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Federal Government Stimulus Money – Where Your Taxes and The Paycheck is Going

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Federal Government Stimulus Money – Spent On ‘Stimulus’…

With the recent Global Financial Crisis, Federal Governments around the world were dishing out large sums of Stimulus Money to keep their respective economies from being flushed down the crap hole. For some magical reason, money seemed to appear out of thin air to prop up the dodgy government economic management of a lot of countries.

I was amazed that these Federal Governments were able to whip out billions of dollars that seemed to have been stuffed into a giant mattress in case capitalism didn’t work all of a sudden!

This also happened in Australia – where the global financial crisis wasn’t too bad and was merely a blip on the millions of economic indexes that are around that tell a heap of information about nothing! Each person in Australia, whether they needed it or not, received $AUD 900 to spend on something to kick start the economy. Most of it probably went to buy beer and cigarettes, but it looks like it went to a lot of other worthy causes.

However, this interesting survey undertaken by the Cairns Post in Australia gives an indication that this money was definitely being well spent. Not.

Funny Federal Government Stimulus Money Answer!

Check out the response from a young lad called Connor, on the extreme right.

Note, you may have to click on the image and see a larger version to have a clear idea of his somewhat funny response to ‘How Will You Spend Your Government Stimulus Money?’

Cairns Post | Australia Travel Blog | Federal Government Stimulus Money - Where Your Taxes And The Paycheck Is Going | Australia, Cairns, Federal Government Stimulus Money, Funny Travel, Global Financial Crisis, Offbeat Travel, Paycheck, Taxes, Travel Blogs, Weird Travel | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Connor says ‘I’ll be spending it on the ladies – high class ladies. That’s how I roll!’

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Shit Happens. Funny Plumbing Joke and Pun!

Oh well, I’m glad to know that my taxes for the Government Stimulus were being put to good use!

But maybe it wasn’t the Stimulus the Prime Minister of Australia was thinking of!

More Federal Government Stimulus Money Stuff

If you want to read more about the reasons why we need Stimulus Money, check out Guide to the Stimulus: The Definitive Desk Reference to the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act 2009.

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