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Memorial Monuments Of The World – Motorbike Safety

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Memorial Monuments In Your Face!

Today, I’ve been sent an amazing set of photos from my mate Taufik about Memorial Monuments. Taufik lives in Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

You can follow him on Twitter @bangfiko, and he runs a photoblog called PojokPhoto.

I met him on a Blogging Communities Trip I did throughout Indonesia in 2009. During that time, he showed me a common Road Safety Campaign which involved using car wrecks from actual fatal accidents to try and change the driving culture. These kinds of Memorial Monuments are scattered throughout Indonesia, and these are pretty much a 3D billboard that tells a great (if not tragic) story about road safety.

Well, he emailed me recently to show another one, which is mind blowing based on the amount of effort required to construct this beast, and the number of stories behind it!

Memorial Monuments – Motorbike Safety

Check out this Traffic Accident Memorial which is located in the Riau region of central Sumatra, Indonesia. From a distance, it looks like a tall, bright colourful tower sticking out of the landscape.

However, do you notice something unusual about it?

Memorial Monuments - Motorbike Safety

Haven’t figured it out yet?

Well, take a closer look:

Motorbike Safety

That’s right – this Memorial Monument is made up of 45 individual motorbikes that were involved in fatal traffic accidents!

While this might be a tad ‘in your face’ and probably politically incorrect, I think this is great because it’s telling it like it is.

I’ve been to Indonesia numerous times – and while their drivers don’t make my Worst Drivers In the World, there’s always room for improvement – based on this Memorial Monument alone!

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You view this Memorial Monument to Motorbike Safety at the Riau Province Traffic Police Department Office on Rumbai, Pekanbaru.

More Memorial Monument Stuff

Check out some more roadside Memorial Monument stuff in Roadside Crosses in Contemporary Memorial Culture.

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