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Le Tour De France Bike Ride – Funny, Offbeat and Unusual Moments

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Le Tour De France – Funny Stuff!

With the World Cup now finished, world sporting attention is now being focused on Le Tour de France. You know, that long, tortuous bike ride that some guy called Lance Armstrong has won a few times by pedalling up a few mountains, in between the lush green countryside of the country that eats frogs legs (sorry, bad stereotype).

The great thing about Le Tour De France is that it’s truly a people’s race, and hundreds of thousands watch it every year from the side of the road, and on TV.  Actually, it’s an awesome free advertisement to promote and travel to France to feast on some of the great food and wines there!

Some Tour De France Funny Moments

But here are some Funny, Offbeat and unusual moments relating to some previous  Tour de France races. I’ve compiled a list of these below that have made me chuckle when I watch the nightly highlights show on the television or on the internet.

1. Team Borat

Why anyone would want dress up in a mankini and race the peloton is beyond me. But some crazy guy got dressed up in this wardrobe malfunction so that all the world could be amazed by his hairy butt crack.

2. Collisions with Dogs

Maybe not so funny if it was you riding.  The Dog and cyclist were both Okay.

This is more dangerous than fireworks sending dogs crazy!

3. Funny Dutch Commercial for the Tour De France Radio Broadcast

Quite clever!

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4. Remi Gellard, the French Comedian – check out what this Prankster does to these poor ordinary Sunday Riders!

The Tour de France isn’t even on. But he creates an environment where it feels like it!


There you go, some Funny Tour De France related moments.

For more strange stuff about Le Tour De France, check out Blazing Saddles: The Cruel & Unusual History of the Tour de France.

Le Tour De France Bike Ride - Funny, Offbeat And Unusual Moments

See more at my list of French Swear Words, Slang and Expletives!

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2 thoughts on “Le Tour De France Bike Ride – Funny, Offbeat and Unusual Moments”

  1. Avatar Of Euro Relais

    Haha that Borat guy… 😀

    About the dog. My dad told me a story once that the day the tour the france came through our town, the dog ran away from home. The entire family whas scared to death that the dog would run in front of a bike or something, but half an hour before the tour drove through the street he lived in he found the dog…

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