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High Prices Everyday – Funny Advertising Sign!

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High Prices – I Like The Honesty!

Today I’ve got a funny advertisting sign about High Prices Everyday from Peter who runs Nomadical Sabbatical. You can follow him on Twitter @nomadicalsabbatical.

Anyway, check out this funny travel photo that he took in Osaka, Japan! This one is a bit close to my heart, as I love all of the funny Japanese stuff that comes out of this awesome country.

High Prices Everyday - Funny Advertising Sign

Peter says “I was wandering around Nipponbashi the tech district of Osaka, trying my hardest not to freeze or give in and spend $500 in one of those ridiculous Japanese toy stores that sell every kind of Manga book, comic, toy, doll, life sized female anime character cutout or video game in existence. The sign jumped out at me partially because it was the only sign on the street that I could read and partially because it was the only billboard I have ever seen that was advertising their high prices! Anyway I can actually vouch for the shops ‘Everyday High Prices‘ since I eventually did give in and walked out holding a figurine that was not only far too expensive but has a female figure so real it’s bizarrely kind of a turn on, in a plastic sort of way. Damn you Japan!”

This is awesome and is another example of Truth in Advertising. Can you imagine if every promotional sign was honest? It would be way too funny!

A selling point?

Obviously, the shop is still profitable enough to keep trading, so maybe the honest approach to selling their goods and services is working! However, for all I know, the sign may or may not be a correct translation of the intended meaning!

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But that’s one of the joys of travel – spotting little gems like this! Thanks for the funny travel photo Peter!

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