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Frosty The Snowman – Afghanistan Style

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Frosty The Snowman – With an AK-47 Machine Gun!

Today’s Funny Travel Photo is a non-politically correct version of Frosty The Snowman in Afghanistan. I’m always up for a little dose of things that aren’t quite PC!

Most of us know of the Frosty the Snowman song and lyrics, as this is a popular Christmas song is often sang by festive season loving families every year. Along with Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, many people become sick of it after listening to it over and over again in shopping centres in the months leading up to Christmas.

I know – I used to work in the toys section of a department store when I was trying to score some extra pocket money in high school.

Christmas + Christmas Carols + Kids + Annoying Shoppers + Working in The Toys Section = Hell on Earth. I’m glad I left those days behind me a long, long time ago!

Anyway, back to this White Christmas Parody. Obviously, someone was having a bit of fun here with this Frosty The Snowman interpretation in Afghanistan whilst cruising around in the streets.

Frosty The Snowman in Afghanistan Photo!

Even Frosty needs to defend himself in one of the world’s hotspots! I wouldn’t want to mess around with him! He’s got a large, big machine gun that I don’t have!

Frosty The Snowman Lyrics Song Movies - In Afghanistan

I was just thinking, after seeing this photo, maybe the ‘Frosty The Snowman’ Lyrics need to be altered slightly to reflect his current situation as being armed and dangerous..

Such as the following:

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul,

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With a machine gun arm and a grenade nose,

And two eyes made of bullet holes….

Yeah, that was pretty corny! I won’t be singing this one to any children!

More Frosty The Snowman Stuff

If you’re after a more politically correct version of Frosty The Snowman, check out the Frosty The Snowman Movie!

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