whore, slut. Also used as a link word


 No f*%&ing way!

Zalupa konskaya

 Horse pee hole! (to a person)

Hooy morzhovy 

 Walrus penis (to a person)

Gandon shtopany

 Darned condom (to a person)

Perdoon stary

 Old Fart

Pizdobol, Pizdoon

 F*%*ing liar


 S*%# Sucker




 Holy %&$^  (could be bad or good)


 F$&*ed up situation

Po hooy

 Don’t f&$*ing care

Do pizdy

 as above


 Huge penis


 Pee hole




 Blow job

Naveshat’ pizdyley

 To beat the crap out someone

Dat’ pizdy

 as above

Pizdy vlomit’


Srat’ tebe v rot

 To crap in your mouth

Past’ zabej, padla jebanaja

 Shut the f&%* up, you f$&%*in’ bitch



Nu vse, tebe pizda

 That’s it, you’re f*%(in’ dead

Poshyel k chyertu

 Go to hell

Potselui mou zhopy

 Kiss my ass

Zhri govno i zdohni!

 Eat s&^% and die!

Pyeryestan’ zalupatsa

 Stop bitching

Yob tvoyu mat

 F*%& your mother

Durak neschastnyi

 You unlucky idiot


 Thick headed fool


 Idiot (literally, A piece of wood)


 Show off






 An ass


 An asshole

Passossee mayee yaitsa

 Suck my balls

Ti Durak

 You’re a moron

Zacroy rot

 Shut up

Ti degheneraat

 You’re a degenerate







Poshol nahuj

 F*%& off, f*$( you

Pashol na khui

 as above

Eto mnye do huya

 I don’t give a f%$

Na huy…?

 Why the f*%(…?

A huy li?

 Why the f(%* not?

Huy tebye v glaz!

 A d*%( in your eye

Yobanaya suka!

 F*%&ing Bitch

Otyebis ot menya!

 Get the f(%* away from me

Yobni yivo

 Beat him!

Yob materi vashi!

 I f%*ked all of your mothers

Ootebya nyetu peeski

 You have no d*&%

Nee da dyeloni

 F*&%ed up (lit. undone)

Ya hachu tebya trakhate

 I want to f&^$ you



Kooshay govno sooka

 Eat s&*%, bitch

Ootebya nyet yayeesav

 You have no balls

Cuchka derganaya

 Crazy bitch

Poydi k chertu

 Go to hell

Fsyoe zaeebahnuh

 All f%$#ed up





Thomarai gand mai lund hai?

 Is a d%$# stuck up your ass?

Eedee tryakhate tvayu mamu

 Go f%$# your mom

Suka / sooka


Jebat moi lisiy cherep

 F%$ my bald skull

Chlen tebie v rot

 Take a d^%$ in your mouth


 F#$% off

Zhopu porvu margala vikoliu

 I’ll rip your ass and poke out your eyes

Otlez’ gnida

 F%$# off, you flea child


 Ass licker


 Huge ass

Idi nahuey

 F#$% off

Ya tibyi dam po yibalu

 I will hit you in your face

Za cyun v shopu

 Stick it in your ass

Ti sleepoy, asleyp


Otsosi, potom prosi

 Blow my c#$%. then make a wish

Jri govno i zdohni

 Eat sh%$ and die








 Crazy person


 A stupid guy


 A stupid guy


 A stupid guy


 A stupid guy

Ja Pycckij pidaras

 You are a loser


 You drunk!


 A womanizer

Devushka po vyzovu

 A prostitute

Zi detka

 Hey baby


 You have pissed me off


 Fool (female)


 Fool (male)


 An ass; jerk


 Boring person


 Shut up


 Get lost

Kakaya zanuda

 What a bore

Kakogo chyorta

 What the hell


 Jock strap


 Taking injected drugs

Konchaj bazar

 Stop talking




 A player

Mne nasrat’, chto ty dumaesh’

 I don’t care what you think

Mne do lampochki

 I don’t care

Mne vse ravno

 I don’t care


 Mean woman


 Chill out


 Piss off



Pit’ zapoem

 A chronic drunk



P’yan v stel- ku

Really drunk



Sidet’ na igle

 Druggy (injects needles)






 To have sex


 Deadbeat; lazy person

Chyort voz’mi!

 Damn it!, Oh s#$%!

Chyort poberi!

 as above


 Damn!, Hell!

Chush’ sobach’ya

 Bull s#$%!


 Balls, testicles

Zloebuchii hui

 Hard f#$%ing d#$%

Idi v zhopu

 Go to hell

Ia tebya imeyu

 I’m having you (you’re my bitch)

Perhot’ podzalupnaya

 Pee hole dandruff


 To give a blow job

Chlen marinovanii

 A marinated d#$%

Raspizdyay Kolhoznii

 A stupid Redneck

Kon’ Pedal’nii

 Idiot (literally: horse with pedals)


 Drug dealer

Idi nyuhai plavki

 Go smell underwear

Pizda ti jopoglazaya

 You are a vagina with eyes on your ass

Rodilsya cherez jopu

 You were born through the ass

Pizda s ushami

 A vagina with ears

Zalupoglazaya mondavushka

 Slut with pee hole eyes

Anus perepuganii

 A scared anus


 F#$%ed up thing (usually situation)

Indanahway suka bluut

 F#$% off bitch (highly offensive)


 Good for nothing




 Son of a bitch


 Asshole, bad situation

Perestan’ bit dabayobom

 Stop being a dips#$%

Ya sru na tvayu mat’

 I s#$% on your mother

Yobanyi karas’

 F@#$ing moron

Yeban’ko maloletnee

 Adolescent jerk



Ment (plural: menti)

 Police agent, militia agent (slang)



Na zone

 In prison

Ti menia dostal

 I’ve had enough of you

Shluha vokzal’naja

 Train station whore



Past’ zakroi

 Shut it




 tebe Hit you


 Snake, serpent


 Understand? (slang)

Huyniu nesti

 Talking crap


 Asshole (old slang)

Poshlaja svenja

 Chauvinistic pig


 Provoke, pester, annoy, tempt


 I’ll kill you


 I’ll kill you! (slang, old)

Paritsa (ne par’sia)

 Getting upset (calm down)


 Old man




 Woman who doesn’t know how to cook or clean


 1. Idiot. 2. Russian card game




 Messed up

Krisha poehala

 Has gone insane

Nochnaja babochka

 Hooker (literally: night butterfly)

Kak muhi na govno

 Like flies to s@#$


 You’re in deep s@#$ (literally: stuck)


 You’re in deep trouble (literally: you hit)


 You missed


 Lead (bullets)




 Gun (literally: cannon)




 Policemen who checks cars


 Road police


 F@#$ed up (literally: broken)

Ne pudri mne mozgi

 Don’t try to confuse me


 I’m so cold I’m stiff


 Rise (also for stiff d@#$)


 Insult for Ukrainian


 Boy, lad


 Joint, drug filled cigarette


 as above


 A suck up


 Car that’s falling apart as it goes

Derevianni rubli

 Useless money (literally: wooden rubles)

Baba Jaga


Zmei Gorinich

 Dragon, snake, negative meaning

Koshei Bessmertni

 Either very ugly or very skinny male


 Bribe money


 Someone who takes Vziatka (bribe money)


 Fat, ugly, mannerless woman


 Working class


 Suffocate in it!


 A person that’s the lowest of the lowest

Tovo, on/ona tovo

 He’s there, as in, he’s insane (or she)






 Cheater, criminal who rips people off


 Give a call by telephone

Roga pristavit

 Cheat on your boyfriend/girlfriend

Jaitsa razbit

 Kick your balls


 Beat to a bloody pulp


 Underage boy (literally: milk sucker)

Yebanat vonuchii

 Stinky f@#$ head

Ne hnich

 Don’t cry (rude)


 Big fight (literally: face smasher)

Sooka sin

 Son of a bitch

Perestan dedushkin huy sasat

 Stop sucking grandpa’s d#$%

U tebya cho ruki iz jopi rastut?

 Are your hands growing from your ass? (to a really clumsy person or to one who cannot do anything right)

Rogatii kozyol

 A loser whose wife cheats on him (literally: goat with horns)


 Someone who slits throats

Ti liubeesh papeenu pees’ku sassat’

 You love to suck your dad’s penis

Zacroy svoy peesavati rot, sooka

  Shut your f*%&ing mouth, bitch


 In prison, the person who is everyone’s bitch and has to do as everyone else says. Also lowest card in the Russian card deck.

Nu ti dajosh!

 Exclamation of amazement at someone’s courage or actions (can be positive and negative).

Idi obsosi tyaevo papu, kak ti delayesh kazhdyi den, ti shluha yebanaya 

 Go suck off your daddy like you usually do every night, you f@#$ing whore.


 A woman who doesn’t know who the father of her child is.


 Someone who’s not worth a thing (literally ‘pion’ the most unimportant figure in chess)


 A corrupt policeman who, in return for moderate pay, protects a criminal

U tya sho zhopa sho rozha: vse prigozhe

 Your ass is the same as your face: all beautiful.

Tya mama huyem v rot ebala

 Your mother f@#$ed you in the mouth with a d@#$.

Veshat lapshu na ushi

 To tell someone lies, try to fool someone (literally means to hang spaghetti on his ears)

Oo ti bya, galava, kak, oon a bizyanie jopuh

 Your face looks like a monkey’s ass

Shob tebe deti v sup srali

 I wish that your children will crap in your soup

Perestan’ mne jabat’ mozgi svojimi voprosami

 Stop f*%&ing my brain with your questions

U tebia ochen malenki hui, skolka…pat centimetra?

 You have a very small penis, how much…five centimeters?

More Russian Swear Words Information – if you’re still keen!

Check out  A Systematic Guide to Fluent Russian Swearing (Russian Edition) and Dirty Russian: Everyday Slang from “What’s Up?” to “F*%# Off!” (Dirty Everyday Slang).

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  New Zealand Travel Tips - How To Speak Like a Kiwi Bro! Some Funny New Zealand Slang Terms, Expressions, Sayings, Colloquialisms and Insults!

So hopefully, you’ll be swearing like a Russian in no time, and might even impress Vladimir Putin!

Funny Russian President - Vladimir Putin Topless

For more foreign language swear words, once you’ve mastered this list of Russian Swear Words, see my list of British Slang, French Swear Words, Italian Swear WordsGerman Swear Words, New Zealand Slang, Irish Slang and Spanish Swear Words! including the Pajero!

If you’re planning a trip soon, check out my best travel insurance tips, and get a quote on some Backpacker Travel Insurance.

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54 thoughts on “244 Russian Swear Words, Phrases, Curses, Slang, Insults, Colloquialisms and Expletives! How To Speak Russian!”

  1. Avatar Of Marsha

    Ha, these are fantastic. Most of the words I do not know so maybe I’ll keep them in mind when I go to Russia next year.

      1. Avatar Of Росиянка

        Если честно, я родилась и живу в России, и я могу вам сказать то что сдесь не самые сильные ругательства, некоторые переведены не правильно, а также не правильно написаны. Я поправлю несколько слов и добавлю свои
        1 Пизда(Pizda) – женское вагалище
        2 Хyй(Hui) – мужской половой орган
        3Пидорас(Pidoras)- подлый, нечесный человек
        4ЕбонашкаДура(Dura)(Ebonashka)-глупая женщина
        5Долбоеб,Ебонат-(Dolboeb)Ebonat)-глупый мужчина
        6Хуeсос(Huesos) -подлиза
        8Блять!(Blat’!)-ничего особо не означает, говорится когда случается какая-то неудача
        9Сука(Suka) – 1собака женского пола 2 значение выше
        10пиздец(Pizdets)-говорят когда случается что-то ОЧЕНЬ плохое
        Конечно в русском языке есть множество других матов, но это (особенно последние три) популярны

  2. Avatar Of Deuce

    My Russian mother-in-law used to curse me on a regular basis. The one that I remember was “Zar-raz-nee.” Supposedly that or another translated to “Devil spawn.” Anyone have any insight as to what it means?

      1. Avatar Of Vi

        Hi guys. I am from Russia and accidentally came to this site when I was looking for the most interesting swear words.
        So there’s that. The word “zaraza” (contagion/зараза) translated as a person who carries diseases. But now that word just means a person you’re bored with or something like that.
        Sorry if my English is bad, but hopefully I’ve helped at least a little bit.

        1. Avatar Of Людмила

          Пипец, увас тут весело ребята)))) вы все не правильно напереводили и решили применять))) за это можно и бубен получить в России! Путину точно не понравится, он очень умный и образованный человек, не оценит такой юмор. Объясняю, Залупа, это яички и соответственно ЗАЛУПА КОНСКАЯ, это яйца коня))) а перхоть подзалупная, это видимо перхоть оттуда, но я а своей жизни ещё не слышала такого выражения. Что-то там про детей, которые а суп срали, это вообще бред сивой кобылы, такого выражения у нас никогда не было и наврятли будет… По поводу ЗАРАЗЫ это действительно от слова заразный, но применяется больше в шутливой форме, а не в обидной

    1. Avatar Of Саша

      Hi, I’ll tell you how Russian, it’s hard to call it a name-calling, “Zar-raz-nee” is a literal translation of Zar-raz-nee-infection, but not as a covid, but as a fungus or something like that,))

      p.s. So they call, basically, very close people, “she is loving it” as we say that
      – Ivan. May the devils fry you in a frying pan
      – Timur. Ivan for what? What have I done to you that’s so bad?
      – Ivan. Yes, I’m a loving friend))
      – Timur. AAAAA, well then, okay, I already shit myself, I thought I offended you somewhere.

      1. Avatar Of James Quinn

        “Hi, I’ll tell you how Russian, it’s hard to call it a name-calling, “Zar-raz-nee” is a literal translation of Zar-raz-nee-infection, but not as a covid, but as a fungus or something like that,”

        Hi, how would you say ‘Covid’ in Russian?, or better yet…those people who refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated. In English, we have been calling them ‘Covid-iots’.

  3. Avatar Of Robert

    Man I would love to learn Russian. Not a common thing ’round these parts. Oh well, this is a start!
    I watch a lot of those awesome Russian crash videos on youtube and one I hear a lot sounds like by-you mott!. No idea if it’s bad but if someone hits you while driving I guess you should say it. Or suka blyat will do nicely. Drive safe.

    1. Avatar Of Wiebe

      Probably short for ‘yob tva yu mat’ (go fuck your mother). I enjoy these vids too 🙂

    2. Avatar Of Mark

      Yes!!, those two sayings!!, I want to know what these two mean!, I guessed that suka was sh$&, and yu mott was probably something like S,O,B,

      1. Avatar Of Flawless Strategy
        Flawless Strategy

        Suka (Spelled Сука, in Cyrillic.) (And pronounced Sue-KAH, stressing the second syllable.) means bitch.

        1. Avatar Of Laszlo Kalmar

          The original meaning of the word is female dog. Stress is on the first syllable though, however, the stress really drifts to the second syllable as long as the emotion is really strong. Putting a stress on the firs “S”, as it were duplicated holds the same emotional strength.

  4. Avatar Of Garkdashark

    I’ve been learning Russian but have yet to come across lessons that include these words and phrases so SPASIBA!

  5. Avatar Of Star

    This is great!!!
    Researching bad words for the Russian character in my book…
    So I need swear words… LOL

  6. Avatar Of Wiebe

    I greatly enjoyed reading this. Lately I’ve been watching car crash vids on a regular basis. Dunno why but a lot are from Russia. Everyone there has a dashcam and they can’t drive for shit. Great source for learning the most common curse words. Blyad, Suka, Yob tvoya mat are used by young and old, male and female. ‘E bami v rod’ is also common but I couldn’t find it here so I bet it’s boring :).

  7. Avatar Of Valeria

    ОМГ, что за..? XD
    Я и половины не знала))) Расширила свой словарный запас)))

      1. Avatar Of Annie

        She says she didn’t even know half of these, and learned new vocab. And smiley faces – ) , because she’s obviously Russian herself so that’s funny.

    1. Avatar Of Мария Александровна
      Мария Александровна

      She probably meant that she didn’t know half of these because they are so horrifically misspelled that they look nothing like the real words.

  8. Avatar Of Alyssa Heberlig
    Alyssa Heberlig

    I love your silly posts. They always make me laugh. If I ever go to Russia I now know how to cuss people out. Great skill acquired .

  9. Avatar Of Андрей Игнатов
    Андрей Игнатов

    Suka = bitch (literal meaning)
    Tvo-yoo-mat’ = shortened version of “Yob tvoyoo mat’”, literally “Fuck your mother”.
    Please don’t use Russian swearings towards Russians. They don’t tolerate those from outlanders.

  10. Avatar Of Андрей Игнатов
    Андрей Игнатов

    Rather “zayebali” (the second “a” is stressed). Literal meaning – “fucked till I got tired”, translation – someone has extremely annoyed that person. Usage: “Ti zaebal!” – I’m tired of you (single, male). “Vi zaebali” – I’m tired of you (plural).

  11. Avatar Of Andrei Ignatov
    Andrei Ignatov

    Dear Ms Heberlig, dear all,
    Please be warned: using Russian swear words towards Russians is not recommended. That is, the emotional content is huge, and foreigner won’t be forgiven for usage of Russian profanities. Compare with calling a Hispanic man “cabron”. Same, but can become even worse.

    1. Avatar Of Мария Александровна
      Мария Александровна

      Большинство из них написаны с ужасными ошибками((

  12. Avatar Of Laszlo Kalmar

    Interesting that Anthony, the Travel Tart mixes up Cyrillic й, which is a consonant (corresponds to the English “y”, as in the words why, year, young), with ы, which is a vowel that does not have an English counterpart, but often substituted with i like in the word India.
    As of the rude speech, Russian and Serb are famously rich in expressions of wrathful emotions, but often swear words are used in an everyday speech by women as well. Doubtlessly, the most frequent word one can hear in the streets from a Russian is блядь (or блять), pronounce as blyagy (or blyaty). Literal meaning is whore, prostitute, but has to be translated as fuck, fucking, fucked. This word is used as an expletive, I knew people who were unable to say a sentence without it. 🙂

  13. Avatar Of Riffy

    Most of the Russian words typed in here are mispelled big time. BIG time (cyrillic).

  14. Avatar Of Iii

    This is all WRONG, 80% is absolutely misspelled in Cyrillic, to the point that they are unrecognizable. And English variants also contains TONS of wrong phrases, both in construction, in word order, in spelling and some just simply don’t make any sense whatsoever. So the only advice I, as a Native Russian speaker, can give anyone who came here in order to learn something is basically to IGNORE THIS ARTICLE. Unless you want to sound as ridiculous and absolutely unintelligible.
    But I knew it’s gonna be a bad one once I read you learned these in Kazakhstan LOL

    1. Avatar Of Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart

      Cool! Yes, I did receive the (I’m guessing) phonetic English translations and I did mention in the article that I fed these through Google Translate to see what came out the other end – which is obviously wrong. But being a native Russian speaker, I’d love you to correct them… 🙂

      1. Avatar Of Alice✨

        I didn’t go through all of these, and yeah, they’re horribly misspelled, but the translations themselves are a bit off in terms of usage. for example, we say “еб твою мать” (the “f*ck your mother” one) not towards the person, but rather when we’re surprised or upset about something, so literal translations don’t always work. also they’ve kinda f*cked you over in Kazakhstan, the “you’re a loser” one — “я русский пидарас” — translates into English as “I’m a Russian faggot”.

        I’ll be glad to help should you want to make a new list of swearwords/expressions or correct this one.

  15. Avatar Of Ali

    Tumhari gaand mai lan hai? is not russian at all. It’s urdu/hindi. I was enjoying the post but this made me think that all the curse might not be right cuz some curse words are from post soviet union countries as well.

  16. Avatar Of Santos

    How do you say “facials” in Russian language?

    When I say “facials” I mean in a sexual context. Like sperm facial. Thanks

  17. Avatar Of Tatiana

    This list is probably 10% legit, and the rest is not something anyone in their right state of mind would say. Russian is my first language, and I LOVE Russian swearing, but it’s like learning Chinese to Japanese – you’ll be able to read, but never – to write…

  18. Avatar Of Corc

    haha, great try. Of course, it is indecent to express yourself like that, but these obscene words can perfectly show how bad the situation can be. 30% of course with errors on this site, 30% I can’t read and understand what it is 😉

  19. Avatar Of Lyle Macbride

    I was told by my best friend who studied the Russian Language for over 10 years in Highschool and University that the worst insult was calling someone a ‘black ass’. He would never tell me how to say it though. He said that with my luck it would get me killed…

    Then he drank himself to death at 38.

    1. Avatar Of Алкаш Комуняка 8А Класса))
      Алкаш Комуняка 8А класса))

      Здравствуйте, Ваш друг, имел в виду, черножопый “chernozhopyj”, это не связано с афроамериканцами, у нас к ним гораздо более лояльное отношение, чем в других странах, И черножопым изначально называли цыган, которые были не чисто на руку, если русский не чист на руку, его называли хитрожопым или tricky-ass, в этом утверждении нет ни малейшего намека на расу))

      Your friend meant, the Black-assed “chernozhopyj”, it’s not connected with African Americans, we have a much more loyal attitude towards them than in other countries, And the black-assed were originally called Gypsies who were not purely on hand, if the Russian is not clean on hand, he was called a smart-ass “hitrozhopyi”, there is not the slightest hint of race in this statement))

  20. Avatar Of Alina

    Ebanarij: very weird place to be at;
    Im in such a ebanarij now!
    Ebatorium: extent version of ebanarij
    (Similar to sanatorium but it still has a flavor of ebatorij)

    Ibat’ moj hui – this is simple- fu*ck my dick – mostly used when surprised with smth; – ibat’ moj hui- so many chinese around !

    Pizdodo : mainly used to express very weird , unlogical women, used in a contest of “madame pizdodo” – lady anyone should avoid as her emotional is always above logical but sometimes madame pizdodo takes a role of boss, what to do.

    Ebobo: someone exremely weird. All covidiots would fall into this definition; diminutive “eboboshka” – when dont want to offend a person but still think he or she is ebobo

    Ipat’-kolotit’ (literally fu*ck and beat); sort of surprise reaction

    Ipat’ moj hui – f@ck my dick (surprise)

    Pod’ebat’ – make a joke on someone –
    Nu i pod’ebal ty menya tol’ko shto (you just laughed me out)

    And mart mart more ^_^

  21. Avatar Of Jon

    It’s 55 years since my school tried to teach me Russian.I probably know as much nw as I did then! My teacher, Nina Cree, hold the class there were no swear words in Russian & we believed her. She did know how to shout.
    I’ve been looking for a list of insults in case I ever meet a Russian soldier or President Putrid.

  22. Avatar Of Very Helpful. I Have Learned Some Russian Because I Live In A Neighborhood That Is Increasing Ly Russian
    Very helpful. I have learned some Russian because I live in a neighborhood that is increasing ly Russian

    I wanted to leave a comment.
    I have learned some Russian since my neighborhood is becoming increasingly Russian. I can now write and read Russian, but I just don’t know what most of it says.
    I like the 20 year old kids quite a lot, but they don’t have the patience to help me with language.
    I am a gardener, and I mostly like their grandparents, who are all gardeners.
    Some sites use an underline to the letter that begins the accentuated syllable.
    If that is not possible, then they use an apos’trophe typed in bold ‘ af’ter the accen’tuated syll’able. You might try this, as it will help americans to say it right

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