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Nomadic Matt, Bruce Poon Tip and The Travel Tart – A Travel Addict Menage A Trois!

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Woo hoo! Nomadic Matt has been colluding with Bruce Poon Tip from Gap Adventures to give away a trip to Costa Rica.

The link to the original announcement is here.

Since I’m an insatiable Travel Addict like Nomadic Matt, I’m putting my hand up for this awesome sounding trip, with this blog post being my entry.

So here is my 550 word blurb about Nomadic Matt’s questions of ‘Why do you want this trip, and what do you hope to get out of it?

The Short Answer: I’m a travel addict who loves travelling, and finds loads of joy and happiness whenever I do so.

The Longer Answer:

Well, I think I have a lot in common with Nomadic Matt and Bruce – we all love travel, and all the experiences that come from wandering around the world.

I’ve done crazy travel stuff like riding on a farting camels in the Sahara, risking my life in suicidal mini bus taxis in southern Africa, and drinking freshly brewed beer out of a rubbish bin in Namibia.

But I haven’t been to Costa Rica (which was Nomadic Matt’s first jaunt)… yet!  And I guess this giveaway is a good excuse to have a crack at a trip there!

I’ve even developed a corny poem to try and score this great trip!

Here it is!

Nomadic Matt Trip Corny Poem

I was watching my Twitter Feed one day

When Nomadic Matt said ‘I’m giving a free trip away’

With Brucey Poontip from Gap Adventures

It’s to Costa Rica, a new travel thirst quencher

I wondered how I could win this trip

Via a witty blog post, or even a funny video clip

Then I thought about writing this silly poem

In the hope that Nomadic Matt and Bruce would help me leave home.

The thing is that I’m a nomadic soul

If I stay too long in one place, I start to lose control

But the main reason I want to score this trip,

Is to escape the cubicle prison which is fluorescent lit.

I know that I will experience so much if selected,

As every single travel day is one where I feel connected.

And because I’m a self proclaimed Travel Tart

I’ll do whatever it takes to make the journey’s start!

I’ll blog every day (technology permitting!), which is more than you want,

I’ll Tweet the whole journey to my 9000+ followers, telling them about the jaunt!

I’ll record the whole journey on video, with special effects,

And even add Costa Rica to my ever growing Beer Index

I’m also well qualified, when it comes to blogging trip opportunities,

I spent a month in Indonesia, staying withlocal blogging communities

I even have a background in environmental science,

So I can blurb about Gap Adventures, and their sustainability compliance!

Whatever happens guys, thanks for this opportunity

But I really hope to check out some Costa Rican cities

So the 7th of March is circled on my chart,

Because that’s the date when you shout a trip for The Travel Tart!

Just imagine this – the awesome travel threesome of Nomadic Matt, Bruce Poontip and The Travel Tart! Maybe…

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Themed Restaurants in Japan - Freak Show Central

Travel Threesome1 | Costa Rica Travel Blog | Nomadic Matt, Bruce Poon Tip And The Travel Tart - A Travel Addict Menage A Trois! | Bruce Poon Tip, Funny Travel, Gap Adventures, Nomadic Matt, Offbeat Travel, The Travel Tart, Travel Addict, Travel Blogs, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Anyway, there it is – my blog post entry for Nomadic Matt and Bruce and the trip to Costa Rica.

Hope it gives me a shot!

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11 thoughts on “Nomadic Matt, Bruce Poon Tip and The Travel Tart – A Travel Addict Menage A Trois!”

  1. Avatar Of Lauren Stott

    Hey Anthony, just heard about your entry through Peter Moore’s Facebook feed and promptly checked it out…you have my vote Travel Tart, good luck!

  2. Avatar Of Nonadita

    You’ve got my vote.. Goodluck Anthony! ^^
    .-= nonadita´s last blog ..Mau Legal tak Mesti Mahal =-.

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