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My Nuts – Interesting Travel Photo

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My Nuts Are Probably Salty!

My Nuts is usually something most males think about if they’ve been kicked there accidentally. That would be every male on the entire planet, including myself. It’s enough to make your eyes water and will force you to clench your legs for many, many long minutes.

However, the term ‘My Nuts’ probably isn’t usually associated with something you can eat. Well, not for me anyway.

But check out this Interesting Travel Photo taken by Carrie Kellenberger from My Several Worlds (you can follow her on Twitter at Globtrotteri). I had a good laugh at this when she first sent this picture to me!

My Nuts Photo – Totally Piss Funny!

Carrie took this absolutely piece of gold travel humour from a local supermarket in Taiwan. I’m going online now to order an entire crate of these packaged peanuts and cashews to munch on!

My Nuts | Taiwan Travel Blog | My Nuts - Interesting Travel Photo | Funny Travel, Interesting Travel Photo, My Nuts, Offbeat Travel, Taiwan, Travel Blogs, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

However, when I was looking at this picture, I couldn’t help but think of how the marketing department would work at the My Nuts corporation head offices. I can imagine all of the great chats between advertising executives on how to maximise the mileage of this unique brand!

Hmm, I can imagine the public relations campaign for My Nuts.

  • ‘My Nuts are the freshest around’
  • ‘Make sure you eat My Nuts’
  • My Nuts are sooooo Salty!
  • My Nuts are crunchy in your mouth…

The possibilities are endless… God, I could talk about my nuts all day..

It’s probably just another case of Engrish gone wrong. But that’s the joy of travelling, coming across funny stuff like this that gives you a chuckle, even though it seems completely innocent to the locals!

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After you’ve finished checking out this Interesting Travel Photo and eating My Nuts, check out my 52 Tips for Weird Food or Drink, try Tea With Egg, or Cow’s Nose With Peanut Sauce!

For more political incorrectness, check out my very long list of Russian Swear Words, Slang and Expletives, Spanish Insults and Funny German Expressions.

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14 thoughts on “My Nuts – Interesting Travel Photo”

  1. Avatar Of Luc J

    Hilarious. Another great example of English gone wrong. In the European Parliament, new showers were installed a few years ago. Apparently they were incredibly expensive. In the parliament a Dutch politician was complaining in the plenary session about “the golden showers in the parliament” 🙂
    .-= Luc J´s last blog ..A Wireless Picture Light that’s also Battery-less- CleverLite =-.

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      That’s Gold Luc! If you’ve got any Funny Travel Photos that you would like to be featured on The Travel Tart, send them through and I’ll link back to you!

  2. Avatar Of Thomas

    Someone just looked over my shoulder and said “stop looking at my nuts” much to the amusement of the other people in the room!
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..City Guide: Alicante =-.

  3. Avatar Of Weddings In Spain
    Weddings in Spain

    There are too many puns available for these. “My Nuts in my mouth?” “My Nuts in your mouth?” Nut-tastic.

  4. Avatar Of Jr Riel

    I wouldn’t eat it…cause then I’d have to tell my friends that I eat My Nuts.

  5. Avatar Of Fb Jail Escapee

    Wow, I had somebody try to Grab My Giant Nuts, and had to fight them off with my Nut Bag, flinging it Hither and Yon they finally learned I would Not let them have my Nuts, so Keep your sacks full in case you have to fight for your own nuts. It CAN happen at any time.

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