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It’s time for a dose of Funny Travel Photos for the week. Actually, that’s one of the best things I love about travelling – checking out the quirky sights that make great conversation pieces, and hence, some priceless Funny Travel Photos.

Africa seems to have a large selection of these Funny Travel Photos – I’m not sure why, but maybe they have a unique grasp on the English language or a wicked sense of irony. It’s one of the highlights of visiting the so called ‘Dark Continent’. Usually, Africans have got pretty much nothing and have to be resourceful with what they have, so this often leads to some unusual situations and signs!

These Funny Travel Photos were sent in from a friend via email. Some of these are pure gold!  I’m not sure if some of them are doctored, but who cares – it’s always good to have a laugh.

African Funny Travel Photos time!

Here we go with the pics:

Funny Travel Photo - Africa

I Love African English!

Baboons Sign Africa

Right Picture. Wrong Words!

Crocodiles Warning Sign Africa

Must be part of the Paralympic Training Program

African Hospitals

Nothing Like Ruthless Efficiency!

Potholes In African Roads

Judging by the roads I’ve been on, I think most of Africa’s roads are potholed!

Funny Keep Left Sign

Left, Right? Oh, all right! I think!

More Funny Travel Photos

I’m feeling like another dose of Africa after having a chuckle at all of these gems. I’m sure I’ll have another opportunity to check it out sometime soon! If you’ve got any other Funny Travel Photos you would like to be featured on this silly website, please contact me!

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Instagram Travel Photos. What They Should Really Be Like!

If you want to see some more Funny Travel Photos, check out Weird World from Bradt Guides.

Other things to do in Africa after taking some Funny Travel Photos -check out some of the Unwritten Laws of Moroccan Meat or marvel at the 230,000,000% inflation of the Zimbabwe Dollar.

Be a share millionaire! Tell the world!

22 thoughts on “Funny Travel Photos From Africa!”

  1. Avatar Of Luc J

    Hilarious and frightening at the same time. Looks like an ad for travel insurances!
    .-= Luc J´s last blog ..Mosquito Bites Itch Relief – Click-Away =-.

  2. Avatar Of Dave And Deb

    These are fantastic! I can’t decide which one is my favorite. I think that I will have to go with the Potholes because while we were cycling in Ethiopia, it felt like we encountered them for 9600km. I saw a lot of crazy signs in like these in Africa. I wish I would have thought to take photos, but none were as good as these:)
    .-= Dave and Deb´s last blog ..What is Happening at ThePlanetD and Building our Blog; an Overview =-.

  3. Avatar Of Holiday Matters
    Holiday Matters

    Yes, that’s my favourite too D & D: I grew up in Oz so it struck a familiar chord! Great one.

  4. Avatar Of Gary@Bed And Breakfasts
    Gary@Bed and Breakfasts

    I have never been to Africa but the more I read (and see) about this amazing and amusing continent begs me to rush there! More funny photos TT!
    .-= Gary@Bed and Breakfasts´s last blog ..Panama Ecotourism and Culture =-.

  5. Avatar Of Alexsaz

    I wonder what the sign with the crocodiles and disabled cautions?? 🙂
    Great photos, thanks to laugh
    .-= AlexsaZ´s last blog ..День в фотографии: 3 марта 2010 =-.

  6. Avatar Of Acuna Mexico

    Can I use the well left photo on my motorcycle website. Ill hyperlink it back to your blog?????????

  7. Avatar Of Gayle Pescud

    I love this. This is my life! My favourite signs in Ghana at the moment are the ones along the highway between Accra and Cape Coast which warn: “Overspeeding Kills”!


    Stick to speeding folks!
    .-= Gayle Pescud´s last blog ..200th Post at This is Ghana: Thank you! =-.

  8. Avatar Of Reise Laender

    These are quite hilarious! Does the third one suppose to mean a suicide area?
    .-= Reise Laender´s last blog ..Die Insel Usedom =-.

  9. Avatar Of African Safari Holiday

    I’m going to Ghana later on in the year with some friends and I can’t wait to get some quirky pics to bring back home with me! People love the funny ones as much as the beautiful or the sweet ones.

  10. Avatar Of Strange Rob

    What the hell is with the wheelchair pic? who makes these signs??

    I am sure there is a conpiracy behind dodgy signs, someone is laughing somewhere.

    On that note im off to the Teka way…

  11. Avatar Of Dawn

    Loved the travel photos particularly the out patients, casualty one. Very funny. Gives a whole new look at travel.

  12. Avatar Of David@Plasticbags

    lol i certainly wont be an outpatient. nor will i be in a Wheelchair rolling down a hill lol

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