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Haircuts For Men – Brilliant Advertising!

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Ha ha, here is a brilliant example of street side advertising. And it’s aimed at you blokes – where some of you probably do need a sample of Haircuts For Men!

I’ve covered some odd haircut stuff before on this silly travel blog, including the:

But this is hilarious and is ‘a cut above’ (boom boom) the rest of these hair related posts.

It was spotted by one of my mates walking down the street in some random city in the Philippines. I can’t remember where, I’m sure someone will tell me sooner or later!

Imagine you’re cruising along the footpath and you just happen to walk past this brilliant hand drawn sign on a chalk board!

Haircuts For Men – A Compelling Reason!

This is absolute haircut gold! What a great decision tree!

Haircuts For Men - Brilliant Advertising

I want to go to this place to have my hair cut – and I hardly have any hair on my head!

I like how the barber guy here is using fear as a marketing tactic as obviously if you have a great hair cut, you feel great, which makes you feel powerful and indestructible, which means you’ll be able to have the confidence to take on the world!

I’m pretty sure that if I rocked up for a haircut here, I’d easily become the Best Fashion Blogger In The World!

Having said that, you don’t need a great hair style to become a world leader. You know, like Donald Trump or Kim Jong Un…. 🙂

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Water Buffalo Transport. Zero to 1 km/hr in 10 hours!

Maybe those to world leaders who like antagonising each other should meet in this guys salon and talk about nuclear disarmament!

Anyway, you have to give cred when it’s due. So, where ever this hair salon is, kudos to you!

I would definitely stop in the street and at least read this blackboard, which means this marketing tactic has worked because you attention has been gained all of a sudden!

So the next time you’re thinking about having a hair cut, visit this guy!

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

3 thoughts on “Haircuts For Men – Brilliant Advertising!”

  1. Avatar Of Ryan Biddulph

    Clever Anthony! I vividly recall getting a haircut in Savusavu, Fiji a few years ago from an FBI – Fijian Born Indian – who had a list of interesting names for cuts. I just remember one name in particular: “Spanish.” Not The Spanish, or The Spanish Style or The Spanish Cut. Just “Spanish” LOL.


  2. Avatar Of Codrut Turcanu
    Codrut Turcanu

    That’s very interesting, and I bet it increases sales numbers 😉 Cheers!

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