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Funny Travel Keywords That Send Traffic To

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Travel Keywords With A Laugh

I was scanning through some of my website stats the other day and noticed there were some Funny Travel Keywords that seem to send the odd bit of traffic my way!

Google Analytics is a great program that can show what Keywords bring traffic to your website, when they are typed into a search engine.  I recommend installing this program because it includes a lot of great data and website stats.

When I write a post, I use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) techniques to gain some Search Engine love and hence, traffic to

But sometimes, I seem to attract traffic from some rather odd keywords that I had no intention of targeting in the first place!

Firstly, I’m not sure what possesses some people to enter in the Funny Travel Keywords, and secondly, I’m not sure how the search engines think these search terms are relevant to, but somehow they are!

Funny Travel Keywords!

So I’ve included the Funny Travel Keyword, the article the search brings up, and the Google keyword position!

Funny Travel Keyword Blog Post It Brings Up In The Search Engine
Current Google Position
Chilean Naked Women Starbucks Coffee – Isn’t Served by Half Naked Women 4
Kosovo The Funny Europeans Only In Kosovo 5
“Animals Are Beautiful People” Drunk Myth Marula Fruit – Natures’ Own Intoxicator 6
Mitsubishi Wanker Mitsubishi Pajero – Double Meaning Word Of The Week 3
13 Signs of Suffering Love The Top 10 Signs That You’re Suffering Culture Shock After Coming Home From Travelling 4
A Bad Batch Of Peanut Sauce How To Eat Rujak Cingur – Cow’s Nose With Peanut Sauce 4
Alcohol Drink Containing Weird Stuff 52 Travel Tips For Weird Food and Drinks 1
Amazing Race Pee Japanese Tourist Pee The Amazing Race – Top 10 Travel Tips If Everyone Travelled Like Their Contestants 11
Blow Job Funny Sayings Funny T-Shirt Sayings From New Orleans 7
Cats Who Eat Coffee Beans And Then poo Them Kopi Luwak – Coffee Made From Cat Poo 2
Dangers Of Emu Sausage 52 Travel Tips For Weird Food and Drinks 9
Do Indonesian People Eat BBQ Sauce? Things To Do In Surabaya, Indoneisa 6
Do They Still Make Pyramids Today? Egyptian Pyramids – What Do They Look Like Inside? 4
Fluish Symptoms for Thailand Travellers Stomach Related 4
Funny Pictures of Egypt Of Fork Lifts 16
Funny Wanker 5
How Many Kilometres Does Lego Go To Get To Australia? Muara Jambi Temple – Lego Land In Progress 4
How Much Viagra Can You Take With You, In Your Suitcase To Bangkok? 52 Perfect Offbeat Travel Tips N/A
How To Be A Tight Arse The 10 Commandments Of Tight Arse Travel 12
Lamb Air Transports Beaver For Argentina 2
National Park Naked Women Starbucks Coffee – Isn’t Served by Half Naked Women 10
Nice Things About Jails Boggo Road Jail – My Favourite Prison 8
Tenderize Bull Testicles 52 Travel Tips For Weird Food and Drinks 11
Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  English Teachers Overseas - Produce Funny Results!

There you go.

If you have any other Funny Travel Keywords that have directed traffic to your website, leave a comment and share the love!

You can learn more at WordPress For Dummies.

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11 thoughts on “Funny Travel Keywords That Send Traffic To”

  1. Avatar Of Ira

    by the way, do you know the answer of how many kilometres does lego go to get to australia?
    .-= Ira´s last blog ..Jogja….. =-.

  2. Avatar Of Tooth Whitening
    tooth whitening

    You are right that these are really very funny. I thinks that all this keywords can have the attention of visitors. Thats the reason why they chose these.

  3. Avatar Of Holidays And Cash Blog
    Holidays and Cash Blog

    LOl this is without doubt one of my fav blogs for a good laugh.

    Thanks again and bookmarked!

  4. Avatar Of Plumber Sydney
    Plumber Sydney

    It’s pretty funny the sorts of things that come up for different searches. I’m pretty sure i saw a huge list of them somewhere – ill take a look and post back.

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