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Marriage Photos – Wedding Pics Groom Fail.

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Marriage Photos – That Won’t Make the Wedding Album

Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage, they go together like a horse and carriage… like some funny Marriage Photos…not! Not judging by this photo anyway!

On my last night of the Wales Trip, I ended up chatting to a Bride and Groom that had taken the plunge at this swank country house they had hired as part of their Wedding.

Wales Accomodation Northop Hall | Wales Travel Blog | Marriage Photos - Wedding Pics Groom Fail. | Cardiff, Groom Fail, Love And Marriage, Marriage Photos, Travel Blogs, Wales, Wedding Pics | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

The Groom was looking a bit tipsy after a few beers, and I wondered why he bothered talking to a stranger like me, considering that the bride was falling asleep and probably wanting to consummate the whole thing. Actually, I think she was starting to look impatient for a while, and I diplomatically stopped the jibber jabber so the poor guy could sober up and maybe do what newly married couples are supposed to do after a big day of celebrations!

However, I think the poor guy took his drinking just a little bit too far. Sometime afterwards, one of the fellow travel bloggers I was hanging out with took a funny Wedding Pic in the hallway where I was staying!

Marriage Photo Fail

Check out this Funny Marriage Photo that won’t make the Wedding Pics album. Lucky he didn’t know us, otherwise we would have had this picture blown up to a large size and have it mounted for all of eternity!

Marriage Photos Wedding Pics Groom Fail | Wales Travel Blog | Marriage Photos - Wedding Pics Groom Fail. | Cardiff, Groom Fail, Love And Marriage, Marriage Photos, Travel Blogs, Wales, Wedding Pics | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

How embarrasing – we have a slang translation for this scenario, called ‘brewer’s droop’. Witnessing the bride and groom conversation the next morning might have been interesting. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall then!

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More Marriage Photo Stuff

Anyway, there’s a tip on Marriage Photos – don’t get so blind drunk that you collapse outside the marital room door!

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12 thoughts on “Marriage Photos – Wedding Pics Groom Fail.”

  1. Avatar Of Natalie

    Oh dear. I would be mortified if my husband had done that on the night of our wedding. That bloke is still going to be hearing about this in ten years time, if it makes it that far.

  2. Avatar Of Lorraine

    Now that I am re-reading your posts in greater detail (outside the requirements of ‘work’), I find your posts soooo damn funny!!

  3. Avatar Of Steve

    Oh man, that’s bad. Hopefully the bride didn’t throw him out there. Or maybe that’d be better, she’s probably pissed either way.

  4. Avatar Of Nishadha

    What an embarrassing start to your new life, hopefully this is after the party when everyone else has left, but I guess he will be reminded of this for the rest of his life

  5. Avatar Of Maui Wedding

    So not good for the groom. Looks as though his next morning conversation with his new wife was probably not a great one. Funny photo, thanks for sharing.

  6. Avatar Of Whirlwind Wedding

    Thanks Anthony for providing a bit of fun through your posts.Hope he has sorted out himself after his wedding but not being sober on your wedding day ,,,that is bit weird.

  7. Avatar Of Wedding Speeches Hq
    Wedding Speeches HQ

    This is extremely sad, the night before the big day and this happen…so sad.

    “Wedding Speeches HQ” Signing Off”

  8. Avatar Of David@Plasticbags

    WOW a drunk in the hallway after a wedding…thats not that big of a shocker lol jk but funny non the less

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