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Funny Travel Blogs With A Laugh – Some Humourous Travel Websites

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Let’s face it, when was travel supposed to be serious? Especially Travel Blogs?

When you go on holiday or on an extended break, you want to leave the drone of work, including the Workplace Personality Types that Make You Want To Travel and Business Wankwords to escape this crap! I like letting myself go with the flow and see what happens and having a lot of fun.

I also like spotting the quirky and offbeat aspects of World Travel, such as the sign that doesn’t translate as it should into English, or the bizarre diversity of the world. Humour, like food, is one of the human’s races primal needs. It’s universal, and there’s nothing like sharing a laugh with someone from another country or culture.

I’ve done lists on Funny Travel Books and Funny Travel Movies – but now it’s time to yak about some Funny Travel Blogs that are out there. There are lots of great Travel Blogs online which are great and show all sorts of experiences. But there aren’t too many that really take the piss out of travel, and of course, I like checking these out from time to time to gain some inspiration for myself.

Travel Blogs that aren’t so serious!

Anyway, here is a list of some Funny Travel Blogs, in no particular order that are set up there to give you a giggle with your travel information.

Here goes!

Man on The Lam

I first heard of Raymond from Man on the Lam when he contacted me with the cryptic message of ‘Me Like Your Site!’. I then checked out his Travel Blog and thought is was a bit silly like mine, and I’d like to meet him one day in person. There’s all sorts of funny travel photos and stories throughout his site.

Funny Travel Blog - Man On The Lam

Raymond’s subject matter is a bit quirky and out there. I’ve featured his Thai Punk photo here before, and he likes the left of field travel stuff like I do.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Why Social Media Can Suck The Pus For Travel! The Anti Social Media Article!

Nomadic Samuel

Nomadic Samuel posts craploads of photos and videos to his travel blog – but he also dabbles in Quirky Travel tales and often features some of the funny travel photos he has come across on his journeys.

Travel Blogs - Nomadic Samuel

Check out his Quirky Travel Tales section of his website.

Posing With Friends

Posing With Friends is a pisstake Travel Blog where readers are encourage to pose next to unsuspecting strangers in an identical pose near any landmark you can think of. Which leads to sometimes awkward situations!

Posing With Friends

I’ve also written about Posing with Friends here!


Yes, Engrish is a travel blog site totally dedicated to the often bizarre translations that occur in Asian countries. Some of them are downright hilarious, or even incomprehensible.


There’s all sorts of weird stuff that pops up here. A good time waster!


Geraldine from Everywhereist writes about all stuff she gets up to on her trips around the joint. Her writing really does take the piss, and she was even selected as one of Time Magazine’s Top Blogs of 2011. A pretty good achievement I say!

The Everywhereist

I really like her contact page which says ‘I just ask that you please be a real person (both metaphorically, and in the sense that you are not a robot trying to sell me penis cream)’. Gold!

More Travel Blogging Stuff

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  April Fools Pranks and Jokes to play on Travel Bloggers

If you really crazy enough to want to venture into the fun world of Travel Blogging, check Travel Blog Success or Blogging All-in-One For Dummies.

Also see:

And even contact me to say hello if you’re up for sending an Australian Travel Blogger/Writer on a junket somewhere!

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9 thoughts on “Funny Travel Blogs With A Laugh – Some Humourous Travel Websites”

  1. Avatar Of Ocdemon

    As much as I like those inspirational quotations from famous people photoshopped onto scenic backdrops of beautiful landscapes, I’ll have way more fun reading a disaster story or two. Bad stories make the best stories.

  2. Avatar Of Becky Williamson
    Becky Williamson

    I am so tired of reading those travel blogs that all sound exactly the same. Thanks for being different, Travel Tart. Obviously useful information is great, but I love a funny story about how a trip went hysterically wrong. I also enjoy the Everywhereist and The Sharonicles ( ). I had not heard of Engrish before, but I will definitely check that out.

  3. Avatar Of Maria

    Hey travel tart! Having only started blogging (in my mid, ahem, late 30s) this past July I keep hearing ‘come up with a niche’ but my niche seems to quickly be turning the most heads towards my “Stories of Misadventure” here: I’ve got the typical 2-5 minute destination writeups, how to’s and travel gear, but I agree with you – everyone really just wants to be entertained! But how do you stick a keyword or SEO tactics to first person narratives on all your utter failures during travel? If driving traffic to my misadventures means finding the keywords, you start to lose your charms, yea? Give my site a browse sir and let me know your thoughts!

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