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The Galata Bridge, Istanbul – Worst Place In The World To Go Fishing

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Galata Bridge, Istanbul – A Fisherman’s Worst Nightmare!

The Galata Bridge in Istanbul connects the old city to the more modern suburb of Taksim to the north. Usually, big cities do my head in, but Istanbul is one of my favourite cities of the world. Sure, it can be a bit chaotic, but the combination of fantastic architecture, great food, and the setting next to the Bosphorous just does something for me. I’d go back there any day.

Only 3% of Turkey is in Europe, and this photo was taken on the European side! The Galata Bridge has had a few incarnations since older bridges have been trashed and burnt down, but the latest version seems to be a favourite fishing haunt for many of the locals. And I mean a lot of locals.

Check out the photo below. I couldn’t believe how many prospective anglers were fighting for a spot on the bridge to somehow catch one of the fish in the water below. I placed myself into the mind of a fish swimming in the Bosphorous when I saw this scene.  ‘Oh wow, look how many hooks that I could wrap my mouth around! Yes, I’ll go for that one, it looks really attractive!’

The only thing is that I think there are more worms wrap around hooks than fish attached to them! Oh well!

Galata Bridge Pics

The only thing anyone would catch on the Galata Bridge would be someone else’s line!  Oh well!


You can find out more about the history of the Galata Bridge at 1912 Galata Bridge: as a Site of Collective Memory.

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Other things to do in Turkey after seeing the Galata BridgeBuy a Carpet or check out The Oldest Profession in The World in Roman times.

For more stuff on Istanbul, see Istanbul: Memories and the CityIstanbul: The Collected Traveler: An Inspired Companion Guide, and Strolling Through Istanbul: The Classic Guide to the City).

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5 thoughts on “The Galata Bridge, Istanbul – Worst Place In The World To Go Fishing”

  1. Avatar Of 1002Things

    What would even be the point of this? Did people stand there for hours expecting to catch something? Haha.
    .-= 1002things´s last blog ..A Minor Change in Plans =-.

    1. Avatar Of Essential Travel
      Essential Travel

      The area beneath the bridge is actually stuffed with restaurants – beware Tourist Trap! – so chances of getting an involuntary piercing whilst enjoying some overpriced Balik Ekmek are fairly high!

  2. Avatar Of Payday Advance Online
    payday advance online

    I think that you are right, this is the worst place to fish. I wonder if anyone really ever catches anything. I think the fish have probably figured out that this isn’t the way to go if the want to survive the day.

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