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Funny Homemade Tools – DIY Penis Wooden Handles!

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It’s Homemade Tools time. Specifically, ones that have handles that look like penises! Another piece of anti theft ingenuity, just like the Amazon Kindle cover!

Yes, more political incorrectness that keeps this silly blog going!

Anyway, most of this site is usually about the things that don’t translate into English, the things that go wrong when travelling on the road, or just anything else plain silly that comes to mind.

I’ve featured a few phallic posts here such as the Icelandic Penis Museum complete with Big Dick Pics, the hilarious Penis Enlargement Cream sign from Africa, MONAS in Indonesia , Pisa tourist photos and the London Bridge Penis Shadows!

But this penis related post goes beyond this and shows just how practical phallic looking objects can be used in the real world.

Anyway, I have a friend who is cruising around the Philippines. He likes it so much, he’s about the stay there long term and he’s building a house in some idyllic looking tropical island to live a much simpler life.

However, he’s hiring a few tradespeople, and he came across this set of ‘tools’.

You can take that literally and figuratively!

Homemade Tools with Penis Wooden Handles!

Ha ha, brilliant anti theft ingenuity!

Funny Homemade Tools - Diy Wooden Handles!

Oh my, did I laugh when I first saw this!

Anyway, my friend says ‘I think my stonemason is a bit of a deviant, but at least no one is going to steal his tools’

Yeah, I think he’s totally right.

I never learnt this wood turning technique at woodworking school!

But it gives me a business idea – if everything that had some sort of handle had been crafted in the shape of a penis, there would be much less theft of all sorts of things like baseball bats, cricket bats, and maybe even garden hose nozzles… oh wait…

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Funny Tuna Photos - Fish Transport!

So if you fancy making some homemade tools yourself, well you have this guy as your inspiration!

Dare you to send them through to me! But in the meantime, there’s more phallic stuff!

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