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Private Jets – What I’d Like To Say If I Ever Set Foot on One!

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

You’re in the top few percent of the world’s richest people if you are able to afford a seat on a plane.

I’m very grateful that I’ve been able to fly to all sorts of places around the world, and happy to have the opportunity to do so simply because I was born in an affluent country by world standards.

But I’m sure that there are many of us who experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and wishing they could afford their own private jet when they’re stuck in cattle class on a long haul flight.

There’s nothing like dealing with First World Problems, hey!

Business Aircraft

Personally, I think that’s a bit extravagant, but I wouldn’t mind having a ride on someone else’s private jet if they sent me an invite to go along for the ride (hint hint Donald Trump if you manage to read this!).

Then I thought, if I ever had this opportunity (you just never know what you receive back when you put something out there!), what would I say on board if I managed to have most of the plane to myself?

Anyway, wonder no more!

The Top 10 Things I’d Say If I Was Invited On A Private Jet!

Plane Spotting

Duct Tape Uses

  • Thank god I didn’t have to wait with all of those airport weirdos called the general public inside of the terminal!

Airport People

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Airline Passenger Boredom - Ransom Note Letters

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Airline Safety Card - Hands

There you go!

Private Jets

If you were ever lucky enough to score an invite for a ride on a private jet (or even own one yourself!), what would you say if you managed to score a seat?

Share with the world and let us know!

If there’s anyone out there with a private jet who wants to give me a life, please contact me!

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

2 thoughts on “Private Jets – What I’d Like To Say If I Ever Set Foot on One!”

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