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How To Use A Toilet – Funny Instructions!

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Today I’ve got another piece of funny travel photo gold from my mate at Curious Drifter – this is of a How To Use A Toilet sign in a bar in Rawaii, Phuket … showing how and how not to use the toilet!

This sign is very self explanatory – but I had to laugh at some of these and think of the reasons behind actually needing this sign in the toilet in the first place! That’s because some people have actually tried to do these silly things in the past!

Some other examples of where the only reason the sign was created because someone has done something crazy in the past include the Vancouver Winter Olympics Bobsled Track, the Tokyo Storage Lockers, Cultural Awareness in Thailand, and Love Scenes Banned in Costa Rica.

Check it out!

The Best How To Use A Toilet Sign Ever!

I love these graphical descriptions!

How To Use A Toilet - Funny Toilet Instructions

So I guess the above graphics mean the following – in clockwise order, from the top left.

1. Sitting on the toilet this way is the correct way to take a dump!

2. No standing up to pee in the toilet. The cleaners are sick of walking on your piss!

3. No standing on the toilet. You will exceed the engineering weight capacity of the toilet bowl you fat bastard!

4. No roundhouse kicking the door if you are accidentally locked in.

5. No fishing(?) Who the hell takes a fishing rod into the toilet? What are they fishing for? Turd trout?

6. No hurling your guts up after drinking copious amounts of our shoddy tasting drinks at the bar.

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Want More Toilet Humour?

This silly sign is almost as funny as this book title – How To Toilet Train A Cat In 30 days: Fastest Way To Toilet Train Your Cat…Guaranteed!

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6 thoughts on “How To Use A Toilet – Funny Instructions!”

  1. Avatar Of Travelbloggerbuzz

    Very funny picture. I will share this with my readers because they can sure use another laugh, thanks!

  2. Avatar Of Maria

    No fishing? Really?
    Damn, I’ve been doing that wrong for YEARS!
    No wonder I never catch anything. 🙁

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