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How To Make Teh Telur – Tea With Egg in Indonesia!

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Tea With Egg is probably not the most obvious combination when it comes to downing a hot beverage. Just like Tea with Coffee!

I usually have tea with milk if I do drink it, and I like my eggs poached or scrambled.

I never thought about combining my solid and liquid components of breakfast into the one single source of sustenance as a midnight snack.

However, I’m staying with Taufik and his family in central Sumatra, Indonesia, and he suggested that I try it.

‘It is a specialty of Pekanbaru’. he said to me.

I thought, why not?  I’ve tried worse things before. Like some dodgy airline food. Actually, the only time I have experienced food poisoning was eating a dodgy steak sandwich from a pub in Australia.

But anyway, I tried this stuff, and to my surprise, Tea With Egg/Teh Telur is actually pretty good!

So here is how to get hold of one:

Tea With Egg / Teh Telur in Pictures

First of all, find a stall in Pekanbaru, central Sumatra, in Indonesia that serves this stuff.  Ask for Teh Telur.

Hawker Food In Indonesia

Secondly, crack one egg into a glass, and whisk until frothy.

Whisking Eggs

Thirdly, add sugar, sweetened milk and boiling tea to the mix.

Indonesian Street Food

Presto, you have Tea With Egg – a fantastic way to have a protein mix!

Have a few more and become the biggest beefcake in your town!

Teh Telur - Tea With Egg In Indonesia

Maybe you could try this at home.  I highly recommend it if you like to try something different.

Other Things To Have Besides Tea With Egg

Check out more at Eat Smart in Indonesia: How to Decipher the Menu Know the Market Foods & Embark on a Tasting Adventure.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Two Heads Are Better Than One - But Not If You're A Buffalo

Anyway, thank to Air Asia for helping me get to Indonesia so I can try Teh Telur! Check out their website for their cheap fares all around Asia!

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22 thoughts on “How To Make Teh Telur – Tea With Egg in Indonesia!”

  1. Avatar Of Bang Fiko (Taufik)
    Bang FIKO (taufik)

    You also can try to drink it with ice, like my son did.
    Try it next time.. haha

  2. Avatar Of Wisata Riau

    Teh Telur is energy enhancer ,,,,,
    can feel the benefits … hehheh ….
    for the other attractions you can see on my blog .. like the story of history, legends, and the story of my journey through these places..

  3. Avatar Of Teplok

    great, I’m an indonesian but this is the first time I hear about Teh telur. Maybe one day you should travel to Borneo, you’ll find many interesting stuff there and some great cultural group. If you were here, I’d inoduce you with Bekantan, the long-nose monkey. Only found here in South Borneo (kalimantan Selatan)

  4. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    Sounds good to me! I’d try it. So the next time I am in Sumatra I will just look for Teh Telur and have him make me one…that should be no problem:)

  5. Avatar Of Nena

    Hope you’ll find more interesting food and culinary treats as you travel more in Indonesia. 😀

    See you in Palembang?

  6. Avatar Of Nolpitu

    Wouw…a nice experience…it must be an unforgetable moment.
    You know I’m a javanese living in Jogjakarta. It’s common thing to have a combination of a javanese chicken’s eqq (or duck’s one), honey and boiling sweetened milk in Javanese daily life. It’s especially for men, for they do believe in that the mixed drink can enhance their vitality, their sexual potency. Try it, it also tastes nice!

  7. Avatar Of Mira

    hi Anthony, nice to hear that u were here, in Pekanbaru. so sad that I couldn’t come to the meeting yesterday ;( . what do u think about this city?

    well, talking about teh telur,I never try it. uncooked egg smells bad, and it makes me sick. anyway, do u ever try bandrek? I never drink it too, but I think maybe u want to try. bandrek is a ginger drink with egg. but it’s not a specialty of Pekanbaru but West java.

  8. Avatar Of Attayaya

    wowww it so tasty
    i am sorry that i can’t join with u at pekanbaru
    coz i am in my business trip to jakarta

    what do you think about pekanbaru?

    nb :
    teh telur specially as hot beverage but it can also be cool beverage if we add some ice-block.

    we called “teh telur” as “te talua” in pronounciation

  9. Avatar Of H35Ti

    Hi Anthony, thanks for visiting Pekanbaru.
    I’m sorry , i couldn’t come and met you at Bandar Serai for “Bertuah Kopdar” meeting last sunday…as the rain fall so badly

    Hope you enjoy Pekanbaru and your 1st Teh Telur 😀

  10. Avatar Of Thomas

    Okay, you have explained how to make tea with egg but what about explaining why?! Only kidding, I like trying new things so I’m gonna give this a go. Do you just use normal tea?
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..City Guide: Bilbao =-.

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      I assume it’s normal tea – the guys didn’t specify if it was Earl Grey or anything else specific! 😉 I know it sounds unusual, but it tastes good!

  11. Avatar Of Terry

    Fantastic, weird and strangely interestingly delicious 😀 Seriously though, who sits around and invents these things?

  12. Avatar Of Kelly

    Interesting mix I have never thought to mix tea with eggs. I love both so this is something I’m goign to try. I always like to learn about others culinary treats so thank you.

  13. Avatar Of Suzzane From Travel Universally
    Suzzane from Travel Universally

    This tea is making me think thrice before making my lips touched to it!!

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