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Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions & Expletives!

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Yay, today I’ve got more silly language lessons on this crazy website – this time, it’s about Irish Slang, Swear Words, Expressions and Expletives!

The Irish are known for their great sense of humour. I love visiting Ireland just for the banter you have with the locals in the pub and all around the place.

Q? 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Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=B00B1Gnxis&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B00B1Gnxis | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=B0714P415P&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=B0714P415P | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog Q? Encoding=Utf8&Amp;Marketplace=Us&Amp;Asin=1904859607&Amp;Serviceversion=20070822&Amp;Id=Asinimage&Amp;Ws=1&Amp;Format= Sl250 &Amp;Tag=Thetratar 20 | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart BlogIr?T=Thetratar 20&Amp;L=Am2&Amp;O=1&Amp;A=1904859607 | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

It’s lots of fun, and just like Australians, the Irish don’t take themselves too seriously. But that leaves the question…

What are some funny examples of Irish Slang and Expressions?

Irish Slang Swear Words Expletives | Ireland Travel Blog | Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives! | English To Irish, Gaelic Insults, Gaelic Swear Words, Irish Accent, Irish Colloquialisms, Irish Curses, Irish English, Irish English Expressions, Irish Expletives, Irish Expressions, Irish Funny, Irish Insults, Irish Phrases, Irish Slang, Irish Slang For Drunk, Irish Slang Terms, Irish Slang Words, Irish Swear Words, Irish Terminology, Irish Terms, Irish Words, Irish Words For Drunk, Northern Irish Slang, Urban Dictionary | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Choking the chicken – masturbating
Bingo Wings – flabby underarms
Thick as a brick – very stupid
As useless as a chocolate teapot – very useless
Having the painters in – having your period

So today, I’ve collected over 800 Irish slang expressions just for a bit of a laugh so you can lose a bit more time to the internet that you’ll never get back!

Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions &Amp; Expletives!

Here you go, and enjoy!

Irish Slang Words Time! My Ultimate List!

Irish Slang WordProper’ English Translation
3m A young man whose only cares are his mother, his mouth and his moustache
50p lifesaver A condom
99, a Ice cream cone with a chocolate flake
a Go A fight
Acting the MaggotFooling and messing around
Afters Dessert
Ages A long time
Agro A fight
Alco Someone who’s always drunk or pissed
Amadán (Omadhan) Idiot
Apache Joyrider
Ape Fool
Apple tart Rhyming slang for fart
Apples and pears Stairs
Ara be whist Shut up
arabs knees Keys
Arse Backside
Arseways I made a complete mess of it!
Arsing AroundBeing lazy
Arthur power Rhyming slang for shower
Arthur Scargill Rhyming slang for gargle
Arthurs A pint of Guinness (Arthur Guinness)
Article A woman
As rough as a bear’s arseVery rough
As scarce as hen’s teethVery rare
As sharp as a beach ballNot very sharp
As sick as a small hospitalVery sick
As small as a mouse’s diddyVery small
As thick as two short planks Very thick
As useful as a cigarette lighter on a motorbike.Not useful at all
As useful as a lighthouse on a bogAs above
As useless as a chocolate teapotAs above
As useless as tits on a bullAs above
As weak as a salmon in a sandpitVery hungry
Ask me arseShut up
Ass juiceDiarrhoea
At it Making love
Aubergine Egg plant
Aul Man or Fella Father
Aul WanMother
Aussie kiss Cunnilingus – similar to a French Kiss, but given down under
Away with ye / away on / Aye right I don’t really believe you.
Babby Baby
Baby Power Miniature bottle of Powers Irish Whiskey
Bad doseSevere illness
Bad egg A dodgy bloke or a troublemaker
Bag o’ SwhagVery Good
Bag of Taytos Packet of cold potato chips
Bags (To make a bags of something) A botched job
Bake Face/mouth
Baldy, as in “I haven’t got a baldy” I haven’t a clue
BallA large amount of something
Ball of s#$te Something that’s bad
Ball-bag Literally means scrotum,  but actually means total idiot
Balls To mess up
Balls Male genitalia
Bang onRight, Accurate, Correct
Banger Old car
BanjaxedBroken -A (Generally Irreversable) State of Disrepair
Bap Bread bun
Barm brack Cake eaten at holloween
Barney Dillons  Rhyming slang for shillings – money
Barrelling Rushing around
Barry White Rhyming slang for going for a s#$te
BarseThe part of a man’s body between his balls and arse
Batch Bread Thick bread, sometimes sliced already
Baths Public swimming pool
Battle cruiser The pub; rhymes with boozer.
Baz Pubic hair
Bazzer Haircut
Be dog wide Be extra vigilant
Be L.O. Keep a look out
Be wide Be careful
Beamer To be embarrassed
Bean-jacks Ladies toilet
Bells The time, e.g. 10 Bells (10 o’clock)
Belt Hit someone
BenjyAn unpleasant odour
Beor (pronounced bee-yo) Attractive woman
Berco Absolutely rotten drunk
Bevvies Alcoholic drinks
Beyant Beyond or over there
Bifter Joint, as in “roll a bifter”
Bill Murray Rhyming slang for curry
Bill Skinner Rhyming slang for dinner
Bills Pounds
Bingo wings Flabby underarms on a woman
Bird  Girl generally, or girlfriend
Biro Ballpoint pen
Bitch-bag Scrotum or bollocks
Bite the back of my bollox Stop bothering me
Black Very crowded, busy – as in ‘town was black!’
Black Mariah Police van or paddy wagon
Black StuffGuinness
Blackers Blackberries
Blarney Nonsense
Blather Talk
Bleedin’ deadly Brilliant
Blow Hash
Boat race Rhyming slang for face
Bobble To walk or to move somewhere
BOBFOC Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch, eg. “she’s a Bobfoc”
Bog Country area
Bog ball A derogatory name for gaelic football
Bogey Snot
BoggerPerson from the Countryside
Bogs Public toilets
Bold Naughty
Bolloxed Very drunk
Bolloxed up Screwed up
Bolt Go fast/ run away
Bombardier Type of Irish bus
Bombay Sh*tehawkGeneral colourful insult
Boozer Pub
Boreen Narrow lane or road
Boss Polite generic term when you’re chatting to someone
Bottle of water Rhyming slang for Daughter
Bout ye How are you doing?
Bouzzie, Bowsie Young good-for-nothing, who hangs around on street corners
BowlerDog/ugly person
Bowsie A useless good for nothing usually a male
Box Female genitalia
Boxed offSorted
Boxin’ the fox Robbing an orchard
Boyo Male juvenile delinquent
Brasser Lady of the night
Bread and honey Rhyming slang for money
Brickin’ it Nervous to the point of soiling oneself
Brilliant Great, best
Brown Trout Excrement
BrutalAwful, Dreadful
Bucket of dirt Rhyming slang for shirt
Bucket of snots  An ugly person
Bucketing Raining very heavily
Bucketing downRaining hard
Buckled Drunk
Bucko Lad, a player
Bud Polite generic term when you’re chatting to someone
Buff Red necks
Bunk Off  To skip school
Bushed  Exhausted/knackered
Business Poo – as in, ‘I have to do me business’
Business Cool – as in, ‘It’s the business’.
Caffler Idiot
Cake-hole Mouth
Can of piss  Derogatory term i.e. “You’re some can of piss”
Canary, nearly had a Had a fright
Capper A handicapped person
Carpet muncher Lesbian
Carry-on Commotion
Cassie Back yard
Cat Awful, very bad
Cess, bad Bad luck
Cha Tea
ChancerSomeone who takes a risk
Cheek Disrespect
Cheese on your chin Your fly is open!
Cheesed Off Angry
Chicken’s hash  Rhyming slang for cash
Chicken’s neck Rhyming slang for check
Chinwag A chat
Chipper Fish and chip shop
Chips French fries
Chiseller Young child
Chokin’ the chicken Wank
Chubbed UpThe act of having an erection
Chucker-out Doorman/bouncer
Circling over Shannon Drunk
ClatterA Punch
Clique A group
Close Humid, as in “it’s very close”
Cnawvshawling Complaining
Cock Penis
cock and hen Ten
Cock manger Urinals
Cod Having someone on, as in
Cod/Codding yaTo pull someone’s leg
Cog Copy someone else’s work at school
Colcannon Mashed potatoes, cabbage or kale & butter, served at Halloween
Conditioner (Fabric) Fabric softener
Confo Confirmation (Catholic sacrament)
Conkers Chestnuts
Coodle S#$t
Cooker Stove
Cop on (to yourself) Get a life/don’t be so stupid
Cop shop Garda station
Coppertop/ coppernob Gingerhaired person
Corner boy Somebody who hangs around aimlessly on the streets
Covers Bedclothes
Cow Juice Milk
Crack Fart
Crack onContinue on, Get going
Cracker Wonderful
CraicFun, Gossip, Going on’s
Crisps Potato chips (cold)
Crock Bad car
Croker Croke Park in Dublin
Cub Young boy
Culchie  A person from the countryside (i.e. outside Dublin)
Current bun Rhyming slang for son
Cute hoorPerson who quietly engineers things to their own advantage
Cute hoors Politicians
Cuttie Young girl 
Cutty Knife Knife for cutting the bread
Da Father
Daisy roots Rhyming slang for boots
Dander  A leisurely stroll
Danny boy Twenty pounds in money
Davy crockett Pocket
DeadlyBrilliant, Fantastic, Great
Deadner, give a To knee someone in the side of their thigh
Dear Expensive
Dekko Look at, inspect
Delira and ExciraDelighted and Excited
Delph Crockery, cups, saucers etc
Dense Stupid or thick
Desperate Terrible
Diabolical Really terrible
dick van dyke  bike
Dickey Dazzler An over dressed man
Diddies Breasts
Dig Punch or slap
Divil Devil
Do a Bunk/Flit Sneak off, usually to avoid paying a bill, the rent, etc.
Dodgy  Mechanically suspect
Dog and bone Rhyming slang for Phone
Dog’s Bollocks / Mutt’s Nuts / Puppy’s Privates The real deal
Doing a line Courting, seeing someone
Doing the rat race Driving through housing estates to avoid the traffic
Donkey’s yearsFor a very very long time
Doorstep A sandwich made with thickly cut bread
Dope Idiot
DosserSomeone not working or is messing about, up to no good
Dote A lovely little thing, usually a baby or a nice person
Down the Swanie Down the drain
Doxie A lady of the night who plies her trade on the docks
Drain da snake Have a piss, take a leak
Drawers Underwear, usually ladies’ 
Dressed to the nines Done up, in your Sunday best
Drink Link A bank ATM
Dry s#$te A dull, boring person
Dry up Shut up!
Dry your arse Shut up and stop acting like a child.
Dub A Dubliner. A ‘True Blue Dub’ is praise.
Dublin 4 / D4  A Dublin postcode, but usually refers to a posh person
Duds Clothes
Dummy/Dummy Tit Pacifier
Dump (taking a) Sitting on the toilet, doing a #2 !
EarwigingListening in on a private conversation
Eat the head offTo give out to someone
Eatin’ house Restaurant
Eccer Homework (from exercises)
EejitComplete fool, doing something silly
Eff offPolite swear word (for the F word)
Effin’ and Blindin’Swearing and Cursing
Elephants Drunk
Erection section Slow set at a disco
Fag Cigarette
Fair play!Well done!
Fairy lights Another name for Christmas lights
Falling from me, it’s Polite way of saying “I’ve got the runs”
Fanny Female genitalia
Far east Rhyming slang for priest
Far wack, the  Over on the opposite side.
Fart around To fool around
Feck Used instead of the other F word
Feck OffGo away (polite version), used to show surprise or shock
Fecky the Ninth Complete idiot
FellaA man
Fib A lie
FierceVery Good, Great, Excellent
Fine thingGood looking man or woman
Fire away Continue, go ahead
Fiver 5 pound note
Fla/Flah Very attractive person
Flagon Large 2-litre bottle, usually cider
Flah’ed out Exhausted
Flahulach Flamboyant, also very generous, throwing money around
Flaming Drunk
Flea Rake A comb
Flicks Movies, pictures
Flied Lice Rice (in Chinese take-away accent)
Flitters Tattered and torn
Flog Sell
FloozieWoman of dubious moral attributes
Flummoxed Puzzled
Flute Penis
FlutheredVery Drunk
Fly Cemetery Currant bun
Flying low, you’re Your zip is undone
Follier-upper A serial at the pictures (movies). To be continued …
Fool eegit idiot
Fooster Fiddling about
Foostering Wasting time
Foundered Freezing cold
Fry Fried breakfast (typically sausage, bacon, eggs and pudding)
GAA  Gaelic Athletics Association
Gack A foolish or stupid person
GaffHome, to have a ‘ free gaff ‘ means you are home alone
Gallery  Great fun
Galya Baby
Gameball OK
GammyCrooked, or odd looking
GanderQuick glance
Ganky Ugly, unpleasant woman
Gansey Sweater, jersey, pullover
Garden hose Rhyming slang for nose
GargleAlcohol – to go out drinking
Garrison Game Football / soccer
Gary Glitter Rhyming slang for your s#$tter or arse
GasFunny or Amusing
Gasún (gossoon) Child
Gasur Young boy
Gatch An unusual way of walking e.g. look at the gatch on him
GawkTo stare rudely
Gear Good clothes
Gee, Gee-box Female genitalia
Gee-bag General term of abuse
Gee-Eyed Drunk
George raft Rhyming slang for draught (breeze from an open window/door)
Gersha Young girl
Get off with (someone)Make out
Get on like a house on fire To get on real well with someone
Get Outta That GardenFun phrase used in a conversation to get a laugh, reaction
Gick S#$t
Gicker Your bottom
Gift Excellent, unexpected surprise
Gimp An undeveloped weedy adult male
Gingernut Redheaded person
Git Rotten person
Give A s#$te(Couldn’t) care less
Give Out To criticize someone
Gizmo A thing or most often a guitar
Go on outta that No way in hell or you’re pulling my leg
Gob Mouth
Gobber A spit (of the green kind)
Gobs#$te Socially inept person and / or complete fool
Gobsmacked Very surprised
Go-car Baby’s pushchair
Gollier A big, fat spit of phlegmy stuff
Gom, Gombeen Idiot
Gooter Penis
Goozer Kiss
GougerA dangerous knacker/thief
Gouger Aggressive male
Government artistA person on social security
Gowl Stupid person/idiot
Grand Fine, nice
Gregory peck Rhyming slang for neck
gregory pecks Rhyming slang for specs (glasses)
Growler Female genitalia (hairy growler)
Guard Policeman
Guff Nonsense or smell
Gullier A large marble used when playing along the road kerb
Gummin’ Salivating, dying for something e.g. I’m gummin’ for a pint.
Gur cake A dense fruit cake
Gurrier  Hooligan
Gut Stomach
Gutties Trainers, sports shoes
Half a bubble off true Not the full shillin’; eejit
Half scotch Rhyming slang for watch
Hambone Rhyming slang for phone
Hames A mess – ‘He made a right hames of the job’
Hard Neck Cheek
Hard Tack Spirits (usually whiskey)
Hardchaw Tough Guy
Hash To mess up
Haven’t got a baldy No chance
Haven’t got a snowball’s chance in hell No chance
Having the painters inHaving your period
Head Friend or pal e.g. How’s it going head?
Head the ball Foolish person
Header Nutcase, unstable person
Heavin’ Thronged/packed i.e the place was heavin’ last Saturday
Heel The first or last slice of a loaf of bread
Heifer An ugly country woman (she looks like a cow)
Hick or Hickey/Hickster (a/n)Unfashionable
High babies Senior infants’ school
Hit and miss Piss
Hobnails The knuckles of the fist
Hockeyed Heavily defeated
Hogan’s Goat Kept woman
Hole Arse
Hole in the wall ATM
Holliers Holidays!
Holy JoeSelf Righteous person
Holy show Disgrace
Hoofed Walked
Hooley Party or celebration
Horrors Drunk, e.g. I was in the horrors last night
Horses and asses  Glasses
Hot Rocks The burning bits of hash/paper that flake off from the business end of a joint.
How’s she cuttin’?Hi,How are you, What’s news?
How’s the form? How are you?
How’s the talent? Is there anyone good looking/ interesting about?
HowyaHi, Hello
Hump, the Sulking
Hunkers, on your Crouching down (squatting)
Hurl To play hurling. A hurley stick. To vomit. Or to throw.
I am in me wick You must be joking!
I could eat a baby’s arse through the bars of a cot I’m hungry
I could eat the lamb o’ Jayjus through the rungs of a chair I’m very hungry
I will in me brown I won’t!
I will in me ring Certainly not!
I’d eat a farmer’s arse through a blackthorn bush! I’m hungry
If I were mad, I would! I certainly won’t
Indian joes Toes
I’ve a mouth on me I’m hungry
I’ve a throat on me I’m thirsty
Jabs Breasts
Jack in the box A dead Dublin man
Jacked Tired
JackeenA rural person’s name for a Dubliner
Jaded Very tired, knackered
Jam jar Car
Jam on your egg Wishful thinking; will never happen
Jam Rags Sanitary towels aka brillo pads
JammerStolen car
Jammers Very crowded, busy
Jammin Having your period
Jammy Lucky
Janey Mack! Gosh, really?
Japers! Gosh, really?
Jar A pint
Jaysus Jesus
Jibber Person afraid to try new things
jimmy joyce Voice
Jip Sperm
Jo MaxiTaxi, Cab
Johnny Condom
Johnny ray Head honcho/boss
Johnny-jump-up Pint of guinness mixed with Bulmers (cider)
Joy (The) Mountjoy Prison in Dublin
Joyce Ten pounds in money
Juicy Cute
Kick in the bollocks, a A laming blow to the male genitalia with a foot. or very bad news
Kimberley’s Local biscuits, used to be made by Jacob’s
KipA dump of a place and also a sleep
Kitchen sink Chink
Knacker Drinking To drink outside illegaly
KnackeredExhausted, Tired
Knacker’s yard An abattoir
Knickers Ladies’ underwear also Don’t get ur knickers in a twist 
Knick-knacking Ringing a doorbell and running away
Knicks  Sports shorts
Knob Penis
Knobs Breasts
Knock someone up Call around to someone’s house on business
Knocked up Pregnant
Lack Girlfriend/sex slave
Ladhb Awkward looking lad.
Lady Muck A stuck-up woman
Lamped him out of it, I I really hit the guy hard, knocked him out
Langer Penis
Lash3 meanings – To rain hard, To make an attempt at something or To go out drinking
Lashing Raining hard
Lashings A lot i.e. lashings of food
Laudy daw Snob
Lay off! Leave me alone, stop it!
Layin’ a cable  Taking a crap
Leg itRun away quickly
Legger, do a To abscond from the scene
Legging (it) Moving at pace!
Letting on Pretending
Life of Reilly Carefree, hedonistic
Lift Elevator
Like a blue-arsed fly Running around, hectically busy
Little green man A small bottle of Jameson’s
Loaf To head butt someone
Local, the The nearest pub
Lock in When a pub locks people in after hours so the pub looks closed from the outside
LockedVery drunk
Longers Long trousers
Loopers Crazy
Lose the head To lose control and start a fight
Low babies Junior infants’ school
Lurching Slow dancing up close
Lush A bit of a drinker
Ma Mother
Malarky Tomfoolery
Mangled Drunk
MankyDirty, Flithy, Disgusting
Mantelpiece Ornamental area around a fireplace
Márla Plasticine
Mary Hick, Mary Banger Unfashionable female
Massive Brilliant, deadly
Master The best, expression of approval. “It’s the master”
Me arse and Katty Barry! Yeah sure!
Me ould segotia, me ould sweat, me ould flower Best friend
Mebbs Genitals
Melted Very tired
Melter A pain in the ass
Mentaller Crazy guy
Messages Shopping, groceries
Messing Playing around
Mickey Child’s name for a penis
Midden A sloppy person
Middling So-so, neither good nor bad
Millie up! A fight going to start
Milling Fighting
Mince pie Eye
Mind yourself Be careful
MineralSoft drink
Mingin’  Dirty, manky
Mink  Traveller
Missed by a gee hairJust missed
Mitch  To skip school
Mi-wadi Body
Molly Effeminate
Molly coddle Over protect
Mortaller Mortal sin
MortifiedHighly Embarrassed
MotGirlfriend (Dublin slang)
Motherless Drunk
Mouldy Lousy/rotten
Muck  Soil
Muck Savage Mountain man
Mudguard Part of a bicycle that protects the rider from wheel splashes
Mulchie or Munchie Somebody who lives in the country
Muppet Fool, idiot
MurderVery difficult or to really want to do something
Muzzy A little brat
Naggin A small bottle of alcohol, particularly vodka
Narky Cranky
Nat-king Dole; comes from nat king Cole (rhyming slang)
Nawful Terrible
Ned Excrement sim. to dump
Nicker  Money; 50 nicker=50 quid/pounds
Nifty Very useful
Nifty 50 Honda 50cc motorcycle
Ninty to the dozen, going Going very fast
Nip  Nude, as in ‘I saw her in the nip’
Nits Head lice
NixerJob done for cash to avoid tax
Noggin Head
Norn Iron Northern Ireland
Norrier, the The North Circular Road in Dublin
Not the full shillingNot fully sane
Now you’re sucking diesel You have solved or understand a problem
Nrth & south Mouth
Numbs Drunk, e.g. I was in the numbs last night
Nunny bunny Five pounds in money
Nuts Mad
Odds Loose change
Off licence Liquor store, place to buy take away booze
Off me face Really high on drugs or alcohol
Off the drink Means you’re not drinking for a while
Off your nut Crazy – ‘That fella’s off his nut’
Old Lady Mother
Old Man Father
Oliver twist Wrist
Omadhaun Bit of a fool
On the Doss To be goofing off
On the never never On Hire Purchase
On the pig’s back In a celebratory mood
On the piss Pub crawl, out drinking
On the tearGoing drinking
One and One Fish and chips i.e. One and One Cod
One and other Brother
Ones and twos Shoes
Oul Dear / Oul WanYour Mother, Mom
Oul Doll Girlfriend (Pronounced: Owl-Doll)
Oul FellaYour Father, Dad
Oxters Armpits
Package of crips A packet of potato crisps
Pain in the hole Pain in the ass
Paralytic Very drunk
Paralytic  Very drunk
Patio people Smokers who have been forced outdoors
Pave To rob something
Pedal and crank Wank
Peeler Policeman
Peggy dell Smell
Pelt Skin
Pelting Throwing objects or pelting with rain
Petrified Drunk
Piece of piss So easy; it was a ‘piece of piss’
Pile o’s#$te Terrible
Pint of plain A pint of Guinness
Piped telly Cable television
Piss Urinate
Piss in the Beds Dandelions
Piss up Getting drunk
Pissed off Angry
Pisser Going out for a night of big drinking.
Pisshead Someone who’s always drunk
Plankin’ it Very nervous
Plastered Drunk
Plonker Idiot
Póg mo thóin Kiss my arse
Pogue Kiss
Polluted Drunk
Poppies Potatoes
Porter, a rake of A lot of stout
Posser When you get a wet foot from walking in a puddle of water
Poteen Illegal spirits
Powerful Great, excellent, grand
Praities Potatoes
Pram Baby’s pushchair
Press Cupboard
Pruning When you get your testicles grabbed and squeezed hard
Puck Punch
Puke Get sick, vomit
Pull your socks up Get to work/get busy
Pullin’ me wire Having a wank
Pulling me plum Doing absolutely nothing
Puss Face, usually sulky
Puss (To have a puss on you)Sulky face
Put a gap in the bush Close the door
Put a Santa hat on it and call it Randal Messed up!
Put the heart crossways in someone You’ll give me a heart attack
Putting it on the long finger Putting it off, procrastinating
Quare Great!
Quare hawk Odd fella
Queue up To queue
Quid  pound(s); 50 quid=50 pounds
Qweer bit of skirt / talent  A really attractive woman / man.
Rabbit on  Talk a lot
Rag order  Disorganised
Rake A great amount of anything
Rashers Pieces of bacon; female genetalia
Raspberry tart Heart
Rat Squealer; some one who tells on you.
Re-calibration Any amount of time spent with the AA – (Alcoholic’s Anonymous)
Reddener Blush
Redser Somebody with red or ginger hair
Reef Beat (a person) up
RideAn attractive person to have sex
Ri-Ra Fun and excitement
Riverdance The act of commiting suicide in the Shannon. “so and so did The Riverdance”
Rock ‘n’ roll Having sex
Ronnie Moustache – after movie star, Ronald Coleman
Root Search
Rosie Lee Tea
Rossie Brat
Row (rhymes with cow) Fight
Rub-a-dub-dub The pub
Rubber Pencil eraser
Rubber as in “I was rubber last night” My legs were made of rubber I had so much to drink
Rubber Dollies Running shoes
Rubber Johnny Condom
Ructions Loud arguing or commotion
Rugger BuggerSomeone posh, loud and loves Rugby
Runners  Trainers, everyday sports shoes
Rushers/wellies Wellington boots
S#$te Something that’s bad quality
S#$te hawk General term of abuse
S#$tter Toilet
S#$ttin’ bricks Very nervous
Sambos Sandwiches
Sap Wimp
SavageGreat, Brilliant
Scab Ugly woman/man
Scaldy Scabby, stingy
Scallion Spring onion
Scalped To get a short haircut
Scanger Stupid female
ScarletVery embarrassed
Scatter Run away from something
Scon Amorous encounter
Scooby doo Clue
Score Twenty (20)
Score As in to succeed in getting a one night stand
Scotch peg Leg
Scram! Go away!
Scran Food
Scrap Fight
Scratcher Bed
Scrawbed Scratched by fingernails – usually in a fight
Screwed Fecked, in trouble
Scrubber Female of low morals
Scundered/scunderated Embarrassed
Scuttered Drunk
Scutters/Squitters Diarrhoea
Scutting Catching a ride by hanging from the back of a moving truck and then jumping off
Session Drinking all day long, typically starting before noon
Shades Police
Shag, to Have sex
Shagged Tired
Shaggin’ General adjective used like Feckin’
Shaper Young guy who takes up a lot of space when he struts around.
Sheila A pet name for a promiscuous girl.
Shenanagans Carry-on/horse-play
Shift Kiss
Shiner Black eye
Shlossed Very drunk
Shook Looks very unwell e.g. “he looked shook”
Shore Outside ( your kitchen door) drain
Shorts Shots or mixed drinks
Shower of savages A crowd, out to have a raucous time but being a bit of a nuisance!
Shrapnel Loose change
Skawly Horrible
Skin Friend
skin and blister Sister
Skinny Lowdown, gossip e.g. gis the skinny on me ol’ mate
Skins  The papers used to roll a joint or a cigarette
Skiver Someone who avoids work
Sky diver A fiver (5 pounds)
Slag Same as scrubber
Slagging Having someone on, making fun of them
SláinteCheers (literally Health!)
Slapper Scrubber or a slut
SlashTo urinate
Sleeveen Devious and sly person, usually referring to someone from outside Dublin
Sliced Pan Bread bought already cut into thinnish slices
Slinjing Dragging your heels
Slug Mouthful of a drink – gis a slug
Snapper Child
Snaps Photographs
Snared rapid Caught doing something one shouldn’t have been doing
Sneachta Cocaine (snow)
Snitch, Squealer, Squaler Informant
Snobby Weather!!  “Are you choosing to ignore me?” (usually meant in humour)
Snog, Shift Make out with or get off with someone
Snot Nasal discharge
Snot rag Handkerchief
Snug Pub booth
Soft as s#$te Soft in the head
Soother Pacifier, dummy
Sore Finger Salt and vinegar (in Chinese take-away accent)
SorryMeans Sorry and also Excuse me, Pardon me
Sound Really good
Spa Someone who hasn’t got good co-ordination
Specky Four-Eyes Anyone who wears glasses (kid’s nickname)
Speedy Police motorbike
Sprog Kid
Spud Typical nickname for someone with the surname Murphy
Spuds Potatoes
Squid Same as quid
Squizz A look-see
Stabber The last 1/4 of a cigarette – “leave us a stabber”
Stay easy Relax
Steamed, Steamboats Very drunk – “we’re getting steamed (steamboats) tonight”
Steever A kick in the backside
Stinky/Stinkies S#$t
Stocious Drunk as a lord
Stop the lights! Jayzuz, really?!
Story? (What’s the)Hi, What’s happening
Strand  Beach
Streal  Looking down and out; Like a streal
Strides  Trousers
Stroked To be proved wrong
Struggle and strife Wife
Stung Embarrassed after getting caught doing something ye shouldn’t
Swimming trunks Mens’ bathing suit
Tackies Runners/trainers
Taig Catholic
Tan An English person
Tenner 10 pound note
Tennis racket Jacket
That’s Arthur Guiness talking When someone is talking rubbish while under the influence
That’s Right To agree with someone
The PaleAnywhere in the region of Dublin
There’ll be wigs on the green There’ll be hell to pay
ThickExtremely stupid
Thick as a (short) plank Stupid
Thick as a brick Stupid
Thick as a ditch Really stupid person
Throw shapesShow off, sometimes agressively
Thruppenny bits  Tits
Thunder & Lightning Knock like thunder, run like lightning
TiddlerReference to small fish or child
Tinker Gypsy/travelling person/insulting term for a low-class female
Tip Garbage dump/dirty, messy place – ‘That pub is an awful tip’
Toe-rag A useless bollix
Togs Swimming trunks
Tonne/ton One hundred
Tool Idiot, penis
Touched A strange individual
Toucher Someone who is always looking for a handout
Touchin’ cloth  Dying for a crap
Town City Centre or even the local town!
Traipse Walk aimlessly
Trap Mouth
Trick-acting Horse-play, messing about, showing off
Tricolour Irish flag
TrinnersTrinity College Dublin
Tripe Bbulls#$t
Turf Accountant Betting shop for horse or greyhound racing
Twisted Very drunk
Twistin’ hay Means you’re starting trouble, usually in a playful way
two by four Door
Two-bulb Squad car
Tyre biter See Bowler
Uncle ned Head
Undy-grundy Wedgie
Up ‘a duff Pregnant
Up the flue / In the family way Pregnant
Up the pole Pregnant
Up the yard! Be off with ya!
Up to ninety Near boiling point, ready to explode
Use As in, was such ‘n’ such any use? – Meaning was it any good?
Vera lynns Skins
Vexed Upset
Vitamin G Pint of Guinness
Vixen Cute woman
Wafer Ice cream sandwiched between two flat wafers
Wagon Ugly female
Wall-falling Knackered, exhausted
Walrus Fifty pounds in money
Wanker An uninteresting person, usually someone you can’t stand
Want in him, there’s a He’s a bit slow
Warped Very drunk
Warped, F%$ked up, Twisted Strange
Waster Someone who’s completely useless
Weapon It’s great
Wee Folk Leprechauns of course
West Brit Excessively anglophile
Wet the tea Make tea
Whaya looking at? What are you looking at?
Whiff or Whack A smell
Whist Keep quiet
Why don’ cha? Ironic comment meaning “you better not!”
Wick Crap
Wire Mickey, penis
Wise Up, Kop On Use your head, wake up!
Wojus Poor or bad
Work away Continue what you are doing
Wrecked tired
Wrote OffVery Enebriated
Y-Fronts Men’s briefs
Yockers Balls
Yoke A thing
Yonks A long time
You couldn’t hit a cow’s arse with a banjo Bad aim
Young Fella (male) or Young One (female) Young man or Young woman
Young wanA Young Lady
Youngfella Generic term for a youth (male)
Youngwan Generic term for a youth (female)
Your head’s up your arse You don’t know what you’re talking about
Your hole Having sex
Your Man (male) or Your Woman (female) Referring to someone you are talking about
Your only man  Something that you can rely on
Yoyo Euro

There you go! A bit of an education in Irish Slang that you can bring to the Emerald Isle when you visit – or at least, have some idea what the locals are saying!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  New Zealand Travel Tips - How To Speak Like a Kiwi Bro! Some Funny New Zealand Slang Terms, Expressions, Sayings, Colloquialisms and Insults!

But there’s more! If you want to check out other languages apart from Irish Slang…

For more silly language stuff, check out my crazy lists of Russian Swear Words, Australian Slang, Italian Swear Words, Kiwi Expressions, French Swear Words, German Swear Words and Spanish Swear Words!

For more silly Irish banter, check out Castles of Ireland, Dublin Airport Doodles and Round Ireland With A Fridge.


Travelling soon? Then check out some Travel Insurance for Backpackers for Ireland.

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7 thoughts on “Funny Irish Slang Words, Swear Words, Gaelic Curses, Phrases, Insults, Colloquialisms, Expressions & Expletives!”

  1. Avatar Of Aoife Fitzgerald
    Aoife Fitzgerald

    Hey! As an Irish native, I have to say that a lot of these do not carry meaning in Irish society. Could I ask where you found them (ie your sources?) Thank you! 🙂

  2. Avatar Of Casheen O’donnelly
    Casheen O’DONNELLY

    With respect,little of this is Irish slang
    Perhaps as an Irish guy I should do a list of Australian slang.
    Respect for trying and thank you for your hard work
    Peace and happiness from Bray,county Wicklow 🇮🇪🇪🇺

  3. Avatar Of Casheen O’donnelly
    Casheen O’Donnelly

    Here’s a list of real Irish words (you’ll take this down of course but ask yourself why? You and others with your list and mine could learn more)
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 22 – leprechaun. Their place in Irish folklore was solidified by the 1959 Disney film Darby O’Gill and the Little People
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 22 – leprechaun. Their place in Irish folklore was solidified by the 1959 Disney film Darby O’Gill and the Little People

    Which words did the Irish invent for our own use, and which ones travelled around the globe? From words emerging from the Irish language via Hiberno-English classics to unexpected words coined by Irish people, this history of Ireland in 90 words covers everything from anatomy and gambling to avocados.
    1. Shebeen
    From the Irish “síbín”, this is the first of many words in this list related to general divilment and rúla búla. Perhaps nowhere was the concept of the shebeen more embraced than in South African townships, where they are an important part of the social and cultural landscape.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 2 – Gubu. Charlie Haughey, whose response to the discovery of the murderer Charles Macarthur in the attorney general’s home, in 1982, Conor Cruise O’Brien turned into the acronym. Photograph: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 2 – Gubu. Charlie Haughey, whose response to the discovery of the murderer Malcolm Macarthur in the attorney general’s home, in 1982, Conor Cruise O’Brien turned into the acronym. Photograph: Eamonn Farrell/Photocall
    2. Gubu
    The acronym for “grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented” can now refer to any political or legal wrangling. Conor Cruise O’Brien coined it as his pithy take on Charlie Haughey’s response to the discovery of the murderer Malcolm Macarthur in the attorney general’s home in 1982.
    3. Begrudgery
    Apparently still the default Irish disposition when greeted with another’s success and happiness. Feck them anyway. The Middle English word “bigrucchen” meant “to grumble about”; the Irish made “begrudge” a noun.
    4. Sap
    Eighteenth- and 19th-century Scottish and English schoolboy slang (“sapskull”, “saphead”) that the Irish took and shortened. Internet slang now occasionally reinterprets it as the acronym for “sad and pathetic”.
    5. Craic
    “Craic” journeyed from Middle English (“crak”) via Shakespeare to 18th-century Scotland (both crack) and was then adopted into Hiberno-English in the mid-20th century and given its Gaelic spelling. A disposition, a state of being, a sin to not be any, the craic – like many quintessentially Irish things, from St Patrick to chippers – isn’t Irish at all but is very much our own.
    6. Mot or moth
    From the Irish “maith”, meaning “good” (but also “well” and “like”), the term for someone’s girlfriend. The word for yer burd, as it were.
    7. Gob
    A casual Irish word for “mouth” (the toast “gob fliuch”, for example); also used for “beak”.
    8. Hooligan
    This almost certainly comes from a twist on the surname Hoolihan. In the 1890s the English comic paper Nuggets featured an Irish immigrant family called the Hooligans, depicted in a typically pejorative way.
    9. Lock-in
    The illegal period of drinking in a closed pub after hours that Saoirse Ronan blew the cover on when she tried to explain the concept to Jimmy Fallon last year.
    10. You dig?
    The jazz and beat slang about being hip to the groove comes from the Irish “tuig” – or, more accurately, “dtuig”, as in “an dtuigeann tú?”; the “d” is an eclipsis, or urú, before the “t” of “tuigeann” (“understand”). Ya get me?
    11. Acushla
    An old term of affection, from “a chuisle mo chroí” (“pulse of my heart”). Awww.
    12. Béal bocht
    An Béal Bocht, the novel that Brian O’Nolan published in 1941 as Myles na gCopaleen, parodied the miserylit of Peig and An t-Oileánach, but “to put on the poor mouth” was an expression before na gCopaleen also parodied the title of An Béal Beo, Tomás Ó Máille’s 1936 collection of Irish words and phrases.
    13. Round
    According to Condé Nast Traveler’s article “How not to look like a tourist at an Irish pub”, “If you go out in a group with a bunch of Irish people, watch for your companions buying rounds. It’s common here for people to buy a round for the group, then the next round is on the next person.” They left out the social ostracisation and lifelong character assassination that can follow for those who don’t get the round in.
    14. Trad
    A shortening of “traditional”; an entire music scene.
    15. Poker
    Possibly originating from the Irish “póca”, as in your pocket, or what’s in it.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 16 – Boycott. Capt Charles Boycott, agent for the absentee Mayo landlord Lord Erne during the Land War of 1878-1909. Photograph: Bullock Brothers/Sean Sexton/Getty
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 16 – Boycott. Capt Charles Boycott, agent for the absentee Mayo landlord Lord Erne during the Land War of 1878-1909. Photograph: Bullock Brothers/Sean Sexton/Getty
    16. Boycott
    From Capt Charles Boycott, agent for the absentee Mayo landlord Lord Erne during the Land War (1878-1909). Charles Stewart Parnell, as president of the Irish National Land League, kicked it off by urging people to ostracise anyone who attempted to take the farms of evicted tenants. Boycott became one of the first victims when he tried to evict tenants after they demanded a decent rent decrease following a poor harvest at Lough Mask near Ballinrobe. Stinger.
    17. Donnybrook
    This term, meaning a very public quarrel, or “brawl”, isn’t exactly common in Ireland, but it crops up in Britain, Australia, New Zealand and North America. It emerged from the notoriously disorderly Donnybrook Fair, which began in the 13th century and ran for 500 years, and itself is derived from Domhnach Broc, or Saint Broc’s Church. (In place names “Domhnach” means “Church”. It also means “Sunday” – or, more accurately given its origins in the Latin “dies Dominica”, “the Lord’s Day”.)
    18. Bog
    The name for the peaty wetland found across Ireland is the Irish for “soft”.
    19. Culchie
    The pejorative Hiberno-English term that urban sophisticates use to describe their rural cousins. But where does it come from? Many have suggested “cúl an tí”, as in the “back of the house”: down the country you enter through the back door rather than the front; or, as servants, you entered the back door of your bosses’ homes. Another origin could be from the Co Mayo town of Kiltimagh, or Coillte Mach, with “culchie” emerging from the Irish word “coillte”, or “woods”. Either way, it only really became popular to describe people from the country in the 1960s, when Dubliners needed something to counter . . .
    20. Jackeen
    Those east-coast Union Jack-waving eejits #DublinForSam.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 21 – brogue. Photograph: Richard Boll/Photographer’s Choice/Getty
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 21 – brogue. Photograph: Richard Boll/Photographer’s Choice/Getty
    21. Brogue
    Long before Gucci was designing shoes, this basic footwear made from hide was worn in Ireland, and was so commonplace it needed only to be called “bróg”, or shoe.
    22. Leprechaun
    The earliest known reference to a leprechaun is in a medieval story about the king of Ulster being kidnapped by three of the wily sprites and dragged into the sea. Sound. Although leprechauns appear in little Irish mythology, their international reputation as being intrinsic to Irish folklore was solidified by the 1959 Disney film Darby O’Gill and the Little People – and, of course, by Jennifer Aniston’s 1993 movie debut, in the horror film Leprechaun, tag line “Your luck just ran out.”
    23. Baloobas
    A term originating from the name of the Baluba tribe, in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mistaking Irish United Nations peacekeeping troops for European mercenaries, some of its members launched an ambush and killed nine Irish soldiers at Niemba, in Katanga Province, in 1960.
    24. Slogan
    From “sluagh-ghairm”, the call of a crowd (“sluagh” is now mostly “slua”), as in a battle cry. So “slogan” emerged from the battle cries of a clan.
    25. Tory
    Oddly enough, the common term for a member of the British Conservative Party comes from the Irish “tóraidhe”, referring to a bandit. In the late 17th century Whigs were those who didn’t want James, duke of York, to succeed Charles II, as he was Catholic. The duke’s sympathisers became known as Tories.
    26. Banshee
    From “bean sídhe”, woman of the fairies / supernatural / elves, and an Irish contribution to campfire ghost stories.
    27. Shamrock
    From the Irish “seamróg”, meaning young clover. Our symbol, St Patrick’s way of explaining the deities of Christianity, Aer Lingus’s logo, and a squiggle on the creamy head of Guinness in Irish bars across the globe.
    28. Kip
    The state you left the place in, and another adopted Irish slang word, from Middle Low German via Middle Dutch, a kip being a bundle of hides – which is probably what was strewn across your bedroom floor if I could even see it under all those clothes.
    29. Gowl
    Could it be from the Irish “gall”, for foreigner? Or, more likely, “gabhal”, which has multiple meanings, including a fork in a road, gap, junction or, of course, crotch?
    30. Gee
    On that subject, this probably comes from “Sheela-na-gig”, or “Síla na gCíoch”, carvings of naked Irish women exposing their genitals, which are found across Ireland, primary on old stone churches, round towers and castles.
    Our lingo for love: how the Irish talk about sex
    Collops and fíbíns: The lost language of Ireland’s landscape
    The Irish words for ‘selfie’, ‘Brexit’ and ‘spam’
    31. Puck
    As in the character from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. His name potentially comes from the Irish “púca”, which, although it generally means “ghost”, is slightly more complex than a mere spirit, and could also be a shape-shifter, taking the form of a horse, a goat or another animal.
    32. Galore
    As in “go leor”, many.
    33. Deadly
    Following the trend of using ordinarily negative words to describe things positively – wicked, sick, insane, killing it – “deadly” is a quintessential contemporary Dublin word with which to signify something’s coolness. “Deadly” is used by Aboriginal people in Australia in the same way. It’s not known which part of the world began using it first.
    34. Cute hoor
    Pretty self-explanatory if you’re Irish, from “cute”, as in sly, and “hoor”, as in whore. Particularly aimed at those in business, politics and anywhere else that deals are cut.
    35. Chancing your arm
    A phrase that was born in 1492, when the Butlers of Ormonde and the FitzGeralds of Kildare were involved in a dispute that culminated in the Butlers’ going to St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin, where they were followed by the FitzGeralds. When the FitzGeralds asked the Butlers to come out, so they could make peace, the Butlers refused, leading Gerald FitzGerald to suggest a hole be cut in the door, to offer his handshake – aka chancing one’s arm. The Door of Reconciliation is still there today.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 36 – scoop. The slang for a drink overtook “jar”. Photograph: E+/Getty
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 36 – scoop. The slang for a drink overtook “jar”. Photograph: E+/Getty
    36. Scoop
    Slang for a drink that was for a time ubiquitous in Dublin, as it overtook “jar”.
    37. Sound
    Emerging from British slang, and not exactly deviating from its original etymology of being in a state of health, as in “safe and sound”, to mean decent.
    38. Soft day
    Although this type of weather isn’t unique to Ireland, our description of it is. When rain is misty to the point of invisibility yet still wet, when there’s poor visibility and a hazy sort of cloud, when the temperature isn’t too cold, when the drizzle seems to linger in suspended animation.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 39 – quark. Murray Gell-Mann (above, at Cern) called his subatomic particles quorks until he noticed the line “Three quarks for Muster Mark!” in Finnegans Wake. Photograph: Cern
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 39 – quark. Murray Gell-Mann (above, at Cern) called his subatomic particles quorks until he noticed the line “Three quarks for Muster Mark!” in Finnegans Wake. Photograph: Cern
    39. Quark
    The term for a subatomic particle was inspired by James Joyce. Murray Gell-Mann, the American theoretical physicist who proposed the existence of quarks, spelled it “quork” until he came across the lines “Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he hasn’t got much of a bark. And sure any he has it’s all beside the mark,” describing the sound of a gull, in Finnegans Wake.
    40. Grand
    The ultimate Irish response and affirmation that in any other context means something far . . . grander. As well as meaning “fine”, or just “okay”, “grand” can also mean substantial and pleasant, however, such as “grand stretch”, noting the brightness of an evening.
    41. Session
    Going on “the sesh” – as in going drinking, and possibly consuming other substances, followed by a party at someone’s house – has spawned a vocabulary all of its own. But could the term have emerged from another raucous Irish party, the traditional-music session?
    42. Gallivanting
    “That’s enough gallivanting for one week” may be a very Irish phrase – so much so that it has ended up on tea towels – but it comes from early 19th-century English (“gallant”), as a term for flirting with women, or “to gad about”.
    43. Splitting the stones
    As in the sun is . . . Comes from the Irish phrase “Tá an ghrian ag scoilteadh na gcloch.”
    44. Gaff
    This slang for “house” is especially common in Ireland, Manchester and east London. Its origins are uncertain, but one theory is that derives from a Romany word for a market town. In the 18th century it came to mean an inexpensive theatre or music hall.
    45. Lash
    Another word the Irish have attached multiple meanings to. To go on the lash: to go drinking excessively. Lashing down: raining hard. He’s some lash: a good-looking fella. Give it a lash: attempt something.
    46. Nixer
    The etymology of a side job, or a short-term gig for cash in hand, is unclear but surely has to be simply “nix” – from the German “nichts”, or “nothing” – with an -er at the end.
    47. Naggin
    The word for a 200ml bottle of spirits comes from “noggin”, a drink measure whose name is derived from the Irish “naigín”, meaning a small wooden pail.
    48. Give out
    To give someone a talking to, from the Irish “tabhair amach”. Giving out yards, gave out stink, and so on.
    49. Mar dhea
    A great sceptical Irish term, it essentially means “yeah, right” or “as if”.
    50. Thick
    It’s unclear when “being thick with someone” came to mean being annoyed with them, but it’s a common term.
    51. Shenanigans
    An Irish-American favourite, it certainly sounds as if it derives from Irish, but its origins are unknown. There’s a theory that it comes from “sionnach”, as in fox – perhaps to be sly or devious, or to mess around.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 98 – banjaxed. Photograph: Chema Alba/Moment/Getty
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 52 – banjaxed. Photograph: Chema Alba/Moment/Getty
    52. Banjaxed
    A peculiar word, meaning broken beyond repair, that originated around the 1930s, but its etymology is unknown. The Scottish might be able to shed some light on it, given that to be “banjoed” means to be hit as hard as possible, and subsequently “banjoed” almost means wrecked.
    53. Sheila
    The Australian slang for “woman” comes from the Irish name “Síle”.
    54. On the long finger
    “Ar an mhéar fhada”, as in to postpone something; it comes from the Irish proverb “Cuir gach rud ar an mhéar fhada agus beidh an mhéar fhada róghairid ar ball”, which means “If you put everything on the long finger, then the long finger will be too short in time.”
    55. Slew
    Another word originating from the Irish for crowd, “sluagh”. See also word 24.
    56. Feck
    Less offensive than the other bad word, and popularised in Britain when Father Ted became a hit.
    57. Whopper
    Massive, and therefore great. Not to be confused with the burger.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 58 – tenterhooks. Dying cloth and then (left) drying it on tenter frames. Illustration: Jost Amman. Photograph: Universal via Getty
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 58 – tenterhooks. Dying cloth and then (left) drying it on tenter frames. Illustration: Jost Amman. Photograph: Universal via Getty
    58. Tenterhooks
    The hooks on a tenter, a tenter being a large wooden frame used in clothmaking. Fabric was stretched on the hooks and frame, giving rise to the saying “on tenterhooks”, as in to be in a state of tension. The hooks and frames were such a part of Dublin life that the city’s wool-producing district in the 16th and 17th centuries was known as the Tenters.
    59. Jacks
    Derived from a Tudor term for toilet – jakes – back in the 1500s.
    60. Beour
    This term for a girl, attractive woman or someone’s girlfriend, which has various spellings, emerged from the term for “woman” in Shelta, the old Traveller language.
    61. Langer
    The ultimate Cork term, but where did it come from? Our favourite theory is the India-based Royal Munster Fusiliers being pestered by langur monkeys.
    62. Yoke
    It’s no wonder the meaning of this word is always shifting, given that it’s used as a catch-all term, from a collar that attached a plough to animals to pretty much anything – grab that yoke – to an ecstasy pill.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 63 – A1. Tina Kellegher as Sharon in The Snapper
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 63 – A1. Tina Kellegher as Sharon in The Snapper
    63. A1
    Roddy Doyle’s The Snapper predates the change in the Leaving Certificate grading system, but high praise is still A1, Sharon.
    64. Malapropism
    Mrs Malaprop is a character in Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s 1775 play, The Rivals, who misuses words, as in her request “to illiterate him, I say, quite from your memory”.
    65. After
    Are you after having your dinner, or only after washing your hair? The Hiberno-English use of “after” confuses other English speakers, but it represents the Irish conjunction “tar éis”. It makes sense to us, at least.
    66. Turf
    In English, German, Dutch and Icelandic it means a piece of earth covered with grass. In Ireland it means a sod or sods of peat, and there is no plural.
    67. Pure
    An intensifier to enhance the word following it. Pure sound, like.
    68. The Shades
    A term for police, often used to describe plain-clothes police, thought to have originated in Limerick, and may be related to their eyewear.
    69. Hillbilly
    The pejorative term for people living in rural areas of the United States, particularly around the Ozark Mountains (Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas) and Appalachia, initially related to the 18th-century Ulster Protestant settlers in the Appalachian Mountains. Some think the term comes from supporters of King William III, Billy’s Boys; others point to a Scottish word for companion, “billie”, combining with the hills both the Ulster and Scottish immigrants lived on.
    70. Snug
    A small, snug area of a bar where women who were less welcome in the main area of the pub could drink discreetly, as could others who wanted a private moment.
    71. Hot press
    The term for an airing cupboard that only the Irish use.
    72. Spondoolicks
    A term for cash that has journeyed around American, British and Irish slang and could actually comes from the Greek “spondulox”, a type of shell used as an early form of money. James Joyce used the word, in its spelling spondulics, in Ivy Day in the Committee Room, one of the short stories in Dubliners, in 1914.
    73. Eejit
    The Hiberno-English pronunciation of “idiot”, which we took and made our own.
    A history of Ireland in 100 words: 74 – avocado. Its name emerged from the Aztec or Nahuatl word for testicle. Photograph: iStock/Getty
    A history of Ireland in our favourite words: 74 – avocado. Its name emerged from the Aztec or Nahuatl word for testicle. Photograph: iStock/Getty
    74. Avocado
    Although variations of the word had been written down for years (aguacate, alvacata and avocatas, for example), the first recorded used of “avocado” was by Sir Hans Sloane, the naturalist born in Co Down. He published a catalogue of Jamaican plants in 1696 in which he described the avocado, whose name emerged from the Aztec or Nahuatl word for testicle, because of its shape. Remember that next time you’re smashing one on some toast.
    75. Monoideal
    A term meaning fixating on or conveying only one idea, as coined by James Joyce in Ulysses, from the psychological concept of monoideism.
    76. A rake of
    A lot of, or many.
    77. Whiskey
    From the Irish word for water, “uisce”. Not to be confused with Scottish “whisky”.
    78. Yer man/Yer wan
    One of the reasons referring to someone as “yer man” or “yer wan” is so interesting is that it has contradictory meanings. The first could be a reference to someone whose name or identity is uncertain or momentarily forgotten (“you know who I’m talking about, what’s his face, yer man from down the road”), the second a coded reference that intentionally omits the identity (“we all know what yer wan will think about that”).
    79. Come here to me
    Listen up and lean in, even though you’re right beside me.
    80. Dose
    An awful dose of an illness, as in a large measurement of something, but that can lead to having a bad dose itself, which in term can lead to someone themselves being an awful dose.
    81. Hames
    To make a hames of something has something in common with “yoke” (see word 62). Again, it’s a term related to fastening collars to animals. The hames are curved pieces of wood or iron attached to the collar of a draught horse, on which you then attach the traces. Put it on the wrong way and, well, you’ve made a hames of it.
    82. Cop on
    This term seems to have taken the same route by which “cop” ended up referring to police, from the Old French “caper”, or seize. So “copping” something would mean acquiring it, and perhaps therefore became pared down to acquiring sense, but its origins are still a little muddy.
    83. Spud
    A pretty old word, dating back to the 15th century, that was used to describe a small knife, then various digging tools and, eventually, the vegetable itself. The term “pratie” comes from the Irish for potatoes, “prátaí”.
    84. Bard
    From the Old Irish “bard”, meaning poet or singer.
    85. Minerals
    In Ingenious Ireland: A County-by-County Exploration of Irish Mysteries and Marvels Mary Mulvihill mentions how Augustine Thwaites, the apothecary who founded Thwaites & Co, began making mineral waters in the mid-1700s. We can assume that Irish people’s use of “minerals” to refer to soft drinks and sodas comes from mineral waters. When its factory on Moore Lane in Dublin closed, in 1927, the company was taken over by Cantrell & Cochrane (now C&C Group). Ireland has an illustrious history of mineral-inventing. It’s claimed that Thwaites’s son developed soda water while studying medicine at Trinity College Dublin, and ginger ale was invented by the American doctor Thomas Cantrell in Belfast. Side fact: Club Orange was named after the Kildare Street gentleman’s club.
    86. Bodge
    Although in British slang this refers to a huge error, in an Irish context “no bodge” means “no bother”.
    87. Smithereens
    From the Irish “smidirín”.
    88. Sleeveen
    A sly person. The term is often used in politics or business to refer to someone who uses smooth talk to get their own way, or borderline-nefarious means for personal benefit. It comes from the Irish word “slíbhín”, which means a trickster, particularly a silver-tongued one.
    89. Fooster
    Trying to find your keys in your bag, forgetting your phone and then having to go back again for your wallet, messing around with a bunch of belongings, putting things in and out of drawers. That’s right, you’re foostering. Would you ever stop? Comes from the Irish word “fúster”, meaning fussy sort of behaviour.
    90. Up to 90
    Stressed out, agitated, unbelievably busy. Could it mean at 90mph (similar to “going ninety”, or reaching boiling point, or with a heart rate of more than 90bpm? For some reason, “up to 90” tends to be used more by Irish women than men.

  4. Avatar Of Damien

    Great list! There are definitely many words/phrases on that list that are used regularly by a wide section of Irish folks, but a few are questionable. For example the first two on the list “3M” and “50p lifesaver”, may well be phrases that are used by some distinct demographics, but definitely not used widely throughout Ireland. 3M sounds like a phrase that has come out of the trend in facial hair over the past 10 years. Otherwise it must have been used in the 80s, the last time moustaches were popular enmasse in Ireland. Never heard of that phrase. The 50p lifesaver sounds like something that caught on within some groups of females, some decades back (lifesaver is not a word Irish males would have used in this sense, some decades ago) because the Euro currency was introduced in 2002, so no 50p has existed since then. Ive never heard of that phrase. but I could tell you many other Irish terms for condoms. Just not that one (Example: You have “Rubber Johnny”, and really we just say “Rubber”, both are correct, but Rubber is more widely used). I think some of these words/phrases may just have been used by small groups of folks.Groups of young Irish folks, will generally have dozens of slang words that nobody else is aware of. They are local to that group only. I presume this is where some of these words/phrases have come from. But many of what you wrote here have been – and still remain – widely used by Irish people. Great work!!!

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