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Cliff Jumping Locations – Coasteering in Pembrokeshire, Wales

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Cliff Jumping Locations – add this one to your list!

If you’re looking for some Cliff Jumping Locations accidentally because you’re feeling a bit sad, my apologies for this post – because this article is about a great place in Wales to throw yourself off a perfectly nice cliff – relatively safely!

Wales Landscape Photo | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Coastal Cross Country

Coasteering is a relatively new Adventure Travel sport – it’s been around for barely over 20 years, and I would describe it as a coastal obstacle course that involves rock climbing, swimming, jumping and subjecting yourself to the elements of nature. It was invented by a number of adrenalin junkies who used to rock climb around the rugged Welsh coastline, and then they realised they could combine all of their passions into one, and hence decided to include gear such as wetsuits and helmets. Which makes one look, and feel like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Coasteering Presliventure | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

This is definitely a team sport – everyone helps each other out in an out of the water, and it’s something that gives you no choice but to do things together. In fact, Coasteering is a popular option for corporate love-ins, hen’s nights, and buck’s parties. I went on a Coasteering trip with Presli Venture.

And it’s a great thrill for us mere mortals.

Rock Climbing During Coasteering | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

When Does Coasteering Happen?

Coasteering is undertaken all year round – even in winter. Undertaking Coasteering at this time would obviously result in a rather high ‘shrinkage factor’, and I found it was cold enough for me in summer. However, the wetsuits do a great job at keeping your heat in, and the cold out even though water temperatures were hovering around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.

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How To Do Coasteering In Wales | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Our guides for the day, Libby and Jon love their work judging by their infectious enthusiasm, and it showed when they took us around the jagged Welsh coastline in Pembrokeshire.

They take you through a comprehensive safety briefing and description before stepping out anywhere near the rocks to show a number of great Cliff Jumping Locations – which is not a natural things to do, but this is a load of fun!

Coasteering Guides In Wales Libby And Jon | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Here are some photos of me working up the courage to jump. It’s a bit uncomfortable at first, but when you actually take the leap, it’s good fun.

Cliff Jumping 1 | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Cliff Jumping 3 | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Cliff Jumping 4 | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

Cliff Jumping 6 | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

After jumping, you can swim (or rather, be swept in by the tide) inside a nearby cave. I’d describe this Coasteering experience as being thrown around in a hard washing machine, but this experience was indescribable. You have to literally go with the flow, as nature pushes your body wherever it wants to go!

Cave Swimming Coasteering Wales | Wales Travel Blog | Cliff Jumping Locations - Coasteering In Pembrokeshire, Wales | Adventure Travel, Cardiff, Cliff Jumping Locations, Coasteering, Pembrokeshire, Swansea, Travel Blogs, Wales | Author: Anthony Bianco - The Travel Tart Blog

So I highly recommend Pembrokeshire in Wales to add to your list of Cliff Jumping Locations. While I was knackered after a few hours of Coasteering, this is an excellent form of exercise after a few days of trying the local brew, Brains Beer!

As an added bonus, you can stay at the Presli Venture accommodation centre which is walking distance to a number of beaches and cliff walks. This accommodation there is neat and a great place to escape the London rat race and chill out. Check out their website for more details.

Thanks Visit Britain and Presli Venture for an awesome day out of Cliff Jumping and Coasteering!

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