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Office Shoes – Footwear Custom Made From Tyres

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 Office Shoes - Footwear Custom Made From Tyres

Office Shoes and Black Footwear – literally!

If you’re after a pair of Office Shoes (or any type of Footwear for that matter!) in Arusha, Tanzania, one does not go to the a Office Shoe Shop – instead, you go to the local mechanic!

What The? I hear you say! I need to buy shoes from somewhere that I normally bring my car too if it has broken down?

That’s right, the mechanic recycles old car tyres and makes them into all sorts of  Footwear, which I think is the ultimate in recycling, even more so than the shoe fence in New Zealand.

Here is a photo I took of the range of Custom Made Footwear that your local Tanzanian mechanic can produce, which occurs in a wide variety of black:

Office Shoes – Photos!

Office Shoes - Footwear Custom Made From Tyres

This is another awesome example that demonstrates that nothing is wasted in Africa – they are the ultimate recyclers.

The sole of these Office Shoes is made from the tread of the car tyre, offering the wearer excellent grip in all conditions, including when it’s raining.

The straps that hold your feet into the Shoe Soles are made from the tyre tubes, offering a soft contact with your feet and minimising your blisters!

Unfortunately, these Office Shoes tend to leave grease marks all over your feet because of the tyre’s previous use of being what keeps the car on the road, but at least their tread will never wear out!

So after you check out other great sights in Tanzania such as the George Bush Bar, the Hair and Beauty Salon and the Ngorogoro Crater Campground, buy a pair of awesome Office Shoes!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Oyster Card - London Underground Travel Card

I’m guessing this Custom Made Foootwear won’t appear in The 2010-2015 Outlook for Online Shoes in Africa!

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5 thoughts on “Office Shoes – Footwear Custom Made From Tyres”

  1. Avatar Of Red Nomad Oz

    Haha, that’s great!! Maybe the Body Shop can add a new line to their ‘Round the World’ products – these really reinforce the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ mantra!!

    I guess there’s nothing to stop you washing them first!?!?!

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