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Rabies Shots and Alert in New Zealand – Goat Rabies?

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Rabies Shots – In New Zealand?

Today, I have a really weird travel photo from Jade and James from about Rabies Shots. It’s of the Rabies Alert and tied up goat on the side of the road in New Zealand!

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This photo is just truly bizarre! And it just doesn’t seem to have any plausible explanation to me at all! WTF!

Rabies Shot And Alert

This Rabies Shot Explanation?

Jade and James say ‘We were hitchhiking from Napier to Wellington on New Zealand’s North Island when we were dropped off in a strange little town near this goat. There were strange signs all over the place about rabies and government conspiracies. But we especially loved the rabies sign which was hung over where the goat was tied.’

That’s just plain weird! Sounds like these signs about the conspiracy theories should have been a plot line for the X files show. It just makes no sense to me at all!

But hey, that’s what you get when you go cruising around – you’re bound to find some bizarre oddities like this. Makes life much less boring!

More Rabies Shot stuff

For more Rabies Shot info, check out the even more bizarre I travelled to India, got bitten by a dog, went back home and got a bunch of rabies shots, then flew back to India and ate the country.

Or if you’re paranoid about contracting rabies like some of the New Zealand locals, maybe you would want to buy the Rabvac 3 Vaccine – 10 Dose Vial. That’s not a bad idea. I’ve almost been bitten by a dodgy looking dog in a third world country, and I don’t think I would like to be infected with a crazy disease like rabies.

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But don’t worry, you won’t need a rabies shot if you do visit New Zealand.


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