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Indie Travel Podcast – Pesta Blogger Feature

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Indie Travel Podcast Interview

The Indie Travel Podcast is very popular podcast about the joys of independent travel from all around the world. They are pretty regular with their recordings and they chat to all sorts of travel related characters from all over the world – and now that includes me!

I was interviewed by Craig Martin from the Indie Travel Podcast this week about my upcoming Air Asia Pesta Blogging Communities Trip and what it all entails.

Indie Travel Podcast Logo

We talked about the origins of The Travel Tart – Offbeat Tales From A Travel Addict website (actually, the origins of the site were inspired in Indonesia), travelling in Indonesia in general, plus how passionate Indonesian people are about blogging. I was really surprised to first come across how hard core they are about communicating with people not only within their own country, but with plenty of others from all around the world!

The Indie Travel Podcast was awarded the ‘Best  Podcast’ gong in the 2009 Lonely Planet Travel Blog Awards.  They must be doing something right, as their podcast is downloaded around 20,000 times per month! Good on them, Craig and Linda are having a crack at what they really love doing.

I’m thrilled that Craig and his wife Linda gave me the opportunity to appear on the Indie Travel Podcast, so make sure you check it out!

The interview will be released on the Indie Travel Podcast on 9 October 2009 – when I will be somewhere in Sumatra, during the first couple of weeks of the trip.

I’m also planning to catch up with Craig throughout the trip for an update as well!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Mesjid Besar - The Grand Mosque, Semarang, Indonesia

More Indie Travel Podcast Stuff

Anyway, you can subscribe to the Indie Travel Podcast RSS feed here or from Itunes to ensure you receive their updates to all of their useful interviews about independent travel.

Talk soon!


Anthony, The Travel Tart

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

1 thought on “Indie Travel Podcast – Pesta Blogger Feature”

  1. Avatar Of Israel Travel

    please let me know when you’ll publish something about Mid East. There is a huge need of public image rehabilitation. It’s Passover and people should remember to be good. Cheers!

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