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House of Cheese (Casa Del Formaggio) – Weird Travel Photo

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House of Cheese – Just Plain Weird

The House of Cheese, or Casa Del Formaggio is located in Florence, Italy. And it’s one of the most bizarre Cheese Shops I have ever come across in my life!

Most people go to Florence to see the typical cliche sites like the Statue of David, the Ponte Vecchio and its gold shops, and the magnificent Duomo Cathedral which dominates the Florence skyline.

Refreshingly, visits between these sites can be pleasantly interrupted by pig-out sessions on fantastic gelato, or having some nice hits of espresso coffee.

However, the funniest thing I saw there was the House of Cheese / Casa del Formaggio. The store front is shown below:


Of course, you can buy things like.. cheese, and other smallgoods like salami, cabanossi, peperoni etc.

Personally, I love sitting around in the afternoon grazing on a platter of cheese and salami, washed down with a bit of wine.

That’s one of the best things of Italy – they live to eat instead of eating to live.

House Of Cheese – Spot The Weird Stuff at the Casa Del Formaggio

Anyway, have a look at the photo below of the House of Cheese / Casa Del Formaggio – do you notice anything unusual about it?


That’s right, the there is a family of stuffed piglets dressed up in medieval clothes having dinner.

A close up of the stuffed pig family is shown below. WTF?


More House Of Cheese Stuff

The House of Cheese / Casa Del Formaggio probably makes awesome cheese, which beats making your own.

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Other things to do in Italy after visiting the House of Cheese/Casa Del Formaggio – visit Mount Etna, Sicily when it’s erupting, and watch some Italian Television that will truly make you shake your head!

And maybe learn some Italian Swear Words!

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21 thoughts on “House of Cheese (Casa Del Formaggio) – Weird Travel Photo”

  1. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    Oh my, are those real stuffed pigs? That is crazy. Funny too since pigs don’t have anything to do with cheese. You’d think they would have stuffed goats or cows:) Pigs are cuter thought. I do love a house of cheese myself. We have the cheese boutique close by and I love to buy all of the fixin’s fro a rackelette and fondue when the weather gets cold.

  2. Avatar Of Gourmantic

    How bizarre! And I thought they were little Santas in the first photo. They quickly turned from aww to ewwwww!
    .-= Gourmantic´s last blog ..A Swinging Feast =-.

  3. Avatar Of Ashleigh

    This place also has amazing mozzarella di bufala… Just beware, the locals look at you funny when you are sitting on a traffic circle with cheese juice dripping down your arms and making a puddle at your feet.

  4. Avatar Of Andy

    I’m off to Florence next week on a business trip but would love to check this place out on my downtime. Do you know where I can find it?
    .-= Andy´s last blog ..Got Cover? =-.

    1. Avatar Of Anthony

      I have no idea! I stumbled across the Casa Del Formaggio just walking around Florence! It is in central Florence down an alleyway somewhere. This would be one of many shops that sell cheese and smallgoods like salami! I guess ask one of the locals where it is. In Italian, this is ‘Dove la Casa del Formaggio?’. Good luck!

  5. Avatar Of Hardrock

    WOW that was ODD, why they took tiny PIGLETS as models? The answer is: There is no room to place elephants in the strore.. hahah 😀

  6. Avatar Of Amanda@Gold Coast Coast Accomodation
    Amanda@Gold Coast [email protected]@Gold Coast Accomodation

    Florence is a fun destination for the inquisitive offbeat traveller. This isn’t the only weird and wonderful shop in the city. Florence is littered with cultural oddities. I would never suggest travellers skip the attractions that have made Florence such a revered travel destination but if you get time be sure to check out other odd places such as the creepy wax human model museum – i think its called the Specola if my memory serves me well. Oooh and be sure to visit Pitigliano – Little Jerusalem in Tuscany located just outside the city centre, quite odd considering that 90% of Italians are Roman Catholic. There has been a Jewish community not only living in but flourishing in Pitigliano since the mid-1600s!

  7. Avatar Of Las Vegas Photography
    las vegas photography

    “Oh my, are those real stuffed pigs?” at the first glace i thought it was too.. but its not.. check its hands hahaha.. thank you for this post.. will add you to my rss feeds

  8. Avatar Of Gab

    Stuffed piglets? So you mean to say those are dead stuffed pigs right? I thought it’s just a toy. LOL Those family of pigs is a great attraction to customers for Casa del Formaggio.
    .-= Gab´s last blog ..Purchase a House in Australia: The Truth about House Flipping =-.

  9. Avatar Of Weddings Abroad
    Weddings abroad

    Those stuffed piglets have made my day, it’s like the Mad Hatters tea party. Brilliant. A house of cheese though? Wonder what they sell there? 😉

  10. Avatar Of New Communities In Post Falls
    new communities in post falls

    My family loves cheese except me that is not really a cheese lover unlike my hubb that put a spoon full cheese into his bread.

  11. Avatar Of Low Cost Hotels
    Low Cost Hotels

    Oh,Look at those pigs. I really thought they are just a decoration,aren’t they?

    Anyways,Italy is indeed a wonderful place to go and relax! I love to eat a platter of cheese with salami too! 🙂

  12. Avatar Of Joe

    La Casa Del Formaggio is a South Australian owned and operated family business manufacturing and wholesaling a range of premium quality Italian style cheeses. just don’t mind the pigs 🙂

  13. Avatar Of Mike

    I love their Ricotta cheese, it’s such a beautiful texture. I make the meanest ricotta gnocci with it- it’s my signature dish and everyone loves it. My Italian friend even took some to her neighbor to try and told her an ‘Aussie’ cooked it!

  14. Avatar Of Ted

    This isn’t the only weird and wonderful shop in the city. Florence is littered with cultural oddities. I would never suggest travelers skip the attractions that have made Florence such a revered travel destination but if you get time be sure to check out other odd places such as the creepy wax human model museum. Thank you.

  15. Avatar Of Natalie

    This isn’t the only weird and wonderful shop in the city. Florence is littered with cultural oddities. I would never suggest travelers skip the attractions that have made Florence such a revered travel destination but if you get time be sure to check out other odd places such as the creepy wax human model museum. Thank you.

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