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Grand Taxi – What Happens to a Mercedez Benz When It Dies

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Grand Taxi – Is Always A Mercedez Benz

A Grand Taxi is a popular form of transport in Morocco and they are all over the place there!

They’re a bit different to the Taxis westerners are used to, such as the interesting shennanigans that occur with New York Taxis, but a Grand Taxi can be a good option if you don’t like riding around in barely roadworthy buses.

Grand Taxis are mostly used for city-to-city or village transport.

Like many other transport options, Grand Taxis only depart when full.  Full is defined as 4 passengers on the rear seat, and two on the front passenger chair – meaning 7 people are squashed into a car designed to transport 5, including the driver.

But if you ride in a Grand Taxi, chances are that you will only ride in one brand of car – an old Mercedez Benz.

The entire country of Morocco is littered with old, diesel powered Mercedez Benz vehicles, which are often found in large car parks like this, ready to transport people from point A to B.

Grand Taxi Car Park!


These Grand Taxi car parks usually form a symmetrical pattern throughout many town centres, and will drive a fixed route to a set destination.

While a Grand Taxi is usually cheap, it may not be necessarily comfy – long trips in summer without airconditioning convince many travellers to charter a taxi to themselves!

Especially if you’ve just had a big feed of Morocco Meat!

I wondered if Morocco was the end-point of the Mercedes-Benz recycling scheme, or if this northern African country actually was clapped-out Mercedes-Benz heaven.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Morocco Cuisine - The Unwritten Laws Of Morocco Meat

I guess there’s no shortage of parts going around.

The ultimate in world recycling!

Now you can add the Grand Taxi to the list of World Transport Options!

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4 thoughts on “Grand Taxi – What Happens to a Mercedez Benz When It Dies”

  1. Avatar Of Thomas

    7 people in a car without air con? It would have to be cheap!
    .-= Thomas´s last blog ..Has The Recession Has Made Us More Financially Savvy? =-.

  2. Avatar Of Marysia @ My Travel Affairs

    Lol, you would have to see taxis in Benin! 7 people? It is nothing, add their all belongings and kids 🙂
    I’m a bit weird when it comes to those local forms of transportations, I love them, I think they are real spices of travelling in the country! I’m going to Morocco for NYE and half of January, I will surly grab one of those 🙂

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