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Elephant Seals, Macquarie Island – Almost as big as an Elephant!

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Macquarie Island is an Australian territory located approximately halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica, and is a World Heritage Site. There’s not much happening there – basically, there is a research station of the Australian Antarctic Division, and Macquarie Island is home to lots of flora and fauna such as penguins, other birds and Elephant Seals

You pretty much have to be working at the station to visit Macquarie Island. If you ever make it there, well, congratulations!

My uncle was lucky enough to hitch a ride to Macquarie Island in the early 1980s as part of a research project.  Note, he went during the relatively warmer summer months, and he managed to strike a pose near a massive Elephant Seal

Some of the males can reach a whopping 5000 kg (11000 lb), and would most likely squash you into a pancake if you decided to piss them off by standing way too close to them! You’d be saying a few Australian Swear Words if that happened!

Check out this fantastic photo that was taken in the early 1980’s – this is my uncle standing near-ish to an enormous Elephant Seal.

Elephant Seals on Macquarie Island – Massive!

I am a bit crazy, but I would think twice before doing this!

Elelphant Seals On Macquarie Island

Note, my uncle is about 6ft (or 180 cm) tall and the Elephant Seal completely dwarfs him!

You can read more at Subantarctic Macquarie Island: Environment and Biology (Studies in Polar Research).

If you really like seals, check out 100,000 of them at Cape Cross in Namibia, which collectively is the second largest collection of seal urine and poo in the world.

Still Bored At Work? Then Check Out:  Dune Buggy Tours and Rides in Coffs Harbour, Australia - Be A Bogan On The Beach!

Other things to do in Australia – visit The Saint or send in a shonky application for Best Job In The World.

More Elephant Seals and Macquarie Island Stuff

Check out more at Subantarctic Wilderness: Macquarie Island and Seals and Sea Lions: An Affectionate Portrait.

For more seal stuff, check out Cape Cross in Namibia and Swimming with Seals in South Australia.

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4 thoughts on “Elephant Seals, Macquarie Island – Almost as big as an Elephant!”

  1. Avatar Of All Inclusive

    Wow! That is amazing! Thanks for sharing that picture, I can’t believe he got that close to an elephant seal. Great story.
    .-= All Inclusive´s last blog ..All Inclusive Excursions Texas Invites You To Stay At The Renaissance Curacao Resort & Casino =-.

  2. Avatar Of John Vlahides

    This is so funny, Anthony! Thanks for sharing it with me. As ever, John
    .-= John Vlahides´s last blog ..Think Good Morning America, Only Cheesier =-.

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