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Kangaroo Photos. Do They Jump Around in Australian Streets? YES they do!

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It’s Kangaroo Photos time! And this one isn’t about the kangaroo that looks drunk or dead at Taronga Zoo in Sydney!

One thing about Australia is that there are many Urban Legends and Myths. That’s because locals have a warped sense of humour and like seeing travellers believe some of the far fetched stories that are sometimes made up. If you do come to visit Australia, don’t take us too seriously – because we don’t! There’s nothing malicious about this – it’s all about having a silly joke and a bit of fun!

For example, there is the myth about Drop Bears, which are mythical creatures that fall on you from a great height and can cause massive injuries. They don’t exist! It’s just an Australian wildlife urban legend that has gathered momentum over time because *some* people have believed it!

Another myth that is out there is that there are kangaroos jumping around city streets. Everywhere! All the time.

But is this one actually true? Do kangaroos inhabit the same spaces as people, houses, and cars? Well, sometimes!

Kangaroo Photos – the evidence of them existing in Australian streets!

Kangaroo Photos

Pretty cool photo me thinks, but you would be able to see this in many areas around the world where housing estates/suburbs are built next to animal habitat.

I took this photo in front of my friends house in Canberra, the Australian capital. He lives in a relatively new part on the outskirts of the city, and he lives across the road from a park where this photo was taken. When we were driving back to his place at dusk, there were hundreds of kangaroos eating grass on the side of the road.

You won’t find a sight like this in the most highly urbanised areas of the country (for example, the middle of Sydney – but then again, you just never know!), but you might come across this scene in suburbia that is encroaching on kangaroo habitat, like this place is.

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Kangaroo Jumping

So much for Skippy the Bush Kangaroo! Looks like this one is jumping away for a hot latte somewhere!

Too add to this, I grew up in Cairns, in tropical Australia. And there were times where small crocodiles were washed up through the city gutters at high tide, which made locals and visitors look twice. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s possible – as long as it’s not like Australia’s biggest crocodile. That would be scary!

More Kangaroo Photos stuff!

I don’t think my pics will end up in  50+ Photos of Kangaroos.

See more Aussie stuff at my list of Australian slang words and expressions!

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