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Mud Face Mask – Compulsory in Fiji!

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Mud Face Mask – I can hear Paris calling now..

As part of the Rainforest Walk trip, Fiji Eco Tours takes you to a place that has some thermal springs and a mud bath, so you can create your own ‘natural’ clay Mud Face Mask.

Basically, someone has dug a hole near the thermal springs for you to dig out the mud to smear all over yourself. It’s not exactly something you would see in the beauty houses of Paris!

Here it is:

Mud Face Mask - Mud Bath Pit In Fiji

I know what you’re thinking – it looks like something cattle are more likely to have a bath in than humans, but in reality, it’s much nicer than it looks. I can’t see any of the supermodels rushing to this part of the South Pacific soon to get their natural beauty mask fix!

The process is pretty simple – you dig the mud out, and then smother it all over your face and body.  This is the end result – the Fijian version of the Mud Face Mask!

My Mud Face Mask!

Mud Face Mask Compulsory In Fiji Mud Bath | Fiji Travel Blog | Mud Face Mask - Compulsory In Fiji! | Fiji, Fiji Eco Tours, Fiji Massage, Mud Face Mask, Nadi, Travel Blogs | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

There is a nearby thermal spring to swim in afterwards to wash off the mud! Lucky, because I really didn’t want to go in to town covered in mud looking like the Swamp Thing!

Afterwards, your trip finished off with a relaxing Fiji Massage which almost sends you to sleep.  Here is an example!


So for a trip that benefits the local Fijian community, check out Fiji Eco Tours.

I’m thinking of suggesting this Mud Face Mask idea to the cosmetic companies to see if they will buy into it! I don’t like my luck though!

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More Mud Face Mask Stuff

Somehow, I think this Fijian Mud Face Mask is nothing like the ones you can get on Amazon!

Thanks to Fiji Eco Tours and Tourism Fiji for providing this day out!

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3 thoughts on “Mud Face Mask – Compulsory in Fiji!”

  1. Avatar Of Sasha

    It looks like CHOCOLATE although I bet it didn’t taste like chocolate! lol Out of curiosity did it smell really bad???

      1. Avatar Of Sasha

        Hahaha that is possibly the best description for a bad smell I’ve ever read!!! U so have to find somewhere that smells that bad so u can use that as your description!

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